Semua Bab Possessed By The Mafia Devil : Bab 31 - Bab 40
108 Bab
Bloodied devil
*Gruesome scene. Advance with caution*— You have been warned —The devil walked through the halls of his house and headed to the black room.Scorpion was there, with the men they caught, and three of their men who betrayed them to the rival group.The men were tied around the room. One was tied to the bed, while another was hung on the ceiling.Three were strapped on the chairs, in the place.“My Lord.” Scorpion bowed to the devil. “I thought you—”“Get me the guns.” The Devil walked over to his chair, and sat on it, with his eyes levelled on the men.Sweat broke from their body, at the expression on the devil's face.His hard eyes made them know that this was probably their last day, on Earth.With their mouths gagged, they weren't able to plead for mercy.Though, it won't help their case.Not with the devil looking at them with that sadistic expression on his face.The scorpion walked back to the devil, with two guns, and a knife. He bowed to the devil before he placed the things h
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What if I run?
Kon froze at the scene in front of him.The devil was covered in blood, and bodies lay on the floor.However, that wasn't what shocked him the most.The sadistic smirk on the devil's face did that.“What?”A scream tore from Kon's throat at the sight of blood.“Kon?” Shocked, the devil turned. His eyes widened. “Kon, I—”Kon ran out of the room.Instead of running towards the front door like any scene human would, he ran into their room, with the devil hot on his tail.He ran into the room and made to close the door, but the devil held it and prevented him from doing so.The devil pushed open the door and caught Kon. He wrapped his bloodied arms around Kon and drew him closer.“Let go!” Kon fought to get the devil's hold off him, but the devil held on tighter. He didn't budge at all.“Let me go!” He screamed at the top of his lungs, but the devil held him.“You shouldn't have seen that, Kon.” He placed his head on Kon's back. “It wasn't meant for your eyes.”Kon stopped thrashing.“No
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Call me by my name
He bit his lower lips to prevent a cry from escaping.“Stay still, Kon.” The devil placed a hand on Kon's thighs. “Take a deep breath.” He commanded in a surprisingly soothing tone.Kon did as the devil asked. He sat still on the devil's thighs and closed his eyes.“Now, move.” The devil said in a strained voice.Lyre shivered a bit before he did as the devil asked. He slowly rose, only to sit back down on the devil's shaft.A moan escaped his mouth at the feeling. The devil's shaft was deep inside of him, and it felt as if the Devil's shaft was poking his stomach.“Osy.” The devil whispered. “Call me by my name, Kon.”Kon stilled at his words. “What?”“Call me Osy. Only my family calls me by that name.” He held Kon's arse. “You are family, Kon.”Kon shivered.Without saying a word, he rose and sat back on the devil's shaft.“Fuck, Kon!” Osy growled.Kon did what he did once more. He sat up, only to sit back down once more.“Fuck, I don't think I can take this any more.” Osy rose from
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Kon smirked. “Didn't your mom ever tell you not to hit kids?”The men stood, shocked by the boldness of the boy.They were expecting a young student who will cower at their feet, with tears in his eyes, begging to be let free.But what they saw was far from what they expected.The boy standing in front of them doesn't look like a distressed damsel.“What? Are you surprised?” Kon glanced back to make certain there was no one sneaking up on him before he turned to them.“What do you want?” He placed his hands on his waist.It has been long since Kon fought. Close to four months, it has been. And he's hungry for it.He wants to hit someone in the face and watch as blood trickles down.“Get him!” The leader of the men commanded. He stood back and watched them with a sly grin on his face.With a battle cry, the men charged at Kon who stood his ground and watched them with an amused expression.One of the men tried to knock him, but Kon bent and kicked him in the stomach. He took the man's
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The soothing killer
“Boss,” Scorpion took a deep, steady breath. It had been close to 30 minutes since Kon was taken, and he was yet to find him. Toto was currently sleeping in his arms, spent from all that yelling and wailing she did not too long ago. “What's wrong?” The devil asked. “Are you guys back from the park? I'm afraid, I won't be back early. Tell—” “Kon is missing.” Scorpion clenched his eyes shut. “What?” The devil instantly rose from the chair he was sitting on. “What did you just say?” He asked in a deadly low tone. “Kon is missing,” Scorpion replied, with his heart beating miles a minute. “Fuck!” Was all Scorpion heard before the devil broke his phone into pieces. He took his coat and turned to the man he had a meeting with.“Postpone it.” He said before he hurried out of the room.*******Kon slowly opened his eyes. His head hurt, and his eyes felt so heavy, it made him instantly close them. He groaned at the pain he felt all over his body. “He's never tasted alcohol.” Kon heard
