All Chapters of Taming The Reaper's Heir: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
142 Chapters
Chapter Eleven: A Friend At Salvadore
Nyx’s POV“Are you good?”It took me more than a moment to realize that this demi-god was talking to me. There I stood, still trembling with fear long after Otis and his cronies had disappeared from my sight when I heard his voice.My eyes were still fixed in the direction they had gone like they were paralyzed or frozen in time.What would have happened to me if Mr. Incredible here didn’t step in to save my sorry ass? I had no game plan. I just hoped that somehow someone somewhere would come to my rescue and…he came.A soft snicker cut through my reverie and I raised my head to meet the eyes of my knight in shiny armor.Corny, I know but I had to shamelessly admit that at this moment, I had been a damsel in distress, and he literally swung in and saved the day.My eyes locked on his warm yet mischievous pair, and I caught myself staring longer than was considered appropriate. “Clyde.” He stretched his hands towards me, his eyes crinkling slightly as his lips sprouted a gentle smile
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Chapter Twelve: Bully The Bully
Nyx’s POVThe sky was a pastel of dark hues as I trudged home, thinking about what Clyde said about Narin. I still found it weird that she couldn’t confront me about the rumours but easily just ignored the hell out of my existence. It made me feel really bad and somewhat puzzled. Why can’t she just ask me if any of those rumours were true? As I walked back to the dorm that evening, I made up my mind to talk to her about it. Was I terrified? Yes. Would I go ahead and do it anyway? Yes. I was sick of being uncomfortable in my own room. It’s supposed to be my comfort zone, my safe haven but there was always that constricting feeling lingering in the air and it made me want to scream and pull out my hair sometimes.My confidence started to wane as I drew closer to my dorm room. I pictured Narin’s stoic face and a slight shudder ran through me. What if I end up making a fool of myself?I shook off the thought, bracing myself for what was ahead of me. I had kept these emotions pent up ins
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Chapter Thirteen: Show Down
Nyx’s POV “What did you say?” Narin asked, turning her ears toward me like she did not hear me the first time.I knew she heard me crystal clear, and she was probably asking me to repeat myself in case I wanted to change my mind but I was resolved, standing firmly on my words.“I said I am ready to bully the bully…I am ready to get back at Otis.” My voice was firm, courageous, and full of vigor, just like the way I felt inside of me. Yes, I couldn’t shift. But that didn’t mean I had to allow them to walk all over me just because of that. My wolf was coming, and I was more than ready for it. In the meantime, these scumbags were going to have their turn. “That is more like it.” She replied, putting down her book to give me her full attention. “So…any ideas on how to pull this off in a grand style?” Narin asked me and I suddenly went blank. I tried to wrack my brain for a brilliant way to exert my revenge but there seemed to be a mental blockade restricting me.“Um…” I muttered, sti
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Chapter Fourteen: Best Served Cold
NYX's POVI sat at the breakfast table, my eyes subtly observing the crowd of students milling about.Narin was over at the food counter, a sunshade hanging on the bridge of her nose.Yup. Narin was wearing a sunshade inside the dorm cafeteria and she did not care about the eyes on her. She was about one thing and one thing alone, determined to get it done no matter the cost.On second thought, the stares she was getting were probably the disguise spell she used to change her identity to that of the junior chef who had not been around since the beginning of the week and the sunshades were to hide her distinct eye colour. According to Narin, she was not strong enough to make a disguise spell that could hide all of her completely. I kept my fingers crossed, waiting patiently to see how this would all turn out.There was a ruckus at the entrance of the cafeteria and without looking I already knew what it meant.Otis and his cronies were here.Narin adjusted her position so that when Ot
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Chapter Fifteen: I'm In!
