
Chasing The Dark Luna
Chasing The Dark Luna
Penulis: Pixie

1: Strange Dreams




“I’ll come to get you, Evangeline.” The deep, husky voice whispered in my ear and my core throbbed. Strong hands encircled my waist and I felt their coldness spread throughout my body. Despite the darkness of the forest, I couldn’t make out the rest of his face, except for the silver hair that flowed down his back and the mysterious mask that obscured his features.



“You’ll be mine to break,” the raspy voice continued, trailing off in a low whisper. The words sent shivers down my spine and I trembled in the darkness as I lay beneath him.





“Evaaaa.” Mia’s voice, mimicking the character WALL-E, snapped me out of my reverie and back to my room. I glanced over at her and saw her giving me a curious look, with one eyebrow raised. “Are you daydreaming again?” she asked softly, her tone filled with concern. Mia was the only person who knew about the intense and vivid nightmares that plagued me.




I shook my head and replied, “Not exactly. I was thinking about the dream I had today. It was… strange.” I let out a deep sigh, still feeling the remnants of the dream’s impact. It was so strange that it left me feeling clammy and with my heart pounding when I woke up this morning. The vividness of the dream was both exhilarating and terrifying at the same time, and it was a feeling that I couldn’t shake even after waking up.





She frowned, “Was that hot guy chasing you again in the forest?”




“No, this time I stumbled and fell to the ground. He was on top of me and he said… he said that he would be coming to get me,” I stammered, my voice trembling with fear as I remembered the vivid details of my nightmare. The thought of it sent a chill down my spine, and I couldn’t shake the feeling of unease that had settled deep within me.




Mia twisted her lip in thought, then a mischievous smirk spread across her face as she wiggled her eyebrows. “Mm… take you, huh? Maybe sexy wants to mate you? I wouldn’t blame him,” she said, playfully squeezing my butt. “You have big bouncy bombs.”




I rolled my eyes, used to her way of teasing me, and replied, “It’s not like that, Mia. I can’t explain it. In every dream I’d had before, I felt like I was being chased by someone in a dark forest. But this time I saw him again. He was holding me down.” The fear and desire I felt from the dream were still fresh in my mind, and I couldn’t shake the feeling that this time was different from all the others. Something about the encounter felt more real, more intimate, and I couldn’t help but wonder what it all meant.




Mia raised her finger in front of my lips, “He’s just a dream, babe. A hot and wet dream. Keep your wet panties in check. Your mate wouldn’t appreciate you masturbating early in the morning at the thought of a guy you get dreams of.”




I flushed, “It was once. Once.” I felt ashamed when I realized I was turning horny for a guy who didn’t even exist so I stopped eventually, though the desire never really left me. “I don’t think they are just dreams. When I wake up, I feel like I had run miles inside the forest.” And felt his touch on my skin.




She walked over to my closet, “It's alright, I believe you, okay? You did take the herbs, didn’t you?” I scurried over to the other side of the room, where Mia was waiting to help me pick up the box of herbs I bought from the apothecary. I wasn’t into substance abuse and the herbs in the box were to help me sleep well at night without any side effects. They didn’t help much though.




This was a recurring nightmare that had started when I was just a child but had become more intense after I turned fifteen. I couldn’t explain the strange feelings these visions inspired in me, but they were too weird to share with anyone else.




However, as of late, all my nightmares had been dominated by the same person - a silver-haired man wearing a mask, with piercing emerald eyes that seemed to stare deep into my soul.




I was paralyzed with fear every time I thought of the man who seemed to chase me inside the unfamiliar woods. Despite my fear, there was a strange allure that drew me to him. I found myself sketching him over and over, even though I knew it was a dangerous and complicated obsession. I didn’t want my parents to know about my strange dreams, so I kept them to myself, confiding only in my best friend.




Mia tucked the box neatly into the corner of my closet and brushed her hands together, a satisfied look on her face. “There, now Aunt Avery won’t be able to find it,” she declared. Glancing at her wrist, she suddenly frowned. “Oh no, it’s already six! We need to get ready or we’ll be late for the Mating Ball. You know how much effort it takes to put together a look that says ‘I was born hot.’” Mia raised her eyebrows dramatically, emphasizing the importance of the situation.



I chuckled, “You are already born hot.”



Mia and I began to get ready in my room, the atmosphere charged with excitement. We had been close friends for as long as we could remember, having grown up together and seen each other through every stage of life, from the diaper days to the present. Our bond was unbreakable, and we had been inseparable since the very beginning.



Despite the strength I exuded as the daughter of a powerful Alpha, my wolf had been irreparably damaged due to my abnormal birth. I was burdened with a born curse, a dysfunction that prevented me from shifting, mind-linking, and experiencing heightened senses. In essence, I was a wolf in name only.



Reminders of my abnormality were a constant presence, whether they were accidental slips of the tongue or intentional jabs. The pack seemed to adore me, but the whispers behind my back spoke of either pity or resentment. My parents had imposed strict rules in the pack to prevent any mention of my condition, but it only served to increase the feelings of being a liability.



