All Chapters of Mr CEO Is My Baby's Daddy: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
148 Chapters
Finding out her secret?
... Jude dart his gaze to Anderson who had a satisfied smirk on his face."What happened?" "Nothing," Anderson chuckled and turned away, walking towards the recliner. "You have that smile on your face and I know you've done something, Anderson. Did you make her cry?" "More like made her pleased. I don't make women cry, Jude. I just sometimes can be brutally honest." "So, what happened at Hawthorne's?" "I'll tell you but first, you've gotta do something for me." Anderson grabbed his shirt and met Jude at the entrance, they head out together. "Shawn?" He signaled to a guard who ran up to him, "call the repairman, the pool door needs fixing. Also, get my wife's phone from the car and take it to her in her room." "Yes sir," Shawn walked away. Anderson and Jude arrived at his study room and he locked the door. Jude crossed his arms, standing across him with an inquisitive look on his face. "What do you want?" "Are you familiar with the CEO of Empire hotel?" "The same hotel wher
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The truth.
....It was nighttime when Katherine agreed to eat, refusing to dine at the table with Anderson. Trina had just filled him in on that information and walked out when Tony returned from the hospital, the sonogram report and James's medical report in his hand. "Mr. Riecke," Tony walked up to him, announcing his return. "Tony, I was expecting you sooner." "I was told to stay until the operation was completed. It was successful." Tony said, walking up to the table and dropping the doctor's report on it. "The doctor's report and receipts for the hospital bills." Anderson nodded, "how about that one?" He asked, noticing another envelope in his hold that he made no move to drop. "Oh no sir, this is for your wife. I was going to take it to her. She left in the car yesterday." "You can leave it, I'll take it to her." Anderson grabbed his glass of water and took a drink. Dropping the glass, his brows narrowed when he noticed the smug smile on Tony's face. "What?"The smile disappeared,
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A close catch.
...Anderson grabbed the spare laptop in his office lobby, connected the USB, and scrolled through with the cursor for the footage. Being the only file on the USB, he clicked it open and played the video. It started from the moment Katherine walked into the room, being closely followed by James.It went on for a few seconds and Anderson tapped the volume key continuously, glancing at Jude with a grimace, "Why is there no sound?" "There was a problem with the footage. The hotel wasn't interested in the sound anyway, but you can fix it if you want?" Anderson nodded and his eyes went back to the screen. Watching. Waiting. Hoping. With the postures and gestures, Anderson could tell Katherine was truly trying to convince him. It was something he was familiar with.On two occasions, he saw her express shock and he figured it might be from James's revelation to her concerning Renard's suspicions. But Anderson wasn't bothered about any of that at that moment, so he kept watching and not tr
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He's not dead.
...Katherine sat in the car, waving back at Adam who stood at the entrance. She settled into the cushion seat of the car as the ride started off to a destination she still had no idea about. "Where are we going?" She asked, even though she already knew Tony wouldn't tell her if Anderson didn't permit him to. "Mr. Riecke doesn't want me to reveal." Katherine nodded, sighed, and relaxed back into the seat, staring out of the window. The journey went on for thirty minutes and ended at a beach, an empty beach and Tony alighted to open the car door for her. Katherine climbed out of the car and stared at the area. The air was nice and the sound of the waves, drizzled into her ears, giving her a happy overwhelming feeling, but Katherine didn't see Anderson anywhere. "Where is he?" She turned to Tony, but his gaze was behind her. She trailed it, turning again, and found Anderson behind her. He was dressed in his work outfit, but without the Armani suit. "Come here," he said and she gri
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Throwing a fit
Anderson was still before Katherine on one knee by the time she lowered the phone from her ear, her eyes lighting with an emotion he couldn't decipher. For a moment, she lowered her gaze; unable to utter a word. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?" She asked, fiddling with her fingers."Why does it matter?" "Because I-" Katherine pursed her lips, heaving a sigh, a bustle of relief jumping in the pit of her stomach. "I thought you were a murderer. A psychopath. I thought I was wrong about you, you should have said something." "You don't know me," Anderson reminded. "But I know you're not a murderer. I wasn't wrong about that one, right?" Katherine wasn't aware of the smile that formed on her lips. Anderson nodded. She was happy. She hadn't smiled at him since the function, he hadn't torn out any expression from her except one that depicted rage. He had seen her cry for James, watched her sob like a kid because she thought James was dead. Now, she was smiling over a simple phone call.
