All Chapters of Bound To The Ruthless Alpha: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
144 Chapters
Conan My heart crumbled at the sight of her and the fact that she saw me in that light shattered my heart into pieces. She didn't deserve any of that and it made me wish that I could do everything in my power to make sure that all her pain was taken away. "What do you want me to do? Is there anything that you want me to do to alleviate your pain? I would give you the world, Liana. You, our daughter, and everyone else" My voice was barely above a whisper as I watched as he slept peacefully. No matter how much I tried to put on a hold font, I couldn't deny the fact that I felt sick to my stomach. My stomach tied a knot just at the mere thought of me having a daughter. I had no idea that I had a daughter.It scared me so much that the only thing that I wanted to do was to give her the world. I wanted to make up for all of the years of my absence and the fact that I didn't know all this while that I had a daughter with Liana shattered and crumbled the insides of me as I heaved an exasp
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The Best
Chapter Conan As I had expected, Matilda fulfilled her promise and now, I crouched before Daisy who had horror boldly written on her face as she ran away and hid behind Arthur. The way she acted in that moment wanted me to burst into a peal of hysterical laughter that was purely mixed with sadness because in the end, she was my daughter and I had failed in protecting her and Liana. The beautiful sight of her melted my heart. The way she would make tiny screams whenever I wanted to pull her into a hug broke my heart into pieces.I knew better not to force anything. I have already made a bad impression of myself before her and there was nothing I could do to change her view about me right now because even apart from making bad impressions about me, I was sure that Bruce Lawrence must have poisoned her mind against me already. Those were the things that I knew that he was capable of doing. "What do. you want from me? What are the things that you want from me? Daddy told me not to tal
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ChapterThis excitement built up in my stomach when I heard a voice that sounded like that of Daisy. It seemed more to me like she was calling for me, she kept screaming. “Mom, Mom, Mom”I was sure that was her voice because I was her mother and father there was no way that I wouldn’t recognize the sound of my daughter’s voice even if she wasn’t even near. I couldn’t contain my excitement as soon as I caught sight of her and the interesting thing was that she was munching on the same chips that I had always warned her about because it felt like the chops were too hard for a little girl like her and it made me wonder how had given her the chips thoughtlessly.But still, to hell with the chips, the most important thing that mattered to me the most was the fact that she was here standing with me. The fact that she was brought here made my heart leap in my chest in excitement. As soon as she ran in my direction, I swept her off her feet, spinning her around the whole room because, in the
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Crazy Woman
LIana P O V"Why did I push you off the rooftop or did I not hear right" Matilda repeated and I was about to talk but my eyesight was getting fuzzy and blurry in a way that even I couldn't understand. It was more like something terrible was done to me in the past and the fact that I was regaining my memories scared me so much that I felt like if I ever regained my memories, then I would hold a lot of grudges against people.Was I hallucinating earlier? Matilda was my sister! There was no way that she would push me off the rooftop because even I wouldn't do something as atrocious as that. While I tried to discard the thoughts, another image flashed through my head again, and this time the image kind of worsened and I couldn't wrap my head around why I was hallucinating about something as gory and grotesque as that. This time, I saw Matilda stabbing me in the belly and the smile that crept at the corner of her lips sent shivers to run down my spine. My eyes squeezed shut again and thi
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No wrong
Conan P O VMy mum was here again, she was here to piss me off like she always did! The fact that she was still vouching for Kayla was something that I would never be able to fathom. Despite the evidence being glaring that Kayla was the one behind everything that was happening and that she was the culprit. She still stood boldly behind her and when it was reported that there was a kind of prison break, she would always hope that Kayla would return to her. The kind of love that she held towards Kayla was something that I would never fathom because no matter how much I tried to see things from her point of view, it just didn't make any sense. How could she love Kayla so blindly that when people mistake Kayla for being her daughter to my mum, Kayla is someone that would do or cause no harm? I was tired of this already.Kayla could do no wrong before her eyes and the only one that would always do wrong before her eyes was Liana even when Liana did nothing to upset her or annoy her in
