All Chapters of LOVE BY CONTRACT : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
122 Chapters
Chapter thirty one: PK motors
KAMARIA POV After dropping my daughter off at school, I headed towards work. As I drove on the main road I took a glance at my watch, it was some minutes past nine. I wasn't late, the presentation is at ten, I told my team to meet me at PK motors. My phone pinged and I removed one hand from the steering to pick it up. I usually don't like looking at my phone while I am driving, but because of my daughter I have to in case it is a call from her school. It wasn't, rather it was my best friends wishing me luck. Dinner at Bobby's house few days ago had gone very well. It felt nice to be among family. Speaking of family, my heart tightened at the thought of my parents. I haven't yet told them I was back in the state or paid them a visit. I was scared. It is been ten years. The fear of seeing the disappointment in their eyes, the loathing is what is keeping me from paying them a visit, but I have to, soon rather than later. I want my daughter to know her grandparents, and I hope dearly
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Chapter thirty two: The presentation
KAMARIA POV The other team went next. The woman picked and looked, immediately her face crumbled and she went back to her team with a sore expression on her face. Her team looked worried when she opened her palms to show them what she got. It looked as if she got the last number, I thought dipping my hand into the bowl. No she didn't, that honour goes to me. When I returned to my team and told them our number they looked more worried than the other team. They were scared and I could understand why. Going last means that you risk presenting something another team have already presented or you end up with a tired audience. There was nothing we could do about it. The lady left with the order of our companies and then came back a few minutes later to call in the first group. The lanky guy and his group stood and followed her leaving the rest of us to brew in tension. I did my best to relax my mind, to tell myself that I am more than prepared, to assure myself that nothing will go wron
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Chapter Thirty Three: Curiosity killed the cat
DAMIEN POVMy company lost the bid to a start up company, and from what I heard from the team it was all thanks to the creative director. The news came as a shock because what my team had should have been a winner. Who is this woman that brought them to their knees.My curiosity lead me to the company but I couldn’t have anticipated what I will find when I walked into her office. was totally floored by the sight staring back at me inside the new company's creative director's office. Kamaria back from the dead. The sight of her was a heavy shock to the system, but when I got over it the next thing I thought was my kid. Did she have it? Without meaning to my eyes flickered to her stomach as if searching for the baby bump which is ridiculous, is been ten years. Neither of us was speaking as we stared at each other. Shock was the most apparent emotion on both our faces, and something else was in hers. Fear She should be because now that I have found her I was going to get my child
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Chapter thirty four : She thinks you are dead
DAMIEN POVThe door to her office opened swiftly at the guy from before quickly appeared. "Is everything alright?" He was staring at Kamaria as he asked the question. Who the fuck is this guy? "Do you mind?" I scowled at him, my eyes burning him down to the ground. He acted as if I haven't spoken and waited for Kamaria to speak. What is he? Her bodyguard? I looked at her propelling her to send the guy out so we could continue our discussion. I needed to know why she is keeping me from my child. Is bad enough she kept me away from her for so many years. "It is alright Reign," she gave the guy a shaking smile. The guy didn't move a muscle but instead continued to stare at her intently as if he wanted to make sure she was really alright and not lying to him. Which she probably was, but it is none of the fucking guy business who ever he is. "Will you please get the fuck out, I am trying to have a serious discussion here!" I yelled losing my patient with the both of them. They can
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Chapter thirty five: Loosing my mind
KAMARIA POV Davina! That is is what he will do. He will most likely try to take my baby girl away from me. I cannot let that happen. I flew to my feet like someone possessed, snatched my handbag off the table and ran for the door. "Where are you going? Kamz!" Reign ran after me but I didn't stop. I have to get to my baby girl before Damien does. Coming back to the State was a huge mistake. The staff all looked up curiously as I hurried past them with Reign hot on my heels. They must be wondering what Hollywood drama is happening between their boss and the big boss. "Kamz wait, please," Reign continued to call out as he gave a chase, but I couldn't wait. What if I get there too late and Damien have already gotten to her. He found me which means he could find her. I can't lose my baby, I wept internally as I threw the door of my car open. Before I could drive off Reign joined me in the car. "What is going on?" He sounded very worried. I couldn't look at him. My entire concentrat
