All Chapters of Wedding Under Contract: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
55 Chapters
Chapter 31
-I understand, then I'm leaving," says the girl with black hair.-I can't believe that so many women follow you love, but I think they wanted to notice that you are not single anymore," says Lucrecia.-Don't be jealous love, I only have eyes for you," says Jeff.-You better," says Lucrecia.-Well sign, it's what I need to give you, since you are married, and I see so much love in you, that I doubt that you will separate, that's why I give it," says Jeff's grandfather.-I love your son," says Lucrecia while she signs the paper.-I know, it shows," says Jeff's grandfather.-It's your turn to sign love, then you eat this donut, with the banana shake I got you," says Lucrecia, while Jeff signs the paper.-Thank you love," says Jeff.-I love you very much, we will do many things and take care of those hotels you gave us," says Jeff.-Well, I have to go, I have a lot of things to do," says grandpa leaving.The office was alone, the only ones that were there were Jeff and Lucrecia.-I want t
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Chapter 32
The kisses of the romantics are impregnated in the room, the laughter and the love are noticeable at the surface of the skin.The danger of a trap to save the family's lifeA week had already passed and Jeff was restless, worried, and Lucrecia was suffering from a bad flu, and Jeff was over the moon, lost in his thoughts, although he didn't want to share it with Lucrecia, for fear of worrying her.Lucrecia frowns.-Are you keeping secrets from me, love? -asks Lucrecia on the bed.-No baby, I'm just tired, and I feel like I'm going to run out of money," Jeff says affectionately.-What, you're a millionaire love, that's impossible, that you'll run out of money, that's why we distribute the money well, love, calm down, stop making that grimace, don't be negative, the money won't run out, I don't know why you get that in your head, it seems to me that you're being robbed," says Lucrecia.-It's complicated, who knows if my money goes down the drain it would hurt me because I have something
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Chapter 33
-I don't want you to go down, I don't want you to go down," says Hector.-Okay, fine," says Hector, preparing the glass of champagne, which is handed to the blonde Lucrecia.-Thank you," says Lucrecia.The employee Michelle approaches and makes her intervention.-Hello Miss Lucrecia, your friend Verla is here, do you have time to see her? -Michelle asks.-Yes, send her in," says Lucrecia.Hector just looks at her, and a grimace appears on the man's lips.-When you get a five, let me know," says Hector.Vela enters through the door with a "please let the earth swallow me up" face.-What's with that face? -Lucrecia asks, scared.-I don't know how to say this, but you have to know Jeff told me not to tell you anything, but it's my responsibility to tell you, and it's that -she tries to clear her throat and breathe as her words get choppy, with a trembling voice, she wants to let out what's coming.-Why is it so hard for you to tell me what you are about to tell me? -Lucrecia asks her, sc
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Chapter 34
Jeff sighs.-I love you baby, you're the woman I've always dreamed of," says Jeff.-And you're the man I love, and the man I've always dreamed of," says Lucrecia.Jeff's grandfather makes his intervention.-Lucrecia, I thought you would be taking your exam, or preparing for it, I didn't imagine you would be here," says Jeff's grandfather.-When I found out, I ran to see what was going on, and I will stay here, I will not take that exam," says Lucrecia, sure of herself.-I understand, it's good that you care so much about Jeff.-I worry about him until death do us part," says Lucrecia.-Won't your mother be upset that you won't be taking the exam today? -asks Jeff's grandfather.-No, besides, I'd rather be with my husband than taking an exam," says Lucrecia.-Ok," says Jeff's grandfather.Hector and Vela went to say hello and stayed with Jeff for a while.Lucrecia, Jeff's parents and grandfather stayed with them talking for a while, while Hector and Vela went to do their errands.Lucre
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Chapter 35
-Love, hold the baby, we have to name her," says Lucrecia.Jeff takes the baby in his arms and kisses her cheeks, a very quiet baby that will have to have special care, for Lucrecia and Jeff that was beautiful, it was like a gift of life.Vela, Michelle and Martina come closer to pet the baby.-Will you take care of the baby? -Vela asks.-Yes," says Lucrecia.-What a beautiful thing. Do you already know what the name is? -Michelle asks.-Her name will be Dulce María," says Lucrecia.-I love the name, love," says Jeff.-How will you do with the University? -Martina asks.-I will take her along taking care of my baby as if she was my daughter, although she was not born from my breast, I love her as if she was mine, she is the most beautiful gift of my life, I will be her mother now, I believe that the deceased mother of this baby is watching us from heaven, and she is happy that it is me, who loves her because with her I will melt her with my kisses, besides my husband will be there -sa
