All Chapters of Claiming The Rejected Omega : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
115 Chapters
Chapter Sixty-two
Lucas sat nervously in the lawyer's office, his mind racing with thoughts of his sister, Emily. He knew that she had made a terrible mistake, but he couldn't bear the thought of her spending the rest of her life in prison. As the lawyer spoke, he listened intently, hanging on every word."If we can create reasonable doubt in the prosecution's case, we might be able to get Emily out on bail," the lawyer said, looking over his glasses at Lucas.Lucas leaned forward in his chair, his eyes wide with hope. "How do we do that?" he asked.The lawyer rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Well, the prosecution's case is based on the testimony of Chloe's then bethroled Liam, who claims that Emily was the last person to see Chloe that day. But we might be able to poke some holes in their story. We could argue that they were drunk and unreliable witnesses, or that someone else had the motive to kill Chloe."Lucas nodded slowly, taking in the information. "Okay, what can I do to help?" he asked, eager to
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Chapter Sixty-three
When he arrived at Liam's house, Liam was waiting for him on the front porch. They exchanged a tense look, and then Liam led Lucas inside."Okay, so who do you think did it?" Lucas asked, his heart racing.Liam hesitated for a moment, and then he said, "I think it was... Max.""Max? But why would he do it?" Lucas asked, incredulous."I don't know for sure," Liam admitted. "But I overheard him and Chloe arguing that night. And then, later, I saw him near the kitchen where the drinks were being served."Lucas felt a sense of shock and disbelief. Max had always been one of Chloe's closest friends. He couldn't imagine that he would be capable of something so heinous."But we need more evidence," Lucas said, trying to keep his voice calm. "We can't just accuse him without proof."Liam nodded. "I know. That's why I think we should search his house. Maybe we'll find something incriminating."Lucas hesitated for a moment, weighing the risks. But then he nodded. "Okay, let's do it."As they ma
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Chapter Sixty-four
Lucas strode down the dimly lit hallway of the prison, his mind buzzing with the details of their intricate plan. Emily, his dear friend and client, was sitting behind bars, accused of a heinous crime she didn't commit. But Lucas was determined to clear her name, and he had a plan.As he approached the cell, Emily's face lit up with relief and gratitude. She knew that Lucas was a mastermind, and she trusted him completely. "How is Liam?" she asked, her voice trembling with worry.Lucas flashed a confident grin. "He's on board," he said. "He's convinced that Max is the real culprit, and he's ready to testify on your behalf."Emily breathed a sigh of relief, but her anxiety lingered. "But what if Max comes after him?" she asked, her eyes wide with fear.Lucas placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Liam is a smart guy," he said. "He knows how to stay out of trouble. And besides, we have a plan."Emily nodded, but Lucas could see that she was still troubled. "What's on your mind, Em?"
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Chapter Sixty-five
Lucas stepped up to the podium, his eyes scanning the faces of the jurors, and began his opening statement. "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, we are here today because of a terrible crime. A young woman seated there was poisoned, and the person responsible must be held accountable."The courtroom was silent as Lucas continued to lay out the evidence, piece by piece. He spoke with confidence and conviction, knowing that Emily's life was on the line. "We have reason to believe that Max, the defendant, had a motive to harm Emily. He was a drug dealer who had a dangerous obsession with her. He was jealous and possessive, and when Emily rejected him, he lashed out in a violent way."The prosecution tried to counter Lucas's arguments, but he was ready for them. He poked holes in their case, exposing the lack of evidence and highlighting their reliance on circumstantial evidence. "Ladies and gentlemen, the prosecution is asking you to convict my client based on speculation and conjecture. B
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Chapter Sixty-six
As Chloe took the stand, the tension in the courtroom was palpable. Lucas had a reputation for being a tough cross-examiner, and Chloe knew that she would be put through the wringer. She fidgeted nervously with her hands, her eyes flicking around the room as Lucas began his questioning."Ms. Chloe," Lucas began, his voice smooth and measured. "Can you tell us what happened on the day you were poisoned?"Chloe took a deep breath, her mind racing as she tried to recall the events of that day. "I was at a party that Liam organized," she began, her voice trembling slightly. "I was having a great time, but then I suddenly started feeling sick. Liam took me home and we had dinner, but my symptoms only got worse."Lucas nodded, his eyes locked onto Chloe's. "And how do you know that Emily is responsible for your poisoning?"Chloe hesitated, her eyes flicking nervously to the jury. "I just have a feeling," she said finally. "Emily always hated me because she wanted Liam for herself."Lucas sm