NYX’s POV The tingles of victory vibrated all over me as Narin and I waltzed out of the cafeteria. The thrill and excitement I got were unlike any I have ever experienced before and I relished in it. I would forever have the picture of Otis’ face of embarrassment ingrained in my mind and whenever I felt moody, all I had to do was remember it and I would be happy again. A little disturbing, I know but trust me when I say it is worth it. “Nyx!” A deep, male voice called out to me, followed by the hurried slapping of feet against the ground which echoed down the hallway towards us. I quickly whipped my head around to see who it was and a small smile greeted my lips. “Is it just me or is that Greek god running towards…us?” Narin was clearly perplexed, watching him in curiosity as he jogged briskly toward us. Judging from the smile on my face when she looked at me, I bet she already drew her own conclusions. Her hands flew to her lips as a gasp escaped from them, turning buggy eyes t
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Chapter Sixteen: Rage
Otis’s POVHumiliation. That was one word I never thought would be in the same sentence as my name until now. The fact that I had a clue about the person who did this made my blood boil and the brief moment of embarrassment I had previously experienced slowly morphed into anger.At first, I had no idea who could have caused this and was ready to flip off at the cafeteria ladies for serving me poisoned food, until Nyx approached me.Nyx was never confrontational. She would rather avoid problems that stir them but after what played out today, it strengthened my convictions that she had a hand in all of this.I glared hard at the door of the cafeteria which Nyx and Narin, her weird roommate had exited and if my eyes could shoot lasers, the entire door would have been consumed with fire by now.They were the ones behind this, and it was clear as day. That glint of mischief in Nyx’s eyes and the smirk of satisfaction on Narin’s lips as they walked away was all the proof to know that the
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Chapter Seventeen: Hold On Tight!
NYX’s POV“Salvador suuuucks!”Narin and I had barely stepped into the Rebel’s hideout when we were welcomed by the loud screech of a male banshee- or rather, a farshee- who was obviously fed up with Salvador Academy.I jumped, my hands covering my ears to block out his ear-splitting scream which shook the entire basement.The dude was lucky we were in an underground bunker. If he had pulled this off outside, the Westwood forest would have easily carried his cries to the ears of the guardians. That would lead him into some serious trouble. No one wanted any problem with the Guardians of Salvador. They were the school’s most dreaded disciplinary body that dealt with notorious students caught doing or saying something that was outlawed.Narin’a face was etched into a scowl as she stretched out her hands and in awe I watched her absorb all the sonic waves that would have made our ears bleed like it was nothing.“Is this how y’all welcome new members?” Narin frowned, glaring at the farsh
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Chapter Eighteen: Pleasure Park
NYX’s POV“Ready?” Clyde asked, searching my face for any trace of discomfort even after I’d told him I was fine. A few of the rebels who needed disguises like the vampires and trolls were transformed using shapeshifting spells and now we stood in front of a door that looked a lot like the Magic doors back at the academy.“We found this door here when we chose this hideout, but I was able to modify it since the magic doors at Salvador cannot take you outside of school,” Clyde said, placing his palm on the door. His runic tattoos began to glow and I watched on in awe as the bright light covered the door.Afterward, he cracked the door open, ushering the other rebels through it until it was just Clyde and me who left.I stood there, rethinking my decisions. What if all of this turned terribly wrong? “Nyx?”The way my name rolled off his tongue was gentle andhis outstretched hand was inviting, holding a promise of fun and adventure.I sucked in a shaky breath before placing my hand i
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Chapter 19: Power Slip
NYX’s POV“There is no way I’m getting on that giant creaking monster.” I meant every word of it, staring right into Clyde’s eyes as he tried to convince me to ride a Ferris wheel with them. We were at Pleasure park and it’s been a great time embracing nature and exploring different pleasure stands like the ring toss, dart throwing, and their Circus stand. But from the moment I set my eyes on that giant wheel at the center of the park, I knew I wasn’t going to go anywhere near that thing and now everyone else in the group is interested in risking their lives for some cheap thrills except me?“You guys probably have nine lives but I have just one and I plan to guard it with care.” I looked away from Clyde towards the other guys who were already getting restless with impatience.“What’s up with you and your girl, Clyde?” Gus asked, throwing his hands in the air. I almost choked on my saliva, blinking my wide eyes at Gus. “He- he’s not my-““She’s not my-““Yeah, yeah whatever.” Gus
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Chapter 20: Memory Wiping
Nyx's POV The girls turned to leave but Elrond was quick to drag them in and really lock the door this time. All eyes turned to Cindy. “You said you locked the door!” “Well I thought I did, I’m sorry!” She replied, panic evident in her voice. Meanwhile, the girls were already squirming in Elrond’s arms, kicking and screaming. “Let me go, you freak!” One of the girls cried out. “He looks human, that’s the freak.” She glanced at Clyde whose frown deepened. “You don’t want to know what this freak can do to you,” Clyde replied, taking predatory steps toward them. “Behave and you might actually get out of here alive. Got it?” The girls trembled, nodding vigorously under Clyde’s icy glare. The rest of us quickly gathered in one of the bathroom stalls while Cindy and Gus watched the ladies. “Now what do we do?” I threw my hands up in the air. “We’ve got another problem on our plate.” “There are two options,” Narin replied, dramatically. Typical Narin, even when we were discussing
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