All Chapters of Claimed By The Mafia Lord: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
114 Chapters
Sihana Caden"I know I sound crazy but I-""Of course, you did sound crazy, girl! How can you say you're in love with a Mafia? A dangerous Mafia leader at that?!" Johanna yelled in an angry tone as she cut me off from finishing my statement. "Can I at least finish off my statement? You girls are becoming too protective concerning this issue" I hissed and rolled my eyes at them. "That's because we cared so much about you. We really do. We do not want anything bad to happen to you. We're doing all of this for your own sake, don't you get it?" "No, it's y'all that have refused to understand me. I have no idea why you're all so worried about Ralph. Yes, he's a Mafia but, Lucas was also a Mafia and, Becca's parents didn't stop her from marrying him instead, they forced her into marrying him so, why are y'all making this look so difficult?""You're still not getting the point, right? Lucas case is different. He was a Mafia but not a Mafia leader or something. Plus, you're very well aware
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Sihana CadenTime flies so fast as it's now two weeks since I've been discharged from the hospital. Things have also been going on fine in my family even though, ice has not been allowed to go out yet. My parents wanted me to take a long break before I start working again. I have no problem with that though since I'm free to do whatever I want. I just finished dressing up even though I have nowhere else to go when my door suddenly burst open and my brother Aiden walked in. "Hey there, trapped girl" he teased with a smirk plastered on his face. I wish I can just wipe those smirks off his face right now. "You know that's not funny to me right?" I asked with my eyes rolled at him. "I know. Look, Sia, whatever we're doing right now, we're doing that because of you, for your safety. Dad just doesn't want you to get involved with that guy. He killed almost 192 people this month alone and, you don't want to imagine how many people he has killed in the past years. He's a very dangerous gu
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Sihana CadenWe arrived at the event and we all get out of the limo. Even though I wasn't given the full gist, on our way here, my brother told me we were here for an important gathering. Turns out, successful businessmen are having an important gathering here tonight and my family is one of the top ten families that would give out a speech tonight and that's, my dad or Aiden. Mom also couldn't come with us because she wasn't feeling too good. I feel bad though because I'm missing her already. We got out of the car while cameras were flashing on our faces. The paparazzi, the journalist, and everyone want to take Caden's family picture. I look up at Aiden innocently before linking my hand around his arm. He smiled down at me and ruffle my hair before we all walked into the building. Wow!- I thought as I look around. Everywhere is filled with people. How many people are here? Five hundred? Seven hundred or one thousand? Because the people in here are much. "Hey!" I suddenly hear a f
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Sihana Caden"Wh.. what are you doing, Ralph? What do you think you're doing?" I stuttered in a worried tone. He didn't bother to reply to me instead, he kept on taking a step closer to me. As he took one forward, I took a step back forward and cursed as my back kissed the wall. "I beg of you, Ralph, you have to let me go. My Dad will not forgive you if you keep involving yourself with me. He doesn't want you for me. None of my family wants you for me and if you continue this way, you'll end up getting hurt instead so please, just let me go. I do not want to get involved with you anymore" "Wow! Nice speech but, I do not want to listen to you. I told you already didn't I? You now belong to me and nothing is going to change that.""I do not belong to you! Don't you get it?! Read my lips, Ralphael, I.. do not.. belong to you! I belong to no one! We're not dating! We're not in any kind of relationship! I do not love you and you know it! I'm also not an object that you can just claim lik
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Ralphael FranciscoTo be honest, I have no idea why I'm doing this. I can just ruin her family at once right since I have all it takes to do that. Meeting her for the first time was also not a coincidence, I had made my men allow that girl to escape intentionally, and to make sure, they tried taking her away in her presence. I know, she was going to get herself involve in the whole thing and she did. At first, all I wanted to do is to make her a pawn in my game but now, I have no idea what I'm doing. One moment, I hate her badly and all I wanted to do is to make her pay for what her Dad has done to my family and another moment, I felt attracted to her. I feel so attracted that I didn't want to let her go. I want to always be with her. I got up from my sit and walk closer to her on my head. She's in deep sleep because of the injection I gave her earlier. I sit beside her on the bed and caressed her soft golden hair. She looks so beautiful while sleeping. She looks like an angel that
