Semua Bab Chasing The Dark Luna: Bab 1 - Bab 10
80 Bab
1: Strange Dreams
EVANGELINE“I’ll come to get you, Evangeline.” The deep, husky voice whispered in my ear and my core throbbed. Strong hands encircled my waist and I felt their coldness spread throughout my body. Despite the darkness of the forest, I couldn’t make out the rest of his face, except for the silver hair that flowed down his back and the mysterious mask that obscured his features.“You’ll be mine to break,” the raspy voice continued, trailing off in a low whisper. The words sent shivers down my spine and I trembled in the darkness as I lay beneath him.“Evaaaa.” Mia’s voice, mimicking the character WALL-E, snapped me out of my reverie and back to my room. I glanced over at her and saw her giving me a curious look, with one eyebrow raised. “Are you daydreaming again?” she asked softly, her tone filled with concern. Mia was the only person who knew about the intense and vivid nightmares that plagued me.I shook my head and replied, “Not exactly. I was thinking about the dream I had today. It
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2 : Man of Nightmares
EVANGELINEI slammed on the brakes just in time to avoid hitting the person, causing our bodies to lurch forward from the sudden stop. My hair obscured my vision as my heart raced in my chest, my grip on the steering wheel tightening.“What happened?” Mia asked, her hair disheveled.I struggled to catch my breath, “Th-there was a man there,” I stammered, pointing through the windshield. She followed my gesture with her gaze.“Where? I don’t see anyone?” she turned back to me and placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. “There’s no one there, Eva.”I gazed ahead and to my disbelief, the only thing in sight was the dimly lit road, illuminated by the headlights of my car. “How is this possible? I-I know I saw someone there,” I spoke with disbelief, turning to Mia and pointing back through the windshield. She gently cupped my face with her hand.“It’s okay, relax. It was probably just a cat. It’s dark out here, and your eyes may have played a trick on you,” she tried to comfort me, but I
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LUCIEN“I assume you didn’t learn the rules well. A slave is not supposed to touch her Master. Especially when she is in the Chamber of Pleasure.” My fingers dug into my new slave Daruka’s soft pale skin.Her naked body trembled under my painful grip as I held her tightly. Pain was a form of pleasure for demonic wolves, but I knew when to make it truly painful for those who dared to dance on my nerves.As she opened her lips to utter an apology, her messy raven-black tresses began to transform, radiating with a stark white glow. It was evident that she was ignorant of many things in this realm, including the fact that among the demonic wolves, the alteration of one’s hair color was an undeniable marker of emotion - a trait considered a weakness.There existed no system of classification, such as a Pantone shade card, to decipher the correlation between color and emotion. Fear could manifest as red, or perhaps as violet… even as white. There existed no specific designation.I was the e
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4 : The Deal
EVANGELINEAfter what I had just witnessed, I stumbled down the staircase, my breathing uneven and frantic. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. The man from my nightmares was now here, in front of me. How could this be happening?I never believed he could be real and thought it was part of my imagination.As I rushed down the stairs, I tripped on one of the steps but managed to catch myself before falling. My heart was pounding wildly in my chest, and I could feel the energy and excitement radiating from Crystal. She was trying to say something to me, but I was too overwhelmed to listen. I could feel her strong emotions coursing through me, like an electric current.I had never felt this way. But why?When I finally reached the first floor, I was shocked to see that all the guests were still engaged in conversation, seemingly unaffected by the strange turn of events. But my parents, as well as Sean and Mia, were nowhere to be found. I felt a sense of unease settling in the pit of my
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5 : Don't Touch
EVANGELINEThe warriors of our pack shifted into their wolves, their powerful forms bristling with fury as they growled and snarled at Lucien. Lucien stood calmly, his hands shoved inside his trouser pockets, and despite him wearing a mask, I could make out the smirk playing on his lips.Sean’s wolf, with its ginger-colored fur, charged forward, leading the attack against the Lycan King. But Lucien was not intimidated. His emerald eyes glowed with a sinister light as he lifted his hand lazily, summoning his powers. With a flick of his wrist, a wave of force slammed into Sean’s wolf, sending it flying across the grand foyer of the modern mansion. The other wolves hesitated, momentarily stunned by the display of power.However, the Blood Moon Pack was not one to back down easily. They attacked as a pack, launching themselves at Lucien with all their might. But Lucien stood his ground, using his invisible powers to deflect their strikes and send them flying. His powers were a blur, slammi
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LUCIENI knew Dominic wouldn’t just wave the white flag and hand over his daughter to me. So when his pack challenged me, I wasn’t surprised. I felt an adrenaline rush spike through my arms to my fingertips as the wolves of his pack lunged at us. I summoned my power and focused it on my palms.The first wolf lunged forward, teeth bared, but I was ready. I sent a blast of telekinetic force toward the animal, throwing it back with ease. The look of hesitation on the other wolves caused a sly grin to form on my lips. I didn’t need to shift and use my pack men to fight against the Blood Moon Pack because they were nothing compared to what my pack was capable of. It was lucky for them that they didn’t enrage me to the point where I would shift.I raised my arm and summoned another burst of energy, sending a wave of force that knocked back several wolves at once. They yelped and growled, but I was relentless. I attacked again and again, using my powers to toss wolves left and right, never
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7: Into a New Pack?
