All Chapters of Slave of the Raven Prince: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
168 Chapters
"Prince Raphael, sunlight" Valerie pointed out. After what happened between them, an uncomfortable silence descended upon them. This is the first time she opened her mouth and spoke to him after an hour of silence. Valerie wants what he is giving her, and she is not looking for any kind of relationship either. But she doesn't know how to tell him that. She too feels the same kind of attraction toward him, as he feels for her. The thought of a man like him confessing about his feelings flattered her. Her stomach fluttered with butterflies. As they are still stuck in this room, slowly she began to feel uncomfortable as the oxygen supply began to deplete. Raphael is trying everything he can to get them out of there but to no avail. That's when she saw the sunlight. It is so faint and can easily go unnoticed in this dark room. But she saw it. "Sunlight? Where?" he asked her while looking around the small room. "There," she pointed near the high ceiling of the room. He followed her fin
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Hidden threat
In the Raven Palace, in one of the tunnels beneath the palace walls. "I couldn't reach her. Prince Raphael found her before I could " a man in the darkness told another person who is sitting in a chair. The person who is sitting already knows that much. "Useless, she was there to be taken away, but you couldn't even do that much. Cadmus will not be a problem now. But I want Valerie. The seal I placed on her powers is breaking. I can feel it. If that happens, we can never control her again. I want you to kidnap her as soon as you can. I have to place a new seal to keep her under our control" the person in the chair said angrily. "Yes, I understand. I tried to kidnap her when the Prince returned back to the palace. But she is not in her room. It's empty" the man shared. The person on the chair began to rock in his rocking chair. "I am sure Raphael must have hidden her somewhere. He is developing a close bond with her. But never mind. She will be back in our control soon. I heard
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Valerie can hear the footsteps following after her. The person following her tried to catch her in his dragon form, but she began hiding behind trees, bushes, and boulders, and it became hard for him to track her location. So he is forced to shift back into his human form and run after her with the sole intention to catch her. She realized that the intention of the person is not to hurt her, but he wants her alive. She understood that he is working for 'him'. Her fear to escape and not becoming a prisoner again fueled her body and gave her strength to keep going, even though she has been running for a long time now. When you are running for your life, every minute and every second counts. 'Prince Raphael ' she tried again to connect with the prince, but like all the other times in the past hour, it failed this time as well.'I just hope to survive this. Please God, didn't you give me enough hell to last a lifetime? I don't know what my sin was that you gave me this kind of punishment
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Raphael is exhausted. He searched everywhere for Valerie, but he couldn't find her anywhere. He shifted into his dragon form and searched the surroundings and the entire Windsor. But there is no trace of her as if she vanished into thin air.He alerted Roland and sent a troop for Valerie. He just couldn't sit still when she might be suffering somewhere. Then, he remembered the house Valerie showed him. The house where she was kept a prisoner for years. He flew near that single isolated house in the middle of the forest. His dragon landed soundlessly on the ground in front of the house before he shifted back into his dragon form.The house is old as if no one touched it for years. Cobwebs, anthills, overgrown trees, and their hanging branches. Nothing about this place is telling him that someone could use it to lock up a girl out of her will.He walked inside and slowly took in the house, which has seen better days. The house is not big, but at the same time not so small either. It ha
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One month passed by, and Valerie is almost happy. Now she has a family for whom she was searching and wishing. But the title of the princess began to feel more like a weight than anything else. Except when the name of the Raven clan comes up, King Arthur and everyone in the palace become furious. But apart from that, they all are so sweet with her. She is overwhelmed and basking in the joy of their love. They showed her the portrait of the woman, who is looking exactly like a replica of herself. She is the late queen of the Ernest clan, Queen Alicia Valerie Ernest. Her father has given her the name Valerie because she looked like a miniature version of her grandmother when she was born. But everyone in the Earnest palace is under the belief that the Ravens kidnapped her. No matter how much Valerie tried to make them understand that it is not true, non of them are ready to believe her words.Despite expensive clothes, fine jewelry, and luxurious life, she is missing Prince Raphael more
