All Chapters of A Queen Among Darkness: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
75 Chapters
Chapter 41: Moving Darkness - Valeria
I stare at her wide-eyed as those words finally make sense to me now. “You were going to reject me…” I whisper in shock. She learned I was her soulmate, and her first reaction was to reject me?! What the fuck?! “I didn’t go through with it. I made a snap judgement and realised I was wrong. I wanted to give you a chance,” she says desperately. “You were going to reject me without even telling me what we were?! What the fuck, Izzy?!” I shout, getting to my feet. She’s up just as fast, looking at me with desperation, “You were pointing a gun at me and promising to kill me right after your brother had tortured me in your family’s prison. What would you have done?” That shuts me up. How the hell am I supposed to get mad at her now? She was tortured nearly to death. My family was going to kill her just because she was different and I was exactly the same. I aimed my gun with every intention to shoot. I totally would have rejected me if I was her. With all she’s suffered and endured, who
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Chapter 42: Calling On Light - Isolde
Darkness is descending on the forest, but this is no natural darkness. It’s like an expanding black hole, devouring all light around it. The air is suffocating with a foreboding chill that has my magic flaring in response. My magic is front and centre, ready for my command as I keep Valeria tucked behind me. I need to get her out of here. As I continue to look into the growing darkness I see the smokey outline of moving figures, and soon I can make out five pairs of glowing purple eyes in the distance trained in our direction and I feel my stomach drop to my toes. “When I open the portal, jump through it as fast as you can,” I order her. “What about you?” She asks with concern. “Would you just do as I say?” I whisper yell, frustrated that she won’t just follow a simple instruction. Each precious second she wastes, those figures move closer. “I’m not going anywhere without you, and you can’t fucking make me. What did I tell you about the self-sacrificing bullshit?” She chastises m
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Chapter 43: Being Tended To - Isolde
I feel myself waking up to two conflicting sensations. On one hand, I feel like someone poured gasoline on me and lit me on fire, on the other hand, it’s somewhat bearable because there’s a warm, cosy feeling hovering over me bringing a sense of calm. I like this feeling; the other one can piss off. I feel worry under the calm, reaching down into my soul, and I don’t like this feeling either, but my eyes fly open when my brain registers where it’s coming from. I look to my right and see Valeria sleeping soundly beside me, her hand wrapped around mine. She looks like an angel. I don’t think any exist, but if they do, then I think she’s mine. There’s a strand of hair hanging over her face, tickling her nose, so I go to move it only to let out a deep groan the moment I move my body. Bad idea! Should not have done that! Valeria’s eyes fly open and she’s sitting up faster than I can blink looking me over frantically. “¡gracias a dios!” She sighs in relief, “I’m so glad you’re awake, I’v
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Chapter 44: Birthday Surprise - Valeria
I want it on all public records that Manon Laurier is the world’s biggest thundercunt and I promise one of these days I’m putting mercury into her kneecaps. I have vowed a life of peace and helping supernaturals, but she is the exception to the rule. It’s been over a week since the eyti attack and I would love to say that our time together laying low has been blissful, however, it’s been anything but. I used one of Isolde’s burner phones to call her friend Alaric, who was more than happy to come over and heal her. Izzy wasn’t happy I did that, but I didn’t give a shit. She was in pain, and she didn’t have to be. I’m not so abrasive towards Alaric now since he healed the woman I love more than once. He even took care of that bullet wound of hers so now she won’t have a scar, but that’s the extent of the good news I have. A couple days after Alaric’s visit Izzy had a vision that shook her to her core so deeply, that she hasn’t recovered from it yet. Standing in the doorway of her libra
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Chapter 45: The Scent of Vanilla - Isolde
Valeria has been gone for nearly two hours and I’m trying not to panic. It’s the first time we’ve been apart in weeks and it’s making me uneasy. I know she’s okay though, I feel hints of nothing but excitement and love coming from her, even arousal, which is odd. I don’t know what she’s doing, but she’s enjoying it. I feel horrible for being such a mope lately. I feel like Valeria has been stuck taking care of me for weeks and what have I done for her? Big fat nothing. I should do something to say thank you, a gift of some kind. But what? Like a switch flipping in my head, it hits me and a smile splits across my face. The first in days. I rush downstairs and out to the backyard and assess the open land. This will be perfect! I pull on my magic and feel my eyes change. I thrust my hands forward and with a smile, I watch as a weapons range begins to take form. When it’s finally complete, I pull my magic back and smile proudly at it. Val will love this. She loves her weapons and fighti
