All Chapters of Lycan Prince Matteo: Chapter 71 - Chapter 75
75 Chapters
Freya“You are my son.” The Lycan rogue said. I looked at Matteo and I didn't think that he could still understand everything that this man in front of us was saying. Calvin and James were shocked as well. I mean all of us were. Just what in the world was happening? I looked at the man again and I saw nothing but sorrow on his face.I looked at Camila to check whether she knew anything about this but by the shocked look on her face as well, I could tell that she had no idea about it. Only Rapha knew this and he didn’t tell Matteo. He even worked with the king, whom he had a good relationship with. Goddess, King Marco trusted him!“This is hard for you, I know that,” the man continued. “But believe it or not, I have no intention of harming any of you.” “What kind of joke are you pulling?” Matteo said angrily. “I am telling the truth,” the man replied,“What makes you think that we’re going to believe you?” Calvin couldn’t help but asked,“You would have been dead by now if I had been
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Third PersonThey went back to the Crimson Pack later. They are all speechless and can’t think straight because of the revelations that Marcus, the Lycan rogue, claiming to be Matteo’s father, had told them. They couldn’t believe, especially Calvin and James, that Rapha had been lying to them all this time. They never expected him to know so much about the past story as he was always quiet. The only time that they saw them talking was whenever he was with the previous queen, but they didn’t think anything suspicious because King Marco always asked his mate to go to him and do some palace business.“Let’s just call this a day,” Freya said. She knew how feeling down everyone was because of the things that they needed to take in one go. She herself couldn't believe that the palace had so many secrets. She looked at Camila and found her head down while Alec was holding her hand. “Camila, none of these things should affect you. You know nothing about it,” she told her.“But my uncle–” she
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Third Person “This is insane, I never thought that the time when I had to fight the palace would come.” Calvin said, “My father had fought for it, defended everyone inside it and here I am, fighting the king himself.”” he added. “Just as I never thought that the father I know and grew up with was not actually my father.” Matteo replied, “That I thought I was the king but wasn’t.” Everyone looked at him, they were in Marcus’ mansion having their preparations in attacking the palace. After they found out that Rapha had been captured, Matteo and the others went back to the mansion and talked to Marcus. He was furious and at the same time, worried for the defense advisor. He called Calum and asked him to gather their warriors. “Yes, my Lord.” he replied and left. Matteo followed him with his gaze and so did the others. Marcus noticed it so he said, “He has been with me for a very long time now. Right after I left the palace to be exact.” “And he never left you?” Matteo asked, curiousl
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Matteo ‘I’ll take care of the witch,’ Freya told me through our link and ran away. I know that she’s strong, she’s a silver wolf, so I don’t have to worry about her. But she’s my mate and I couldn’t help but feel that way. I had to settle things with Marco about what he did to my father, so I ran to him. He and the witch were together and even if I had to deal with her because of what he did to my mother, I knew that my mate would want to have a piece of her too. Another is, she will be able to handle her since she was also a witch herself. “You dare to fight me? I took care of you and this is how you repay me?” Marco said while he was waiting for me. I could feel King being so angry, he was uneasy this past few weeks and I wonder why. Then earlier, he told me that he felt that a war was coming and this was it. Marco shifted and ran, meeting me halfway. His Lycan was big, but mine was even bigger. He may have the power of kingship, but I am the son of a true king. And without a wor
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Freya I am the happiest. Everything has ended. King Marco had died. After his fated mate died, he’d gone feral. He couldn’t think properly and just went on a rampage. Maybe many would think how come he was like that when he already marked someone else. But the truth is, he never was. His mark was from his true mate and everything that everyone was seeing was just a spell cast by his mate. She’s strong because she managed to pull that for a very long time. They had not deceived not just one person but everyone in the palace. All along, they both used Ronaldo as a diversion from their plan. So there will be someone who will take the blame or become their scapegoat when they decide to release the spell. Unfortunately for them, my mother was also a witch that specialized in rejecting spells. It was what she taught me when I was a child. I don’t know if she sees the future though. He made my adoptive parents come and get me to where they found me even before it happened. And the portal
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