All Chapters of ABLAZE ( A SACRED Romance): Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
56 Chapters
Aya groaned. Their relationship was doomed from the start. He would stay the beautiful, young prince.And she would be the ugly old toad.Early in the afternoon, Aya woke and had lunch with Howard Barr and a few of the daytime guards. Although trained in security, the guys were also paid to clean houses during the day. After all, the sound of vacuum cleaners wasn't going to disturb the dead. Aya spent a boring afternoon washing her new clothes and watching television. The Digital Vampire Network was on, but most everything was in French or Italian. It was nighttime in Europe. The slogans still appeared in English. On 24/7 because it's always night time somewhere. AVC— if you're not digital, you can't be seen. Now the words made a lot more sense.She took a hot shower before sunset, eager to look her best for Malcolm. Back in the kitchen, she ate supper and witnessed the changing of the guard. The Switzers arrived. Each one gave her
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Malcolm lay in bed thinking, and foremost in his thoughts was Aya. Last night had been wonderful, but at the same time aggravating. He'd had to expend too much energy blocking out those women downstairs. good Lord, he hated being stuck with them. He didn't even know all their names. He'd never spent any real time with them. During vampire sex, he'd simply imagined making love to a woman's body. It might have felt good to the Bridals ladies, but the body he imagined might as well have belonged to Abvn. It wasn't real. It wasn't any of them.It wasn't even Aya. That, too, had annoyed him. He had imagined Aya in his mind, but he knew it wasn't really her. He didn't know what she looked like naked, and now his imagination wasn't enough. He wanted the real thing. And he believed she did, too. Last night she had complained about not being able to touch him or hold him.He had to complete that formula he was working on. If he could stay awake during the day, he
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Malcolm straightened, standing between her legs. He grasped the top edge of her underwear and drew the fabric down a few inches. His knuckles were nestled in a mass of curly hair.He stared. good Lord, he should have known. After all, she came in color. His gaze met hers."You're a redhead?""I… guess." She licked her lips. "Some call it strawberry blond.""Reddish gold." He rubbed his knuckles against the springy hair. The texture was different—coarse, curly, exciting. He smiled at her. "I should have realized. You have the temper of a redhead."She gave him a wry look. "I had every right to be furious."He shrugged. "Vampire sex is overrated. This…" He glanced down at his fingers entwined in her curls. "This is much better." He slipped a finger into the moist cleft.With a gasp, she started. "Oh God, what you do to me." She pressed a hand to her chest as if to ease her breathing. "You
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She was dressed and sitting on the chaise, tying her shoes, when he came into the office. He removed another bottle from the mini-fridge and popped it into the microwave. He was fully dressed now—black jeans and a gray polo shirt. His face was washed, his hair brushed. He was absolutely beautiful and apparently still hungry.The microwave dinged and he poured the warmed blood into a glass. "I owe you my thanks."Sipping from the glass, he strode toward the desk. "I shouldn't have allowed myself to get so hungry. You were very kind to help me after… what I did.""You mean after biting me?""Yes." He looked irritated as he sat behind his desk. "I prefer to look at the positive side of this.""You're kidding, right?""No. A few nights ago, you fainted at the mere sight of blood. I had to help you through the dental procedure, or you would have fainted again. But tonight you fed me blood. You're conqueri
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Ten minutes later, Malcolm teleported to Elizabeth's office at Baal corporation.She looked up from her work. "There you are. You're running late. Henri and Van Nilsen are waiting in your office.""Fine. Elizabeth, I need you to research something for me.""Sure." She leaned forward, resting her elbows on her desk. "What is it?""I think I should buy some new property.""For another facility? That's a good idea, what with these ancient bloodsuckers going around, blowing things up. By the way, I went ahead and ordered a transfer of synthetic blood from your Illinois plant.""Thank you."Elizabeth picked up a pen and legal pad. "So, where do you want the new plant?"Frowning, Malcolm shifted his weight. "It's not a plant. I need a… house. A big house."Elizabeth's brows lifted, but she scribbled his request on the pad. "Any specifications, other than big?"
