All Chapters of Devil's Girlfriend: Chapter 121 - Chapter 125
125 Chapters
Olivia's PovI stood in front of him, the weight of loneliness settling heavily upon my shoulders. It seemed as though the world around me had turned into a desolate, empty place. The air felt cold and still, as if even the breeze had abandoned me.Lost in my thoughts, I barely believed it was him. But then it felt like, as if a miracle had occurred, he materialized before me. Victor; the devil the one person who had the power to make me feel safe and loved. In that moment, it was as if the universe had conspired to bring him to my side.Without a second thought, I ran towards him, my heart pounding with a mix of relief and desperation. I threw myself into his waiting arms, seeking solace and reassurance. He held me tightly, as if he understood that if he loosened his grip, I would be left feeling utterly alone in everything that was happening around me.My emotions spiraled out of control, and I began to ramble, pouring out the pain that had been festering within me. "My father," I c
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Olivia's PovStaring out of the window, I realised what's happening with me has become a chain as from where I see it, if a single thing goes wrong with me, I have started looking for him, it feels like if he is next to me everything is going to be okay and it's not a bad thing, it's the strength of love that if you have a partner who loves you to the moon and beyond that, you can blindly trust yourself with them.Love has the ability to bind two souls in such a way that even amidst life's uncertainties, you find a constant anchor in him.A gentle touch brought me back to the present. He placed his warm hand on mine, and I felt an immediate connection that pulled me out of my trance. Looking at him, I saw his familiar smile, which always had a way of easing my anxieties.He entwined his fingers with mine, and I could feel the comfort and assurance in his touch. "Hey," he said softly, his voice like a soothing melody. "You okay?"His simple question broke the dam of my thoughts, and I
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Victor's PovI watched her sitting by the window, her face clouded with sadness. I couldn't bear to see her like this, so I decided to do something to lift her spirits. "Hey, are you feeling any better now?" I asked gently, approaching her.She looked up at me and managed a weak smile. "I'm okay, just feeling a low.""Well, how about we do something to cheer you up? What would you like to have for dinner?" I inquired, hoping to bring some excitement into her eyes.She thought for a moment before replying, "You know what? Surprise me. Cook anything you'd like, and I'll enjoy it."I nodded, determined to make her feel better. "Alright, then. I'll whip up something delicious." Suddenly, I realized that I was still soaked from the rain outside. "Why don't you change into something comfortable while I go and take a quick shower? My clothes are all wet."She nodded and stood up, "Sure, that sounds like a plan."I hurried to the bedroom, picked out some dry nightclothes, and stepped into the
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"Should I ask you one question,""Go ahead,""At times don't you feel like what you would have been if you were with your parents,""Or maybe how it feels to have your own parents?""I don't need anyone, not even my parents,""Everyone needs a parent,""It doesn't mean they have a choice to have them till the time they want to Olivia Vitalio,""Even if you deny it I know what's right there in your,""What's there, what you know about it? You think everyone needs a parents right?""Yes,""But what about them who never got a chance to even know who they actually were so for your information they don't need them because they never know how it feels to have them in real,""I...I,""Don't think you know everything when you haven't been at someone's place, let's see it this way, you think I can feel what you are going through?""Answer me?""I'll tell you, I can't Olivia Vitalio. I can simply try my level best to fucking understand you, but I can never feel your pain because it's yours. You
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UNCLE CONNOR'S POVAs the heavy rain poured down outside, I stepped out of the helicopter onto the dimly lit landing pad, surrounded by the members of my underground Mafia family. They stood in a line, their heads bowed in a show of respect as I arrived. The rhythmic sound of the rain beating against the metal roof echoed the intensity of the moment."Welcome back, Uncle Connor," one of my trusted lieutenants said as he raised his head, his voice filled with reverence."Thank you," I replied, my gaze sweeping over the devoted faces of my men. "What do you have for me?"Two of my loyal bodyguards approached, one holding a briefcase. "We've gathered crucial information on Victor Amuso," one of them informed me. "He's been making moves against us, and we believe it's time to take him down."I nodded, a steely resolve forming in my heart. "Excellent work. Let's head to the manor and go through the details there."As I walked towards the black SUV that was waiting for us, my bodyguards fla
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