All Chapters of The Alpha King's Breeder: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
354 Chapters
What Now?
Beginning of Season 2*Isla*I am ashamed of the fact that I am crying when I get back to my room. I want to scream and break something. I think about how it was when I first arrived at the castle and that old witch, Mrs. Whateverthehellhernamewas got mad at me for accidentally running into something. Now, I want to pick up an antique and toss it across the room.I can’t believe what’s happening! Not only did my own sister refuse to answer my questions about where we came from, King Maddox just described me as a friend to a very, very pregnant little girl.I lay down on my bed and pull a pillow over my head, angry sobs coming out. What in the world have I gotten myself into?How the hell did I think I could actually stroll into the castle and mean something to the king?He’s the KING, after all, and I’m nothing. I’ve never been anyone.Even if my parents truly were once the king and queen of Maatua, they certainly aren’t now. That island has been described as cursed by everyone who ha
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Fleeing Through the Woods
*Isla*What the hell do I think I’m doing?I can’t answer that question because if I pause to ponder the absurdity, I will turn back immediately.Who in their right mind sneaks out of the castle after sunset when some crazy woman who has already tried to kill her is on the loose? And I don’t even have a fucking clue where I’m going!But… I keep running anyway.Because… at this point… do I even have a choice?As soon as Poppy left my room, I tossed a few items into a backpack that I knew I could carry on my back in my wolf form. I’m not used to shifting. I’ve only had my wolf for a short amount of time. Most of us don’t get them until we are fifteen or sixteen.I got mine at eighteen.And there was never any reason back home to shift. I was always too busy working in the factory or wherever, and that requires thumbs.I have shifted a time or two in my life, but I’ve never really let my wolf run. Now, with the darkness of the forest enveloping me, I run as fast as I can.Sneaking out wa
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*Isla*I am not alone….I know that as I continue to run through the woods. My pace has slowed dramatically, though, because it’s clear to me that there are wolves all around me in the darkness, and in front of me, too.Why am I continuing to run from the man who has already done everything he can to save my life into what could potentially be a death trap?I can’t help but think that I am the stupidest woman alive….Slowing my rate significantly, I peer off into the distance, looking for movement. I think I see a pair of glowing eyes up ahead. With that knowledge, I change my course, heading to my right. I wonder if I could potentially circle back to the castle and get away from these wolves. They could be castle guards that King Maddox or Beta Seth has sent after me.But in my gut, I have a feeling that’s not who they are at all….The idea that it would probably be a good idea to call for help also comes to mind, but I can’t do that, not now, not when I’ve screwed up so royally alre
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Bleeding and Dirty
*Maddox*I walk ahead of the stretcher carrying Isla and try not to pull my fur out. If I had thumbs, I might’ve already pulled out enough fur around my forehead that I’d look bald.Images of a wolf with a receding hairline come to mind, and I almost laugh. But nothing is that funny right now.What the actual fuck was she thinking?I already know the answer to that question.As much as I want to blame Isla for all of this, it’s my fault. She left because I was rude and dismissive. She left because she was upset with me. What else could it possibly be? She hasn’t been feeling well, and I didn’t even check on her today while I was gone to look for the missing kidnappers.The castle comes into view ahead of me, and I’m glad to see it. I’m not as energetic as I was before, so I don’t leap over the fence in a single bound. Instead, I call ahead, and the side gates are open when we get there. Using the mind-link, I call for a servant to open the door for me as well, and I trot down the hall
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Sorry... and Stuff
*Maddox*I stare at Isla in bewilderment, not sure what to say to her. I should probably be down in the dungeon trying to break Alpha Jordan, trying to figure out where the hell his fucking daughter is hiding, but I came here because I wanted to talk to Isla to make sure she was all right.Apparently, she is not.Sighing I walk over to her bed and sit down next to her, my hip near her knee. “What do you mean?” I ask her. “Replaced… by who?”She runs a hand through her hair, blonde curls tangling around her fingers, before she grimaces and untangles herself. She likely forgot about the cut on her head. “I don’t think I need to tell you,” she says, folding her hand in her lap. Her eyes are wide as she looks up at me.Puzzled, I stare at her for a long time, trying to figure out what the hell she is talking about. Why is she mad at me exactly? I expected her to shout at me for being cross with her about the office. I don’t think I’ve done anything else.“What?” I shake my head. “Replaced