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Chapter 36
Lucrecia's father makes his intervention and realizes that Lucrecia has a baby in her hands, and her mother approaches her father and whispers in his ear.-In short, honey, our daughter adopted a baby, since her mother passed away, and she has already signed papers, where it says that she adopted the baby, and now it is her responsibility to take care of the baby together with Jeff -she whispers to him.-They look beautiful as parents for the first time, they look divine! -exclaimed the father, kissing the baby on the cheek.-Those cheeks are so beautiful," says Lucrecia's father.-I know daddy, she's beautiful," says Lucrecia.-What's her name? -He asks.-Sweet Maria," answers Jeff and Lucrecia.-Beautiful name," replies the father.-Thank you," says Jeff.-How are you, Rosa? -asks Lucrecia's father.-Well, even though my parents don't support me, and neither do they support Julio, I won't give up, I will do it for my daughter, Julio and I have difficult lives, our parents are not ha
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Chapter 37
Little Dulce María was barely two years old and it shows that she is imperative and playful, those blue eyes look at both Jeff and Lucrecia, what is the little girl thinking when she looks at them?The little blue-eyed girl shows that she likes their company.The days fly by for the romantic couple.Jeff and Lucrecia are in charge of seeing their daughter grow, for the moment they have not been able to have children with all the hassle of the University, and of taking care of sweet María who has not had anything for the moment, it is a year where work and studies, hasn't given him the time to have naughty nights between them.Jeff and Lucrecia decide to celebrate Dulce María's birthday, and they do it in a big way, the family gets bigger and invited friends arrive, and Jeff's grandfather is happy, and he knows that he was not wrong to give him the two hotels to be Managed by the two of them.That day, on the baby's first birthday, the grandfather approaches them and well, he gives the
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Chapter 38
"Okay, so let's celebrate that you've graduated, love," says Jeff, depositing a kiss on Lucrecia and she kisses him back, kissing her lips, the flavor of hers being honey.“I love you,” Jeff says."I love you just the same," says Lucrecia.Jeff helps Lucrecia to sit up and she already feels better, although Jeff notices something on her belly, which makes him think that she gained weight, but he attributes to her anxiety about all her studies.They all left the place where Lucrecia graduated and went straight to celebrate at the restaurant. Baby Dulce María was very happy when she saw Rosa's baby, little Lucia, who were born at the same time and are the same age.They all met and Rosa talked to Lucrecia at the table since Julio and Jeff went to bring him apple tea, and Rosa noticed something strange in Lucrecia's belly.Since Lucrecia was devouring some pieces of chocolate that were on the plate on the table, which she herself had asked for."Friend, hey, you gained weight, it's becau
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Chapter 39
They both hug each other and everything is calm.The expected moment of the birth of the twins arrives, Verónica and Mónica who are the sweet little babies who are kicking to get out, until Lucrecia gives birth to the twins.Lucrecia's mother records the exact moment of birth and the entire process, Lucrecia's father holds the baby Dulce María, and Jeff holds Lucrecia's hand and when the twins come to light for the first time, their eyes of Lucrecia are filled with tears and much happiness, both hold the twins, Lucrecia and Jeff kiss.Lucrecia's father brings Dulce María closer so she can see her new little sisters.Two hours later they celebrate a party for the new arrivals of the babies at Jeff and Lucrecia's mansion, Jeff's parents are proud of him, and only Lucrecia, Jeff and Jeff's parents only know that long ago they used a contract, but that was the use of it, to get to know each other, and destiny was already written, it doesn't matter if they were under a contract, what was b
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Chapter 40
"What are you sister?" the twins asked."We're friends, Alfredo and I are friends, and I invited him to have breakfast," Dulce said."I thought they were more than that," says Verónica."I thought you already had a boyfriend," Monica said."No, and well, let's eat, the table and chairs are waiting for us," Dulce added, getting up and leading Alfredo into the kitchen.When they got to the table, Dulce's parents and the twins were sitting in the chair when they saw Alfredo appear, there was annoyance on Jeff's part.Jeff raised his eyebrows."Good morning, thank you very much for inviting me to have breakfast with you, to get to know you a little better," Alfredo said."Who are you? Why are you here?" Jeff said in an annoyed tone."My name is Alfredo, and he's here for breakfast because they invited me," he added.—Dad, I invited him to the mansion to have breakfast with us, he is a friend who, saved my life, and I didn't know how to thank him, other than to invite him to the mansion to
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