All Chapters of The Last Building on Bay Street: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
40 Chapters
Dance, Fucker, Dance
‘’Coffee, tea or hot chocolate,’’ Jamie snapped, ‘’choose.’’Robbo the Hobo, dressed in so many layers you could barely see his face, tapped the few coins he had dug out of his pockets with a broken nail, ‘’I want a latte!’’‘’Since when have your tastes become so acquired, Rob?’’ Jamie rolled his eyes at one of his regulars.‘’The Starbucks in the town centre does Lattes!’’ Robbo said, annoyed.‘’Yeah, well, we’re not a Starbucks and I’ll be drawn and quartet before we are. If you want a Latte, go there!’’‘’No way, man! They charge over three quid!’’‘’Well then,’’ Jamie gave him a killer smile, ‘’coffee, tea or hot chocolate?’’‘’Coffee,’’ Robbo grumbled, knowing he’d never win
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The Second Full Moon
On the day of the full moon, Gus was lying on his stomach on his tiny bed, trying to teach himself the newest math formula they went through at school this week. It was going into his brain like butter and he was speed-writing equations down a page in his ragged notebook when a tentative knock sounded on his doors. Gus’ pencil – he never bought pens, because they ran out of ink quickly – paused over his page as he frowned. He didn’t recognise that knock. Marianna always triple-knocked. Art knocked in a continuous stream without stopping until the doors were open; Raphael usually just hollered for Gus to open as he jogged up the stairs; Buster rapped a beat out on the doors with his open palms; Val slammed her fist into the door as if she was trying to break in; and Jamie never knocked. Jamie just walked in and dumped himself on Gus’ bed. Not one tenant of the last building on Bay Street knocked in such a shy, polite manner. Gus got off his bed and walked up to his door cauti
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Something Aspirin Can't Fix
‘’Bus, you feel like going to school today?’’ Val crouched down by her best friend’s bed in their shared room. He was bundled in his covers so that she couldn’t even see his face. She had no idea how he hadn’t suffocated yet, ‘’it’s been three days. Maybe we should take you to a doctor.’’‘’No doctor,’’ Buster whined from under the blankets, ‘’please.’’Val felt helpless. She reached out and laid a dark hand on the roll of blankets, ‘’do you need anything?’’‘’No, thanks,’’ Buster’s voice was faint, muffled, hoarse. Val was starting to seriously worry about him.‘’Aspirin? Food? Are you sure this is just a cold?’’ Val prompted. She didn’t want to leave Buster all by himself when she went to school. She’d run to the shop and spend her food money on p
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Your Friendly Neighbourhood Kidnapper
‘’Chug, chug, chug, chug...!’’Valentina obediently chugged her third beer as the small crowd gathered around her cheered. The Crypt was open for business but the group had put a small amount of time aside to celebrate Raphael turning twenty. They had wanted to go out for burgers, but Raphael said he was too busy. He wasn’t even in the club anymore, only three hours since opening. No one knew what he was busy with but between his absence in the past two days and Buster’s confinement his bed, pretending he was having a cold, Val was left to distract her friends from the heavy, strange atmosphere that came with being incomplete. Jamie, Gus and Art cheered as Val raised her empty glass in the air with a victorious whoop, ‘’nice one,’’ Jamie said approvingly, jumping behind the bar with the easiness of a kid whose been running away from the police since he was twel
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Trick or Motherfucking Treat
On the morning of Halloween, Raphael didn’t want to part with Fritz. Carmelo was back at home but Raphael had asked him to stay in his room, and he kept Fritz largely in his own. Fritz didn’t want – didn’t feel like he could – see other people yet. But Raphael knew Fritz wouldn’t get better holed up in his room – he needed to see his pack, most importantly. Still, when he woke up that morning, Raphael didn’t want to get out of bed. Fritz was sleeping next to him, dreadlocks spread out on the pillow, eyes closed, mouth slightly parted... his skin was warm from sleep. Raphael knew, because he touched his cheek, brushed his fingers down his neck... it was strange. Raphael wasn’t a wolf. He didn’t get influenced by instincts and scents, like werewolves did. And yet he had this strong, dominant need of protecting Fritz, from everything and anything. There was a second instinct, softer, that Raphael tried to ignore – the in
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Welcome to the Crypt