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"Can they see me?" Aya watched the scroungy assortment of vampires through the window."No." Jacob stood next to her in the viewing room. "Not as long as you keep the lights off. It's a one-way glass."Aya didn't know anything about market research, but she figured it had to be more interesting than watching television all night. "I'm surprised there's such a thing as poor vampires. Can't they use mind control to wheedle money out of people?""I suppose," Jacob answered, "but most of these people were already broken before they became vampires. They only think about their next meal, like a junkie and his next fix.""That's so sad." Aya observed the ten vampires who had come to Baal corporation for a free meal and the fifty-dollar incentive. "Vampirism doesn't change a person very much, does it?""Nay." Erling stood at the door. He had insisted on coming along as her personal bodyguard. "A man will stay true to his
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Aya had to jog to keep up with Erling's long-legged stride. As they rounded the corner to the wing where Malcolm's lab was located, a loud, beeping alarm went off. "What's that?""Red alert." Erling started running. "Something's happened."He stopped in front of Malcolm's lab and knocked. He opened the door and waited for Aya to catch up. Gasping for air, she followed him inside.Malcolm was on the phone, but looked up when she came in. His worried expression immediately cleared, and the smile he gave her took away what little air she had left. "She's all right. She's here with Erling." He listened on the phone, but his gaze never left Aya.Her heart was pounding, her mouth dry. It was from the running, though. It had nothing to do with the way Malcolm was looking at her.She set her purse on a black-topped table. There was some music playing quietly. No instruments, just male voices singing. The soothing sound wa
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Malcolm had made it to the closet and was opening the door.Suddenly a loud blast deafened her. The ground shook. She grabbed at the blinds to steady herself, but they swayed, causing her to stumble. Alarms rang out. And another sound that Aya realized was people screaming."Oh my God." She peeked out the window. In the glare of the morning sun, she spotted a plume of smoke."An explosion?" Malcolm whispered. "Where?""I'm not sure. All I see is smoke." Aya glanced back. He was sagging against the closet door, deathly pale."They timed it this way, so I couldn't do anything."Aya peered through the blinds again. "It's the wing across from us. The cafeteria! Elizabeth was there." She ran to the phone and dialed 911."There… will be many people there." Malcolm pushed away from the door, stumbled forward a few steps, and fell to his knees.When an operator answered,
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The paramedics wheeled her away. Police officers arrived. Flashes lit the room as the crime scene investigators snapped pictures."Damn." Malcolm moved back. "I have to leave.""Why?" Aya asked."I don't think those are digital cameras." Malcolm grabbed Aya's hand and headed for the door.A paramedic stopped beside him. "Sir, you have severe burns. You should come with us.""No, I'm fine.""We'll take you in an ambulance. This way.""I'm not going.""I'm Dr. Mayhem." Aya smiled at the paramedic. "This man is my patient. I'll look after him.Thank you.""Fine. Suit yourself." The paramedic rushed off to join the others."Thank you." Malcolm led her out of the cafeteria. "We'll go to the silver room." He opened a door to the stairwell, and they descended the steps. "This is so aggravating. I really want to see what kind of
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"Are you sure you want to go in there alone?" Jon asked as he parked down the street from Stephan's house."I won't be alone for long." Aya checked her purse. It was stuffed with lengths of rope for tying up prisoners. She pulled out the cell phone she'd borrowed from Edward Cafe and punched in the newly memorized phone number for Malcolm's house."Cafe," the head of Malcolm's daytime security answered."We're in place. I'm going in.""Good. Keep the line open," Edward warned her in his nasal voice. "Here. Malcolm wants to talk to you.""Be careful," Malcolm warned her."I'll be fine. Jon's here if I need him." Aya opened the car door. "I'm setting the phone in my purse now. See you soon." She propped the open phone on top of everything in her purse.Jon gave her an encouraging nod. She climbed from the car and walked toward Stephan's house.At Baal corporation, she'd given Malcolm another dose of the formula before they teleported to his house.There, with Edward Cafe's advice, they'
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