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Chapter Sixty-Seven
As Mr. Thomas calls Max to the stand, the courtroom falls into a hush of anticipation. The veteran lawyer knows how to put a witness through the wringer, and Max's body language betrays his nerves as he takes the stand."Mr. Wallace," Mr. Thomas begins in a tone that oozes with practiced authority, "you have provided us with quite a story. A story about a woman so consumed by jealousy that she resorted to poisoning her best friend. And you, Mr. Wallace, are the star witness in this little drama."Max swallows hard, his eyes flickering around the room as if seeking an escape. Mr. Thomas leans in, his piercing eyes boring into Max's."I have to ask, Mr. Wallace, what makes you such an expert on Emily's innermost thoughts and motivations? How do we know that you're not the one with the axe to grind?"Max's eyes widen in surprise, and he stammers for a moment before finally managing to get his words out."I-I don't have any kind of grudge against Emily. I'm just telling the truth.""The t
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Chapter Sixty-eight
Chloe puts a comforting hand on Max's shoulder, feeling his tension radiate through his body. His face is pale, and his hands are trembling. It's clear that the cross-examination has taken a heavy toll on him."Max, are you okay?" she asks softly, trying to offer some comfort.Max shakes his head, his voice barely above a whisper. "No, I'm not okay. That was brutal."Chloe nods sympathetically, understanding the weight of what they're dealing with. "I know. Lucas is a tough opponent. But we'll figure something out. We can still turn this around."Max looks at her doubtfully, his voice laced with uncertainty. "I don't know. I feel like I screwed everything up. Maybe I shouldn't have come forward."Chloe's expression hardens, determined not to let Max's doubts and fears get the best of him. "No, Max, you did the right thing. Emily deserves justice, and you helped us get one step closer to that. We just need to keep pushing forward."Aiden chimes in, his tone firm and supportive. "Chloe'
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Chapter Sixty-nine
Chloe stood frozen, staring at the note in her hand. The words blurred together, the ink running as tears began to form in her eyes. How could this be happening? They had worked so hard to prove Emily's innocence, only to have it all come crashing down because of Max's sudden disappearance.Aiden and Emily stood next to her, their faces equally stunned. Lucas, on the other hand, wore a smug expression, reveling in their despair."You see, Your Honor," he said, addressing the judge. "This is what we're dealing with. A pack of wolves who will do anything to protect their own, including framing an innocent woman for murder."Chloe wanted to scream at him, to tell him that he was twisting the truth, but her voice was caught in her throat. All she could think about was Max's confession, the damning words that would seal Emily's fate.She looked over at Emily, who was pale and shaking. "I didn't do it, Chloe," she whispered. "I swear."Chloe didn’t believe her, but would the jury? She had t
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Chapter Seventy
After the shock of the gun fire, the courtroom resumed in a tense and uneasy atmosphere. As Chloe listened to Lucas's closing arguments, she couldn't help but feel a wave of anger and frustration wash over her. He was trying to twist the truth and manipulate the jury, and she wouldn't stand for it.When it was finally Chloe's turn to speak, she rose to her feet with confidence. "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury," she began, her voice strong and clear. "You have heard a lot of arguments over the past few days. But I ask you to consider one thing: the truth."She went on to lay out the evidence in a clear and concise manner, explaining how it all pointed to Emily's guilt. She showed the jury the motive, the means, and the opportunity, all of which pointed to one conclusion. Emily had poisoned Chloe, and Max had helped her do it.Lucas tried to interrupt her a few times, but Chloe was quick to shut him down. "You can try to twist the truth, Mr. Thomas, but it won't change the facts. And
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Chapter Seventy-one
She finishes her closing argument with a flourish, and the room falls silent. The jury is dismissed to deliberate, and Chloe and her team wait anxiously for their decision.Chloe rises to her feet, feeling a rush of adrenaline course through her veins. She takes a deep breath and begins to speak, her voice clear and steady."Ladies and gentlemen of the jury," she begins, her eyes scanning their faces. "We've heard a lot of evidence in this case. But what it all boils down to is this: Emily committed this crime."As she finishes speaking, Chloe takes her seat, feeling a sense of satisfaction wash over her. She's said everything that needs to be said, and now it's up to the jurors to make their decision.Minutes tick by, and Chloe can feel her heart pounding in her chest. She exchanges nervous glances with Janet and Aiden, both of whom are also on edge.Finally, the door to the jury room opens, and the jurors file back into the courtroom. Chloe holds her breath as they take their seats.
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