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Accepting faults
Conan POVHer mouth slackened while her eyes opened wide as she reached her hands for Daisy and slowly pulled her into a hug. I wouldn’t deny the fact that I was taken by her reaction became I never expected that she would react like that.After what seemed like minutes, She turned to look at me and the fact that she had tears welling up in her eyes caused me to raise my brow in confusion because one thing that I knew was that she would never do something like that but the way she was kind of emotional kind of melted my heart and somehow, it changed my view about her although it was not entirely it was just a little bit. She encircled her hands around Daisy while planting soft kisses on her head as she rubbed her slowly on her back. She muttered. “I am sorry for not recognizing you soon enough and I am sorry for not knowing that you are my granddaughter. I am sorry for saying all those terrible things to your mom and I am sorry for being absent in your life” My earlier thought was t
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Memories of Kayla
Next Chapter Liana’s Point Of View My eyes furrowed in confusion after seeing the sight before me and after this woman insulted me, she was here crying, and the way that she looked relieved after she had set her eyes on me kind of like made me raise a brow in confusion."What the hell is happening here? Why are you two here? Did something bad happen" I said even though my words were muffled against Conan's chest as he pulled me alongside Daisy who almost flinched in my hands and the fact that he had no idea about how much he was scaring Daisy with the creepy way that he was acting made me want to push him off me. But something stopped me! There was this sudden surge in my stomach and heat was rising in my stomach as soon as I felt his hands around me and the annoying thing was that it felt like I had experienced something like that before.Now that I thought about it, the woman who addressed herself as Conan's mother who did nothing but hurls insults at me even though I was just me
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Where is my daughter?
Conan When she mentioned Kayla, it made me feel a little weird, and the fact that she mentioned Kayla’s name with her face scrunched up made me feel like there was a high chance that she was slowly regaining her memories. Then when a groan escaped her lips, I rushed towards her in haste because it turned out that my assumptions were starting to seem like it was true.I rushed towards her while quickly making eye contact for my mum to take her away from there because I felt that Daisy didn’t deserve to see something like that. I didn’t want Daisy to grow up seeing her mother in this horrible state. It was something that I didn't want Daisy to even remember when she got older and the fact that my mom understood what I meant warned my heart a bit.Daisy began wriggling in her arms as if she wanted to set herself free and as soon as my mother promised to give her candy, she suddenly went mute and the next thing that happened was her shouting about how much she wanted to stuff her mouth w
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Bad parents
Conan’s Point of View The fact that he was still claiming the right over Daisy made my blood boil and the only thing that I wanted to do at that very moment was to hurl the phone against the wall. It was just about time that he paid for all of his sins and it was about time that he had a taste of his medicine.I was tired of condoning his nonsense for a long and I was tired of his constant audacity when he was nothing but a puppet that was being used by his father to carry out his father’s horrible wishes. It was so glaring that Daisy wasn’t even his daughter and the fact that he felt the need to address her as his daughter was something that I would never be able to forgive for the rest of my life. There was no way that I would allow Bruce Lawrence to be at rest after everything that he had done.Now that I thought about it, it was now time to drag Bruce Lawrence into the hell that I have been preparing for him and a lot of the people that hurt me. My first plan turned out to be a
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ChapterLIanaI wouldn’t deny the fact that I was nervous and the fact that I was going to miss my parents and the annoying thing was that Conan’s words kept resounding in my head and despite everything that had happened, I would never settle for the fact that my parents were bad people.I wanted to talk to my mum and most especially, I missed my father, the one that I have ever loved the most and most importantly, I missed my mother! This excitement was building inside of me as I tried to recollect what they would like now! Would they even expect that I would be there? I couldn’t wait to see the excitement on their faces when they set their eyes on me.Deep inside of me, I kept reassuring myself about Conan’s words. “My parents were not bad people and all those rubbish talks from earlier about my parents being bad people would never be real and I would never believe something like that!” Slowly, Conan’s mother's words flashed through my head again and she accused my father of being
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