EVANGELINETo my surprise, Lucien released Mom, but when he announced his intentions to come after me, I realized I was trapped in this deal. While I couldn’t fault my Dad for making the agreement, especially given the dire circumstances he faced at the time, I didn’t want my pack to suffer because of me.Just as Lucien was turning to walk away, I saw movement out of the corner of my eye and my heart skipped a beat when I realized it was my father. He was launching an attack on Lucien from behind, but he never made it as he froze in mid-lunge.“Dad!” I shouted, holding my mother in my arms. Her eyes were closed and her skin felt cold to the touch. I motioned to one of the warriors nearby, asking them to take her to one of the nearest rooms in the mansion to rest.Dad was trying to move, growling with bared teeth, and I realized that it was Asphalt who was trying to fight Lucien. However, no matter how hard he struggled, he seemed unable to move. Lucien simply stood there, his lack of
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8 : Unexpected Attack In the Forest
EVANGELINE Mia’s gaze shifted between her parents, her brow furrowing in confusion as she waited for their response. Getting nothing except a contemplating silence, she cleared her throat and finally spoke up, her voice laced with uncertainty. “So?” she asked, her eyes darting back and forth between her Uncle and Aunt. “I don’t like the proposal, but Marshmallow has a point. Potato can’t shift and the wolves can try bullying her. Though she’s capable of protecting herself, we can’t be too sure. It's better if she has someone with her.” Uncle Sky said, using the names he used to call us when we were kids. I was Potato and Mia was Marshmallow. It was an odd combination but Uncle Sky wasn’t Uncle Sky if he didn’t come up with odd names. “Then let me go with her,” Sean’s voice came from the back and we turned to look at him. He was also with us when we entered back home and probably heard the conversation. He looked at me, “The Alpha and Beta considered me worthy of the title of the
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9 : Her Saviour
EVANGELINE The sound of growls, claws clashing, and the burning bitter smell of smoke rising from the flames around me consumed the forest in its fierce embrace. I watched as my dad’s wolf Asphalt fought ten wolves simultaneously. I could feel the heat of the fire blazing through the forest as a thick blanket of smoke crept between the trees, the smell of burning wood and ash stinging my nostrils. The burning flames that engulfed the area shone off of the wolf's fur, illuminating their movements as one of them bit onto Asphalt’s shoulder, sinking its canines deep into his flesh as blood bathed Dad’s black fur. I wanted to kill that wolf for hurting him, but my legs felt boneless against the ground I fell on a few seconds ago. My stomach churned in agony as the strength of my mother's spell slowly began to take its toll on both me and my wolf. I felt a wave of nausea crashing against the walls of my throat, sharp and intense like a venomous poison. It burned its way up relentlessly,
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10 : In His Arms
LUCIEN As I towered before my pack warriors, I lowered my index finger to the map laid on the table in front of us. My finger traced a circular shape around the area that the rogues had vanished from, my finger coming to tap three times on the spot. “These rogues have a portal, a transportation device that allows them to travel anywhere at will,” I explained, my voice stern and commanding. “Think of it as a larger version of Anywhere door.” One of my warriors furrowed their brow, “What’s an anywhere door?” they asked. I scowled in response, “You don’t watch anime? How can you not know what’s an Anywhere door?” my shock was quite visible on my otherwise stoic face. My men exchanged confused glances, “Well, we’re not sure what you’re talking about, Alpha..” they said hesitantly. With a bored sigh, I looked at them sternly. “I can’t believe I have fucking pack members who don’t watch anime,” I spat. “Here’s your assignment: before we meet again to discuss our plan, watch twenty e
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