The warehouse doors rattled as they were pushed open by Rosita. Raphael didn’t miss the flash of her knife as she quickly hid it in her pocket. He didn’t blame Fritz’s sub-pack for being on high alert after the attack from that lone wolf that Fritz had killed, ‘’it’s you again,’’ the pink-haired woman observed. She pulled down the bandana hiding her mouth and nose.‘’Hi,’’ Raphael said, hands in pockets. He clenched and unclenched his fists, feeling his heart pound. He hadn’t seen Fritz in over a week and just the thought of being around his mate made his blood pressure spike, ‘’is Fritz in?’’‘’You just missed him.’’Raphael’s heart sank. He hesitated, ‘’how just?’’‘’You  won’t catch up to him,’’ Rosita said apologetically. She liked Raphael and she was getting tire
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Midnight Snacking, Falling in Love and Other Weaknesses
Ellie’s fists hit the punching bag in the gym of the condo building. It was sleek and well furnished but not often used by the rich inhabitants of the building. Alex was sitting on the running machine, backwards, drinking a milkshake and watching Ellie. She grunted with each hit, imagining hitting Tatiana’s smug face. As soon as she told Jed about the challenge from Tatiana’s pack, Ellie had called a pack meeting. Asking her wolves to fight with her was just a formality – they were a pack, a family. They’d fight for each other no matter the odds. Though it didn’t look like Alex was doing any training whatsoever. Ellie decided not to say anything – he was straight out of military school. He probably had better training than her.The doors opened and Ellie stepped back from the bag, wiping her chin with her gloved hand. Gideon strolled in, immaculately dressed, hands in pockets. He hadn’t come to the meeting and Ellie had to chase
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The Third Full Moon
‘’No talking, no distracting each other,’’ Jed walked down the rows of desks at the community college, giving out lined paper, ‘’you have forty minutes, starting,’’ he glanced at his wrist-watch, ‘’now.’’The sound of paper rustling and pens clicking filled the room. Jed leaned against the back wall, watching the students read the essay question. Some went into writing straight away and Jed mentally shook his head. His eyes drifted automatically to Art, by the window, next to Buster’s empty seat. He’d given in the promised essay and it had been brilliant. Now Jed wanted to see if he could pull it off in an exam. Art had a bright mind that had taken some digging to bring into the light and Jed didn’t want him to waste it. He found himself strolling down the rows of desks, glancing at students to see what they were writing. He finally came to a stop besides Art’s desk. Art was still reading the question, chewing on his pen.Jed’s eyes zoned in on his mouth and he felt suddenly mesmerise
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Friendship: Officially Over
Buster woke up the morning after the full moon, feeling better than he had in weeks. Unfortunately, he didn’t have time to wallow in the feeling because, before he even opened his eyes, he felt the foreign touch on his face. He knew straight away that it wasn’t Val because his charming roommate woke him up either with a pillow to his face or a swift kick to his side. In fact, no one touched Buster like that. Soft finger trailed from his temple to his hair, brushing down his cheek, tracing the outline of his jaw before, finally, brushing against his bottom lip. Buster’s heart skipped and his breath caught. The hand froze and Buster opened his eyes. Gideon Reis lay beside him on the floor, propped up on his elbow, head resting in his hand, his other hand now frozen against Buster’s cheek. For a long second, Buster just stared up at his mate in disbelief. He didn’t remember anything from his frenzy the previous night; he’d blacked out as soon as the full moon rose in the sky. He had no
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Caught Glitter Handed
Val had never worn a proper blazer. Even in high-school, before she became a sixth-former, she didn’t have enough money to buy that expensive piece of fabric that did nothing to keep out the cold and only made her shoulders look square. She’d nearly driven her teachers to an early grave wearing only a raggedy jumper over her rumpled shirt and faded trousers. But Ellie had told her that her old leather jacket wasn’t something she could wear to work and Val hadn’t argued when the red head deposited a stack of clothes at the last building on Bay Street. Now, mid-December, she was starting her intern. She couldn’t help but feel a little proud, standing in front of the towering building in the centre of the city, dressed in smart jeans and a burgundy blazer over a black shirt. She came from nothing – abusive, alcoholic parents, no roots, no inclination as to what her talents could be apart from brute force. Now, with all the mess between Jamie and Art and Gideon and Buster, she felt like
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