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A deranged devil
“Have you found him, yet?” The devil asked the second group he dispatched. “No, we—”“Find him! What the hell are you wasting time for?” He growled at them before he disconnected, to call the others. And like the first set they called, none of them has gotten anything tangible. “Drive faster!” He growled at Scorpion, whose hands were shaking.Though the devil hasn't done anything to him yet. It doesn't mean he's off the hook. “Yes, sir.” Scorpion drove like a deranged man.They have been at this for a full day, but no one has gotten Kon's location. It was as if the people who took him, disappeared into thin air. The devil had his men in other countries, searching for Kon, but none have made progress at all, and none have slept.The devil had them searching for Kon throughout the night, while he did the same with Scorpion.He checked with their rival gangs, but there was no sign of Kon. The devil's knuckles were bloody, and splotches of blood were on his clothes, but he didn't
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He will pay
Kon grinned, despite the blood seeping out from his mouth. His teeth were so bloody, they looked disgusting. “What else can you do?” He chuckled. “Do you need help with torturing me?” He smirked. “Shut up!” The soothing killer kicked him in his stomach. “Or else, what?” Kon pursed his lips. “You are still learning.” Despite the pain, he wasn't about to let the soothing killer know how much pain he was in. His head seemed like it was about to split in two.“If you want to torture me, I think you need lessons from the devil. You are not to par.” Kon scoffed at the fuming man.“How dare you!” He kicked Kon in the stomach. Blood slipped down Kon's mouth. Yet, he didn't allow that to prevent him from taunting the man in front of him. “Pathetic.” He laughed. His bones poked on his flesh, but he didn't mind. Infuriating the man standing in front of him, was what he ached to do.It pleased him to know how much his words affected the soothing killer. The soothing killer's face scrunc
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She was innocent
The devil got out of the car the moment Scorpion killed the engine. He pocketed three of his guns and held one in his hand. “Should I come with you, sir?” Scorpion asked, with his head bowed, afraid of what the devil's answer will be.“Get your guns, and follow me.” The devil said before he matched to the gate.Scorpion didn't waste any time at all. He took his gun and exited the car.The devil knocked on the gate and stood back.“Who's there?” A guard called from the other side of the gate.“The devil.” “What? The devil? What are you doing here?” He asked, without opening the gate. “I'm here to see your master.” As much as the devil ached to barge into the compound, he knows there is no way for him to do that with the iron gate. Breaking through will require a lot of time. And that wasn't what the devil has. “Our Master? Wait—”“If I count to the number 10, and the gate isn't opened, you will have your tongues cut. Don't forget who I am.” The devil threatened them. The guards e
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Scorpion was fast enough. He pushed the devil and took the bullet that was meant for him. The devil turned and shot the soothing killer right between his eyes before he turned to Scorpion, whose left arm was profusely bleeding from the gunshot.Everything happened so fast. ******Kon slowly opened his eyes. He half expected to see the soothing killer squatting in front of him, instead, he saw a white ceiling.He blinked, to be certain he wasn't dreaming. The last thing he recalled was…“The devil?” His voice alerted Toto, who was arranging flowers beside his bed. “Mom!” She rushed over to his side. “Mom! You are awake.” She jumped on his bed, and hugged him, not minding the IV on his palm and the grimace on his face. “Mom!” “Toto!” The devil yelled the moment he rushed into the room. He was standing outside the door when he heard Toto's shouts, only to rush in to see his daughter almost strangling Kon, in joy. “Dad! Mom is awake!” Toto climbed down from the bed and rushed to
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I can help you pay your debts
“Lin?” Kon furrowed his brows. “Lin!” He rushed over to where Lin was and enveloped him in a hug. Lin didn't reciprocate the hug. He stood like a statue. “What's wrong?” Kon furrowed his brows. He broke from the hug and faced Lin. “Nothing.” Lin forced a smile. “It's not 'nothing' Lin. I can't count how many times I visited your house, and your mother told me you were not around.Did I do anything wrong, Lin?” “No.” Lin grinned. “I was busy.” “For more than a month? You missed classes because you were busy?” Kon furrowed his brows at his best friend.“No, it's just—”“Mom.” Toto held Kon's hand. “Who's he?” She nodded at Lin.“Mom?” Lin's eyes dramatically widened. “What's she talking about? Who's she?” “Oh,” Kon nervously chuckled. “This is Toto. Toto, this is Lin. He's my best friend.” Kon introduced them. “I'm pleased to meet you, uncle Lin!” Toto stretched her hand out for a shake.“The pleasure is mine.” Lin shook her hand before he let go as if it burned him.“Who's she?
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