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Chapter 46: Vibrations and Cuffs - Isolde
She moves off me and kneels at my side grabbing something from the end of the bed. A second later I hear the sound of vibrating as she spreads my legs apart a little more. I feel the vibrator touch the tip of my spine and send tingles through my body. With one hand she continues to tenderly massage my body while she trails the vibrator down my spine. The lower she gets the wetter I get in anticipation and my breathing becomes shallow. Soon I feel the vibrator trail between my ass cheeks and skim across my entrance making me bite my lip as a slight moan escapes me, but she doesn’t attempt to slide it inside me. Instead, she begins circling it around my clit as she continues to massage my body. My hips rock a fraction of their own accord, and I can’t stop the soft moans that are leaving me. “Just relax and let me make you feel good,” she says in a soothing tone as the vibrator continues to circle my clit sending jolts of pleasure through my body. I don’t want her to stop what she’s d
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Chapter 47: Wish I Could Feel You - Isolde
She kisses me with fierce abandon that I eagerly return, “You want me just as much as I want you, I can feel it,” she says with desire as her hands massage my breasts, “Tell me you want me,” she orders, squeezing my breasts possessively. “Mmm I want you,” I moan as my body bucks under hers. “Tell me you need me,” she orders fiercely, pushing my breasts together and sucking both nipples into her mouth, her tongue gliding across them exquisitely. “I need you! I need you more than I’ve ever needed anything!” I yell, no longer in control of my words or actions, “Please fuck me,” I beg. For the love of the Gods, who has she turned me into? “I will never get tired of hearing that,” she breathes, getting up and moving off the bed. I’m a panting mess, but my eyes don’t leave her. She’s too far away and even though I can’t touch her, I want her back next to me. Instead, I watch as she slips off her soaking-wet thong and tosses it. My needy eyes watch her pick up the double-penetrating str
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Chapter 48: Interruptions - Isolde
“IZZY!” Valeria screams, delighting my senses as I lick up her juices while she fists my hair. I look up at my sexy goddess – no disrespect to the Gods – in complete awe. She’s absolutely radiant. Her robe is open exposing her perky breasts as her chest heaves, her face and chest are flushed, and her hair looks wild and untamed. She’s perfect in every way, and I will never tire of seeing her like this. I stand up keeping myself between her legs as I glide my hands up her body taking in every inch of her. “There’s my lunch taken care of,” I smirk. She chuckles, wrapping her legs tight around me and pulling me close by the straps of my nightgown and kissing me deeply. I return her kiss as I take a firm grip of her ass and pull her up against me. “What about my lunch?” She says with a deviant smile between kisses. She trails her lips down my neck and sucks hard on my flesh. I bite back a moan, “You went down on me five times last night, don’t you think your tongue deserves a rest? I
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Chapter 49: The Taste of Poison - Isolde
“Pourquoi?” I whisper sadly as my heart clenches painfully in my chest. Tears slip down his cheek as he pulls out his phone, opens something on the screen and instantly a hauntingly familiar voice fills the room and fills me with icy dread. “Dear, sweet, Isolde, from the moment you hear my voice you will obey my command. You will surrender yourself and confess to killing everyone you’re accused of killing. You will plead your guilt to every crime listed against you. You will not fight, you will not argue, this will be all.” As the recording ends, I feel something snap in my brain, like a trapdoor snapping shut on me. I feel my senses dulling, my magic dimming and a sensation of my body shutting down on me. “What the fuck was that?” Valeria asks; fury and worry echoing through to me. Out the corner of my eye, I see every angelite crystal around the place lighting up like Bastille Day. Valeria is up on her feet, her body now on full alert, but Alaric and I are still stuck in a starin
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Chapter 50: Pulling Up Hell - Valeria
I never thought that I had a soul. I never gave any thought to the notion. But now I know I have a soul because I can feel it being ripped apart. I never knew there was pain like this in the world. I’ve suffered all manner of injuries in my life, but nothing will ever compare to this. It feels like someone has taken my soul, tied it to a tree and is whipping it with razor blades. Every whip brings a new wave of agonising pain and a gaping hole where my heart used to be. I feel like Isolde plunged her fists into my chest, ripped out my heart and crushed it in her bare hand, and as agonisingly painful as this is, and as heartbroken and devastated as I feel, I don’t hate her. I’m pissed the fuck off, but I don’t hate her. The woman I love used the last of her free will and magic to save my life. She knew she was a walking corpse and refused to share that fate with me. That sweet, idiotic, self-sacrificing dumbass! I understand why she did this, and I don’t blame her, but she’s a fuckin
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