All Chapters of The Forbidden Pack Love: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
28 Chapters
Chapter Eleven
As Aiden stormed out of the room, he felt a wave of anger and betrayal wash over him. How could his father make such a decision for him? He had always believed that he would be able to choose his own mate, someone he truly loved and connected with, not just a politically advantageous match.As he walked through the crowded hall, he noticed that many of the other wolves were staring at him. He knew that word of his father's decision had already spread, and he felt a mix of embarrassment and frustration. He just wanted to get out of there.But before he could make his way to the exit, he was stopped by a group of young wolves, all of them eager to congratulate him on his upcoming marriage to Asher. Aiden felt sick to his stomach as he smiled and thanked them, all the while feeling like a fraud. How could he go through with this? How could he marry someone he didn't even know, let alone love?As he made his way back to his chambers, Aiden couldn't help but think about Freya. She was the
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Chapter Twelve
Aiden was filled with confusion and anger as he realized that Freya had left without informing him. He had gone to her aunt's house to surprise her and apologize for his father's actions during the Red Blood Moon Ceremony, but instead, he was met with the news of her departure. Aiden couldn't believe that Freya had left without telling him, especially when they had been planning to start a life together. As Aiden was about to leave, Aunt Racheal stopped him. "Aiden, I'm sorry for not telling you earlier. Freya didn't want to hurt you, but she was afraid for her baby's safety.She was frightened and felt that the only way to keep the baby safe was to leave these place. She didn't want to involve you because she didn't want to put you in danger." Aiden couldn't believe what he was hearing. He was filled with both anger and sadness that Freya had to leave because of his family's actions. "Why didn't she tell me? I could have protected her and the baby. I love them both," Aiden said. "I
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Chapter Thirteen
Freya's heart was pounding as she walked through the dense forest, trying to locate the place her aunt had described. She had been walking for hours and now the sun was starting to set, casting long shadows across the forest floor. She felt lost and alone, with nothing but the sound of the wind rustling through the trees and the occasional hoot of an owl to keep her company.As she walked, she clutched her newborn wolf child tightly to her chest, feeling the small, warm bundle of fur breathing softly against her skin. She had never felt so protective of anything in her life, and she vowed to keep him safe no matter what.But as the light faded and the shadows grew longer, she began to worry that she wouldn't be able to find her way. She looked around frantically, trying to spot any landmarks or signs that would point her in the right direction. But everything looked the same, and she soon realized that she was hopelessly lost.Just when she was about to give up hope, she spotted a lar
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Chapter Fourteen
Asher was born into a prestigious family of werewolves, known for their strength and loyalty to the pack. Her ancestors had a long history of marrying into the royal family, and her family had maintained close ties with the pack's leadership over the years. As a result, Asher had grown up with a deep understanding of the pack's traditions and a strong sense of duty towards her people.From an early age, Asher showed great potential as a warrior and a leader. She was fiercely independent and had a sharp mind, which earned her the respect of her peers and elders alike. As she grew older, Asher became more and more involved in the pack's affairs, taking on important roles in their defense and governance.When Harlock, Aiden's father, began searching for a suitable mate for his son, Asher was a natural choice. Her pedigree, skills, and reputation made her an ideal match for the next Alpha of the pack. Harlock believed that by bethrothing his son to a woman of such high standing, he would
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Chapter Fifteen
Harlock sat in his office, deep in thought, when his spies came in. He had been preoccupied with the looming threat of an attack on his pack, but now that his spies had returned, he had hoped for some good news."What did you find out?" Harlock asked, his voice heavy with concern.The lead spy, a grizzled wolf with sharp eyes, stepped forward. "My lord, we have uncovered some troubling news," he said, bowing respectfully.Harlock leaned forward, his heart racing. "Tell me," he demanded."The neighboring pack is planning an attack on us," the spy revealed. "They have been gathering troops and weapons for weeks, and we believe they will strike within the next few days."Harlock's face hardened with resolve. "We must prepare for war," he declared. "Gather all the able-bodied wolves and fortify our defenses. We will not let them catch us off guard."The spies nodded, impressed by Harlock's quick thinking. "But my lord," one of them said hesitantly, "there is more."Harlock raised an eyebr