I trained tirelessly, but the constant reminder of my inadequacy was a wound that never quite healed.




Mia, on the other hand, was a crucial member of the pack, being the daughter of Uncle Sky, who was the Beta and believed to be the second closest person to my dad after my mom. She had Beta blood running through her veins, and I admired her talents, even if I sometimes envied them.




We were excited for our first Mating Ball which was organized by Dad as the Alpha every year. This year was especially significant because Mia and I had turned eighteen and were eligible to find our mates.




“Do my boobs look tiny ?” With a pout, Mia lifted her breasts at the mirror and then let them settle back on her chest. She stopped as she turned to face me and quickly assessed my mating ball attire. “I knew it! I told you this dress is stunning enough to get ripped by David!”




I couldn’t help but blush at her words as I looked at my reflection in the mirror. The burgundy mermaid gown fit my curves like a glove, the deep V-neckline highlighting the valley between my breasts. I had fallen in love with this dress the moment I saw it displayed in a local shop window, knowing instantly that it was perfect for the special day.




“Any solution for my lemons though? I don’t think they look juicy enough to be squeezed by an Alpha tonight.” She commented, turned back at the floor-length mirror, and I chuckled.




“Girl, stop body shaming yourself. You look stunning. If I was a guy, I would have died to get a taste of you.” I winked and she blew me a kiss.




“Promise me, you’ll marry me first before you say ‘I do’ to David. Remember— Sisters before Misters” Mia joked, holding out her pinky finger with a ring on it. The sight of it caused my cheeks to blush, matching the color of my red matte lips.




David was a ranked warrior in the Blood Moon Pack. The mutual attraction between David and me was no secret, even among the young pups in the pack. Mia, my best friend, had declared that we would be mates once we turned eighteen.



I wanted that too. I had a major crush on David, and while several other girls in the pack shared my feelings, they knew better than to cross me. After all, I was just as possessive as my father. I was aware of the fact that I was yearning for a man who existed only in my dreams, but as Mia had pointed out, such men only occupied a fictional place in a girl’s life.




Also, when we would claim each other today, all these strange desires for the man from my nightmares would come to an end. They would be only reserved for David.




Just as I was breathing a sigh of relief, my mother’s voice echoed through the room. “Girls? Are you ready?” she asked as her heels clicked on the hardwood floor, a look of approval on her face after she entered my room.



“Yes, totally ready to get some dick!” Mia proclaimed with her fist raised in the air.



“Language, Mia,” Mom scolded, shooting her a stern look with her purple eyes that were dotted with silver freckles. The same eyes that mirrored mine, except with black freckles.



Turning her attention to me, her eyes traveled down my dress, “Both of your clothes are very revealing,” she said with a smile, “but you look beautiful.” I couldn’t help but feel a rush of pride as I gently pressed Mom’s cheeks, basking in her praise.



My Mom was someone who preferred modest dressing, but she never imposed her beliefs on me. Instead, she taught me to feel confident and comfortable in whatever I chose to wear.



“Let us head out. Your Dad is getting impatient,” Mom reminded, and Mia chimed in,



“Poor Uncle Dom can’t tolerate staying away from you. If I can’t get a mate like that, I’ll fly off to the Himalayas and become a sage.”




I chuckled taking in the sight of her nude gown that hugged her waist with a wrap effect, perfectly complementing her straight long brown hair. No matter what she said, Mia was not a sage material.



With one final glance in the mirror, I strutted out of the house with Mia, stepping inside my graduation gift - a sleek and sexy black Austin Martin Vantage. I had been a fan of this car ever since it was released and when Dad asked what I wanted for graduation, I unapologetically asked for it. I was spoiled rotten by my Dad and was forever grateful for the life he provided me.




I was behind the wheel of my baby, with the music system blasting Anti-hero and Mia singing along beside me. My freshly-painted gel red nails tapped rhythmically on the steering wheel as I navigated the smooth driveway road ahead, my thoughts drifting to David.




David hadn’t responded to any of my texts since that morning, which was unusual for him. He had never ghosted me before and always managed to reply, no matter how busy he was. I had always found David to be caring and supportive. That was why his sudden silence left me with a tight knot in my stomach.



“Don’t worry, babes. He’s probably just getting all dolled up for you,” Mia comforted me, rubbing my shoulder. I sighed in response. As a wolf, she could sense my discomfort.




“I don’t know what’s going on,” I said, feeling confused and let down. “I was sure he would ask me to be his dance partner tonight, but he hasn’t.” I glanced out the window, taking in the magnificent sight of the facade kissing the night sky as we drove past the rows of trees that lined the driveway.



As I was driving, the beams of my headlights illuminated the figure of a person standing just off the driveway. My hand tightened around the steering wheel as I noticed that the person was standing in the middle of my path, not moving away.




My eyes grew wide as I realized my vehicle was rapidly approaching the figure, and a collision seemed unstoppable, “Fuck!”





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