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In the Raven palace, Raphael is tired, frustrated, and angry. One month, it's been one month since Valerie disappeared. No one could trace out where she is. Raphael all but destroyed the house where she was held in the beginning. But he couldn't find out where she is and who took her. The Cadmus is in a very serious condition as well. His chances of recovery are low. They couldn't find out who did that either. "Greetings Your royal highness Prince Raphael" Roland walked inside his office and greeted him.Raphael looked up from the piece of cloth that he brought from that house. That belongs to Valerie. That old fabric still has traces of Valerie's scent attached to it. But it's fading. When she was his slave, he used to detest her. But after he learned the truth, he used to feel guilty and responsible for her. But now when she is gone, he is feeling strangely empty. As if she took a part of him along with her."Any updates Roland?" Raphael asked. He has been given the task of searchi
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After three months..."Very good Princess Valerie. You are excellent. You are a quick learner. Now I can proudly announce to His highness King Arthur that you excel in the art of fighting" the trainer whom Arthur appointed to teach Valerie the art of fighting so that she can defend herself and protect the one in need when the situation arises.Valerie just fought with one of the guards of the Earnest clan and to the amazement of everyone, she defeated him. He is stronger than her, but she is faster and smarter. Where he used his brawn, she used her brain. "Thank you" Valerie thanked politely. Just like her sister advised a few months ago, she learned the art of masking her true emotions. Everyone is praising her for the quick progress she made. But what none of them knows is that she is intentionally keeping herself busy, so that she wouldn't think about the prince whom she didn't know she liked. But now, it's in the past and he is pretending that she doesn't exist. She is a good da
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In the Nester palace, where the engagement announcement of Liliana and Hector is taking place. The entire Royal family of the Earnest clan has come a little early. The Nester queen thought that it would be wonderful if they can host the Earnest family for a couple of days, as now they are going to become relatives. "There, now you look like an angel," Anastasia said with a grin. The stylist her mother hired to get her daughters ready has done a wonderful job. Valerie smiled at her mother. "Mother, I think you should be more worried about how Liliana is looking. She is the bride-to-be" she pointed out softly. Anesthesia waved her hands dismissively. "Liliana can take care of herself. But this is your first party as the princess of the Earnest clan. You should look your best" she said while fussing some more with Valerie's hair. Valerie sighed heavily. This has been going on for the last five hours. But she is looking absolutely stunning. Her mother picked a red body con slee
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My business
"That was then and this is now. Now we belong to rival clans. Now let me go" she demanded.That's when he realized the most important thing that has been moving right in front of him and he couldn't see it sooner.'I am in love with her' he understood. That realization shook him to the core. Nothing changed from the day he first saw her. He was affected by her even when he used to hate her, and he is obsessed with her when he began to care for her. His obsession increased as the days passed and their distance made him miss her more. Their bond is stronger and he is obsessing over her more. When he saw her wearing that dress, he noticed that she has all the male attention in the room, which made him jealous and possessive. He wanted to hide her away from everyone and demand that she only wear clothes that would cover her head to toe. He was waiting for a chance to speak to her alone. He wanted to know where they stand. But now, it doesn't matter. She is his, and even Arthur cannot ch
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"What? No" she protested. As long as she knows him, everyone always used his title while addressing him. And she saw how angry he was when king Cadmus used his given name. Moreover, using his given name feel so intimate. Raphael was expecting that. So he is not surprised. He wanted her to feel comfortable with him. No matter who her father is, she is his. He shrugged casually. "Your wish" he let out. "Valerie" Liliana's voice rang again, a little closer to where they are standing. Valerie began to get panicked. For some reason, no one in the Ernest palace likes the Raven clan. If her sister sees her like this with Raphael, then she will not be pleased. She likes her family, and she likes Raphael too. She doesn't want to hurt her family but at the same time, she cannot leave Raphael. He holds an important place in her life. "Please" she begged while peeking inside the banquet hall from around his shoulders. He is enjoying this. "Say please, Raphael. Then I will let you go" h
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