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Chapter Sixteen
Finally, the day of battle arrived. The air was thick with tension as the two packs faced off, each one ready to defend their territory at all costs. Aiden stood shoulder-to-shoulder with his father, a fierce determination burning in his eyes.The battle between Harlock's pack and the neighboring pack raged on with no end in sight. The air was thick with tension and the smell of blood, sweat, and fur. Both sides were evenly matched, each determined to emerge victorious. Aiden could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he fought alongside his packmates, his mind solely focused on the battle at hand.The sound of metal clashing against metal echoed in his ears as he dodged an incoming attack from a rival wolf. He countered with a fierce swipe of his claws, slicing through fur and flesh. His opponent yelped in pain before retreating to regroup with their own packmates.Aiden turned his attention to another opponent, only to see Harlock in the corner of his eye. His father was battling
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Chapter Seventeen
Freya had finally found a new home in the community where the stranger had directed her. It was a society where both werewolves and humans lived together, but the werewolves held the power and oppressed the humans. She knew that she had to be cautious and keep a low profile, especially with her newborn wolf child. Freya knew that her child's nature could put him in danger, but she was determined to keep him safe.She managed to secure a menial job, cleaning and doing odd jobs around the town. It wasn't much, but it was enough to provide for herself and her child. Freya tried her best to stay out of everyone's business, not wanting to attract any unwanted attention.The society was ruled with an iron hand, and Freya could feel the fear and oppression that hung heavy in the air. Werewolves were the rulers, and the humans were at their mercy.The name of their ruthless leader was Kael. Kael was a formidable figure, both in his human and werewolf form. In his human form, he stood tall at
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Chapter Eighteen
The death of Harlock, the beloved alpha of the pack, left the entire pack in mourning. The usually lively pack was now somber and quiet, with everyone trying to come to terms with the sudden loss of their great leader. The pack of werewolves mourned deeply and solemnly for their fallen alpha, Harlock. The mood in the pack was heavy, and a sense of grief filled the air. For 25 days, the pack members followed their age-old tradition of wearing black armbands, a symbol of mourning and respect for their departed leader. The vibrant and lively nature of the pack was subdued as they refrained from any form of celebration or festivity during this time. The howls that once echoed through the forest were now filled with a mournful tone, as the pack came together to grieve the loss of their great alpha. The pack members could be seen huddled together, sharing memories and stories of Harlock. They spoke of his bravery, strength, and his unwavering commitment to the pack's well-being. The elder
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Chapter Nineteen
Kael sat on a bench in the dimly lit room, his face contorted in anger as he stared at his werewolf squad, who stood before him with their heads bowed. "What happened out there?" Kael asked, his voice laced with fury. "How did we lose? We were supposed to be the strongest pack around." One of the werewolves stepped forward, hesitantly. "Alpha Kael, we did everything we could. We fought with all our might, but they were too strong." Kael jumped to his feet, his eyes blazing. "That's not good enough!" he roared. "We were humiliated out there! Our pack was defeated! And now we have to live with the shame of it." The room was silent for a moment, as the werewolves shuffled nervously. Kael took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. "We need to find out what went wrong," he said, more calmly. "We need to figure out what they did that we didn't. And then we need to plan our revenge." One of the werewolves spoke up. "Alpha Kael, we believe that Asher may have betrayed us. We heard r
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Chapter Twenty
Aiden had big shoes to fill after the death of his father, Harlock. He knew that he had to be a good leader and continue the legacy of his father. It was not an easy task, but with the help of the elders, he was able to learn the ropes of leadership and become the kind of alpha that his people needed.Aiden took his responsibilities very seriously. He knew that the safety and well-being of his people depended on him. He spent long hours in meetings with the elders, discussing ways to protect their territory from rival packs and how to provide for their people.Under Aiden's leadership, the pack prospered. The territory was expanded, and the pack grew stronger. Aiden was a fair and just leader, and his people loved and respected him. He was always there to listen to their concerns and offer guidance whenever needed.The pack members felt safe and secure under Aiden's leadership. He made sure that everyone had access to food, shelter, and healthcare. He was a true servant leader, always
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