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Sihana Caden"You're sick in the head!" She hissed and finally got the strength to get up from the bed as she walk out of the room. "You have finally lost it, Ralphael Francisco!" I heard her scream as she tried going out but I signaled to my men. They caught her and stop her from leaving. "Let me go, you morons! Do you have an idea of who my father is? He's so going to deal with all of you! He will kill y'all!" She threatened them but they didn't act or listen to her instead, they brought her back into the room. I sat there on the couch and continued to sip my drink while I watch her struggle to get out of here. Even if she makes her way out of the house, there's no way she's going to find her way to her parent's house. I thought about the whole thing before bringing her here. She turned to me glaring whilst I gave her a calm expression. She slowly walk up to me and surprisingly started to beg me in a small and gentle tone. "I beg of you, Ralph. You have to let me go. Just let me
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Sihana Caden"Ralph! Ralph please you have to let me go! Please, I beg of you, I need to be with my family! They will be so worried about me right now, especially my mom!" I bang on the door continuously and cried out but he wouldn't even listen to me. He's not ready to listen to me, I doubt if he will ever do. After hitting on the door several times and yet, he refused to open the door for me nor did he act like he was ready to listen to me, I slowly slumped on the floor feeling extremely tired. I have promised myself not to look so vulnerable in his presence, and I have promised not to make him crumble on me as he want but here I am, acting all weak and I couldn't even do anything about it.This is the height of it all. How could this be happening to me? Of all the girls in the world, why should I be the one to get entangled with him? Why can't it be someone else? Why does it have to be my family? I caused all of this! I'm the reason why all of this is happening to me right now.
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Sihana CadenThe girls look terrified while I, on the other hand, look calm even though, I'm mentally shaking right now. He walk closer to us with his hands still in his pocket and he glared at us. I liked at him bored while the girls were now shuddering in fear."Nice try but you will never be able to buy my staff's loyalty." He said to me but I rolled my eyes at his talk instead. I made a mistake by looking hopeless in front of him earlier. I made a promise not to do anything as such but I ended up doing that. Now, there's no way I'm going to let myself be taken for granted again. "Get out!" He ordered the girls to go. They jumped out of fear and run out of the room at full speed. "Trying to lure my maids into doing what they don't intend to is never going to help you, sweetheart. Helping them to marry hour brother? When you're fully aware that they have their girls" "I'm not interested in whatever you have to say." I said, pretending to be bored by his presence. "Get up and ge
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Sihana CadenI was still on the bed, even though I'm still hungry, the thought of how to get out of this place overpowered me. Thinking about how to go about the whole thing, I heard his voice. "Whatever thought that's running through your head right now, you and better put it down because there's no escape route for you here" I turned my head to look at him and sighed. "You're right. There's no way I'm going to get myself out of this place without you knowing" I answered truthfully. The truth is, I'm tired of arguing with him, I don't think I can do that anymore. "Can I ask you a question?" I asked him."You're already doing that" he answered."Can you tell me how long you plan on making me stay here with you? Ralph, you and I know that you can't put me here with you forever. My Dad will eventually find you and when he does, you won't like the outcome. He's going to kill you""No one can kill me, sweetheart. You should be scared for your family, your dad, especially because, if I
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Sihana CadenI stared at his retreating back and a deep sigh left my lip as he was out of my sight. "Oh Lord, just what in the world have I gotten myself into now?" I thought in a frustrated tone. I also walk out of the room and saw so many stairs that lead downstairs. I have no idea which to take before I heard a small voice behind me. "The third stair at your right is the right one" I turned and smiled when I saw who it was. It is Anita. "Thank you" I said to her, smiling. "You don't have to thank me, ma'am. I'm only doing my job""Ma'am?! I thought we were done past that stage. We agreed to be formal with each other" I complained. "I'm sorry but that will be impossible. Boss was so upset earlier and threatened to. kill us if we tried getting closer to you. Not only is but our entire family. You're a nice woman but, we can't become your friend. We're just maids and have no right to dream big" she said. I instantly felt bad for the lies I fed them earlier. Telling them my brothe
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