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Another Vivid Dream
*Isla*I’m underwater again.This time isn’t like the last time, though. I know immediately that things are different.This time, I’m more angry than I am afraid, but I don’t feel the same pressure that I did last time either. I feel like I am storming off, running away, riding my white horse off into the sunset….But I also feel like it probably shouldn’t be a white horse. I know I’ve done awful things, and I know that I’ve screwed everything up. I’m not the hero in this story….I’m the villain.Normally, I’m okay with that. I don’t mind being the one who stirs up all of the trouble. But in the back of my mind, I can’t help thinking about what might’ve happened if my plans hadn’t gone awry. Perhaps I should’ve listened to my father and not messed with the situation so entirely.None of that matters now. Dad drowned. Mom fled the moment she found out what I was up to. I am pretty sure that Wylie is pulverized, and I have no fucking idea where the driver is.It’s just me now.Me… and m
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Making Up In Bed
*Maddox*Isla’s scent permeates every breath as I gain my bearings, doing my best to wake my sleeping mind. I have a vague recollection of talking to her earlier this morning, before I was fully awake.She’d given me some startling information, something I needed to look into today, though I’m not exactly sure what it was now….It’ll come back to me later.For now, my hand is resting on her soft, warm breast, and with her intoxicating scent rolling around me, I can’t help but keep the hardness I’ve awoken with growing in length.The recollection that she is injured comes to my mind, and I know I should leave her be. She hit her hard pretty hard yesterday, and she has a wounded shoulder, but her nipple is hardening beneath my palm, and I can’t seem to pull my hand away.Groggily, she says, “Maddox? What are you doing?” But her voice is sultry, not at all perturbed that I’ve awoken her by massaging her breast.“I’m kissing your neck,” I tell her as I do just that. My mouth sinks into th
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What Happened Here?
*Isla*When I awake again, after Maddox left to go do whatever he was going to do to check to see if my dream was real, it’s to the sound of someone moving in my room. It seems like whoever it is is trying to be quiet, but when something makes a loud clatter, and I hear Beta Seth swear under his breath, it’s obvious who it is.“What’s going on?” I ask, groggily. I roll over, pulling the blanket up around me, and look at him.“Oh, I’m so sorry, Isla. I am just… King Maddox wanted me to put a phone in your room so that you can call your parents and they can call you whenever you want. But the phone jack is behind the bed, and getting to it is being a pain in the a–butt.” He stops himself short of swearing in front of me, like I am some sort of a delicate flower.“Thanks, Beta Seth,” I say to him, smiling at his kindness. “Is there anything that I can do to help?”“No, no, I’ve got it.” He grunts a little as he strains and stretches behind the bed for a second and then sighs with a succ
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How to Be a Breeder
*Isla*“Can I come in?”I stare at the girl, not quite sure what to say. I’m taken aback that she’s even here. What in the world could she possibly have to say to me?And yet, it’s very difficult for me to tell her to leave. She looks so sad, standing there in the doorway, her bulging stomach protruding in front of her.“Of course,” I say, gesturing for her to come over to the sitting area where I have a couple of comfortable chairs in front of the window.We both sit, and I readjust my skirt several times, not sure what to say or do. Part of me wants Poppy to come in and say she has my breakfast, so I can at least have an excuse not to be able to talk. If my mouth is full of eggs, I won’t have to say anything to this doe-eyed girl who is looking at me like she thinks I have all of the answers to whatever ails her.“I’m… Isla,” I say to her, and she nods. I have to assume she already knows that, but since no one is saying anything, I thought it might be a good way to start the convers
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Who's To Blame?
*Maddox*Blood coats the floor in the entryway. I could see it before I even kicked in the door. My warriors, still in their human form, join me as I walk into the house.The body of a young maid, legs prone, arms over her face, is positioned off to the side of the door. This blood is hers. She has bite marks and deep scratches from claws on her chest, neck, and face. I can see that from here, but when I step closer to her and roll her over, I notice that the blood is coagulated. She has been laying here for a while. I’m no medical expert, but I’m guessing it’s been a few hours.I have seen my fair share of bodies on the battlefield from warriors who have died early in the fight, ones we gathered much later, and the blood is similar.Her cold, empty, green eyes stare up at me. I close them for her, careful not to step in the blood as I walk away.“Be careful,” I tell the men with me. “This is a crime scene.”A whiff of the air tells me that this isn’t the only body we are going to fin
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