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Apologise, pumpkin.
...Katherine glanced at her side when Anderson joined her on the bare sand, his gaze strolled from her body down to her feet buried under the sand. He couldn't understand how she derived fun from this activity. They'd been together for five years but her love for the beach still didn't rub off on him. "Have some fruits," he dropped the platter on a small stand. Katherine dart a brief stare at the platter and looked away. Anderson understood the gesture and picked a slice of watermelon, plopping it into his mouth and chewing loud enough to her hearing. Katherine returned her gaze to the platter and grudgingly took a cutup banana. Soon, she was eating the fruits wholeheartedly, and that was when he realized she had exhausted the cookies, leaving only crumbs on the plate. He opened his mouth to tell her how he was right about her appetite but closed it on a second thought. He wasn't in for another argument with her. She seemed to love that activity a lot now, too. "Did you give S
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No one does it better.
...Anderson was surprised when Katherine didn't push him off or make any attempt to stop him. Her knees remained soaked into the ground as his fingers slid into the waist band of her panties. Brushing against her cunt, Katherine froze as a delicate sensation overwhelmed her. He was still undressing but her pant was already soaked in juice. She started to clamp her thighs when his finger brushed her core again, but Anderson separated it. She shut her eyes and exhaled sharply as his hands loosened the material and pushed it down. The pant was now hanging around her thigh, when he grovelled beside her on his knees; drew her waist up until her back was arched to his comfort and slid his finger with a hungry force into her, his other hand wrapped around her waist. Katherine gasped, arching her back even more as though enabling him the permission to explore her as much as he wanted. He didn't need her permission anyway, but for a second he thought she was going to struggle for a while.
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A taste of his feelings.
....Anderson tucked his hands into his pant pockets as James was wheeled into the lobby by his caregiver to see them. He had a pale look on his face and a flash of anger in his eyes, it was something Anderson and Jude saw evidently. "Wait," Jude held Anderson back when he started to walk towards him, "I'll talk to him first." James' caregiver left him to their care and walked out, leaving the three men in the hall. "Why is he here?" James asked Jude, seething just at the sight of Anderson. Anderson tried not to smirk at his question but instead kept his blank gaze plastered on James despite the glare he constantly threw at him. "Uh, to see you," Jude spoke calmly. "He wanted to see how you were doing before you get discharged." "Well, I don't want to see him. I don't ever want to see his face--"Bold of you to think seeing you is something I want to do too," Anderson scoffed and Jude threw him a warning look."See? Did you see that grouchy attitude again?" "You both need to ca
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A billionaire and a caregiver.
...."Anderson wait.." Anderson yanked his hand from Jude's grip, "no, Jude. Don't fucking try to convince me. This is all over! There's no way, I'm serving as a caregiver for that backstabber!" "He's a backstabber alright, but this is your only way out of a future court case." "Do you not get it, Jude--"I do! But you asked me to help you and that's exactly what I'm doing. It's just for a few days, and I know you can do it, Anderson. Isn't Horatio launching a big project soon? Do you think having a court case at a crucial and vulnerable time like project Alexander, is a good move for Alexander's success?" Anderson shut his eyes and heaved a sigh, it annoyed the fuck out of him knowing how right Jude was. He had never craved to be right so badly in his life..."The elite invested in project Alexander, Anderson. Top business people put in their resources for the success of that project, they trusted Horatio with their shares and money. Do you not think being involved in a court cas
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Fear and disappointment.
....Katherine freed her palm from Renard's, squinting her eyes. "What deal?" She appeared invested.Renard immediately let out a smile as he adjusted his seat towards the table, "tell me when this marriage thing with Anderson will be over and I'll not say a word about your pregnancy to him or anyone else." "And what do you get out of it?" "The CEO position. You get paid for your services and I get what I want." "Well, I would have liked to help you achieve your desire but unfortunately, there is no contractual relationship between Anderson and me. And why do you even think I'd agree to a deal with you?" "Because you're desperate. And I know there's something going on with you and Anderson because why else would you want to keep your pregnancy a secret from him when you're both married, knowing he'll find out about it sooner or later? It just doesn't add up." "I don't know how else to prove anything to you if you don't believe me."Renard scoffed, "how can I? I'm no simp like An
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