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chapter thirty six: My life tale is not telenovela
KAMARIA POV We had a good time with Reign inserting few jokes here and there. His presence have always made our small family feel whole. "Ready for your fun rides?" I teased my daughter as we stood from our seats, belly full with food and drinks. She grinned widely at me showcasing the gap between her two front upper teeth. The rest of the day went with no incident and just us having fun at the park. As we were driving home Davina fell asleep at the back. "Looks like we worn her out," Reign looked back towards a sleeping Davina. I looked at the rear view mirror she was leaning against the window glass with her eyes closed and her mouth dropping a little. I stared at her with so much emotions inside me. The maternal instinct in me urging me to do everything to keep my girl with me. She is better off with me, this I know. There was no way in hell I was going to allow the Blacks raise my daughter. I will never let Elizabeth Black dig her tentacles into my daughter. The Black Mat
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Chapter thirty seven: Punishing her
DAMIEN POVI took deep gulp of my drink before telling him everything. "Wow!" Paul exclaimed when I was done, like my life was some kind of opera. I guess it is, a little bit. Ex wife back from the dead living in the same city as me with my kid that I thought I will never see again. "So what are you going to do?" Paul poured himself a drink. "Thought it is still too early for a drink," I teased, arching a brow at him. "Well your take calls for a drink, and stop stalling with my question." "I wasn't stalling, and I know what I want to do." "Which is?" "To get my kid back." "You are going to fight for custody?" "Yes, total custody," I said my features growing hard. "Why total custody? Isn't that a bit much? We could loose," Paul gave me a worried look. "That is why I am here, I want you to lead my father's team of lawyers and make sure that we don't loose. And you don't have to worry, I don't Kamaria will be able to afford a team of lawyers of our calibre." "But why are you g
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Chapter thirty eight: Was it a mistake
DAMIEN POVAs I drew closer to the door I could hear voices speaking inside. They were whining and moaning about the contract. I opened the door and walked in. Just like outside their jaws dropped at my presence. "Boss, what are you doing here?" My creative director enquired while his team looked at each other as if they could figure out the reason for my presence on each other's face. They do look worried, which I must say they have a good reason to be. I took out my phone and called the head of HR. "Hello, sir," he voice came on immediately. "I want you to send out advert for a new creative director, and this time I will be conducting the interview." I ended the call before the man on the other end could say something and then turned to face the now fired director. He looked flummoxed, like he couldn't believe what was happening. He should have seen it coming. Losing to an upcoming company. What an embarrassment. "In case you somehow didn't catch what that was. You are fired!
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Chapter thirty nine: The way he looks at you
KAMARIA POV "Damn girl, did you add a ton, these past few days?" Jonathan teased setting Davina back on her feet while setting the girl off again. "You know Uncle Jonathan, you are not supposed to talk about a ladies weight," Davina teased back with a mock stern expression that broke down at the surprised look on Jonathan's face. "I am sorry, my fine lady," Jonathan bowed his head at her, making her crackle some more. "Morning mum," Davina joined us at the couch giving me a kiss, before moving on to Reign and then Bobby. "Morning, Princess," Bobby smiled at my baby girl. "What are you all doing here?" Before anyone could answer a loud rumble broke the brief silence. The rumble was so loud that we felt the ground underneath our feet shake. All eyes turned to gawk at my daughter who looked as if her face had been set on fire. "I am hungry," she whispered with a sheepish expression on her face and we all bursted into laughter. "Come on squint I will make you something," Reign go
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Chapter forty: Made a mess of things
KAMARIA POV This is the first time I am going to see my parents after ten years there was no way I was going with a man in tow. We finished our breakfast while chatting and laughing with each other. To an outsider it looked like such a domestic scene. After we were done with breakfast I sent Davina off to pack her things while Reign and I cleaned up. "Does your decision have anything to do with what happened yesterday?" I nodded. "Partially," I added. He gave me a questioning look, which I answered. "I need to see my parents, I can't keep pushing it off, and this gives me the perfect excuse to do it." He nodded with nothing on his face. "I hope you know I am here if you need my help." "I know," I said softly. "How long do you plan to stay?" "I will stay till you come back." "And the office in London?" "I think they can manage without me for few days, that is how long your trip will take?" I looked away. I don't know. I know running away isn't the answer but I wasn't sur
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