All Chapters of STONE HEARTED C.E.O : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
239 Chapters
41 Insight
The week followed our fierce fight was followed by extreme silence. I was afraid he would bang on the door next night. But he had retreated and never came back. I should be relieved that he decided to leave me alone. But instead it made me more agitated. He is not in my bed room meant the was visiting my sister. That was the only thing haunting my mind. I was afraid that it would drive me insane. My husband on the other hand stayed far away from me that can be possible in this big house. Fathima was the silent spectator of our cold war. She disapproved as always.Unlike other times I was sure that every maid who lives in the house might have heard the shouting went on in my room that night. But every one acted as though they are blissfully unaware of the situation. It only broke once or twice because Dane lost his temper over his misplaced keys. He even threatened to fire a maid over bringing him black coffee when he asked for tea. Everyone knew he never drank tea Fathima was the
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42 Mending hearts
Jake came and went like a breeze. It does give you a refreshment for a few seconds but then it would be gone. Both of us returned to our normal routine. I wanted to talk to him, try and improve our relationship but he is not interested at all. When ever I went to talk to him he avoids me as though I'm plague. It did hurt me initially but then it made me only resentful. I went to my work religiously. My sister is still not present I think she is at Coachella at the moment from watching her videos. If Irene had issues she didn't show it. When I reached home I saw Jake waiting for me. He was watching football. I was elated to see him. He also became my friend simply because he had been nice to me."It is a pleasant surprise to see you", I said greeting him."Good to hear that you are not one of those wives who kick off their husband's friends", he said jovially. I laughed he was so funny."You don't have to worry about that", I answered him."I have informed Dane this timethat I will be
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43 Party
"Charlie is coming?", asked Janine suddenly. I smiled it had been a while since we really talked. The last time I invited her home I had behaved poorly to her. I was basically cock blocking them. I wanted to do a little better now. But this evening it was a friend ship thing so I wondred whether it would be wise to call her too."We are just going to hang out and talk about things" I said mildly but if she wants to see Charlie I'm not going to deny her."No it is OK. I'm happy that you are hanging out with each other again", said Janine. I can't help but smile at her."Yes. We talked on the phone and it is all good", I said brightly. She nodded at me from the mirror. When I reached home I practically ran to inform Fathima that Charlie is going to be here. She just shrugged that almost said it is about time. I quickly changed and put in my pajamas. I gave her a quick call and she informed me that she was already on the way. I brought out the wine that she likes best. Fathima turned her
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44 Desire and passion
I was silent the entire ride home. The plan has in fact backfired. If I thought that I would seduce him with my bad moves then I was mistaken. I should know this. He won't like me no matter what I do. The only thing he does is condemn me. I hate him for making me look so pathetic. I felt myself growing angrier because of the way he talked with Jake. What was his problem? If he doesn't want me why even bother with me? He could easily ship me off to my home. Why is making me stay and torturing me? What kind of a sick satisfaction is he deriving at? I have to confront him even though the aspect of facing him is driving a chill down my spine I have to do it. I won't let him walk all over me.I went to his bedroom thanking the lords that Fathima is yet to make her appearance. She is an early sleeper so won't come out unless we throw something at the wall. I have a strong desire to do it. I just barged inside his room like he did mine the other day. No more knocking any pretense of bein
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45 Karma
I opened my eyes to the bright light on my face. I found Fathima opening the curtains. What time was it? Oh no! I was stark naked in my bed but she didn't seem to be fazed by it. I moved the coverlet up so my chest was covered."What time is it?", I asked her faintly."You have woken up. Good. Master asked me to let you sleep. He said you will be tired", said Fathima with a pleased smile."I'm alright. Err where is him?" I asked her."In his office. He is working from home today", said Fathima."Really?", I asked her excited."But he is not to be disturbed", said Fathima sternly."Oh", I said. But I'm not going to follow her advice to leave him alone. I know it was what she wants to convey subtly. I wanted to see him and maybe have a nice conversation. I quickly went to shower and put on a sundress. I wanted to appear sexy and also casual. I opted for some minimal make up though.I have work today but I'm thinking of joining them after two. I have already sent Renee a quick text. I sa
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46 Human
"The reply has come. I have printed out the mail", said our receptionist cum whole and sole of our organisation. She was overworked and underpaid. The sad part is that I can do nothing about it.."Wow that was fast", said Irene. I looked at Heidi who was busy scrolling the phone. Did she even know who the benefactor was?"Let me check it", said Renee. She began to read out. When she read the end I swear I saw her eyes sparkle. She handed it out to André who read it out for everyone's benefit. I sat there frowning what was happening?"Dear committee members,I would like to thank you for your continued support. But I have little time as it is and I'm afraid that I can't take final decisions on proposals approval anymore. On the other hand I'm going to delegate it to one of the committee members who is going to be chairperson and hence forth take the final decision. That would be my decision as well. You can save the time of waiting for the approval from me and speed up the process of m
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47 Conversation
I kissed his mouth hard. He replied by returning with equal force and ardour. I felt him hard underneath me. I ground my hips and he groaned in response. I panted when his hand slid down to my ass. But he just placed me to the seat from his lap which I didn't anticipate."What?", I asked unfocused."We are attracting some attention. Suddenly the crowd is outside our car instead of the pub", he said with a chuckle. I watched the onlookers embarrassed."Did they take our pics?", I asked horrified."No they might have taken a video", he said with a chuckle."You are not afraid", I asked surprised. This would be a big embarrassment for someone like him."I'm practicing something called living in the moment not worrying about tomorrow", he said with a smile.I watched him agape. What was he saying? Had something changed in him? Was he madly in love with him as I was? I don't know and I love that he doesn't care about the world while he was with me."What are you looking at?", he asked me.
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48 Bliss
Weekend that followed our patch up was a complete bliss. I don't know what else to call that. He was attentive and caring to me. He had this weird obsession with a baby though. I too want a baby. I'm sure when I'm thirty my maternal instincts is going to kick in. Then we can think about a baby. But for now I want to focus on my new found matrimonial state. I felt his touch my bare bottom slowly. I opened my eyes and peeked at him. He was lost in thoughts."Hey", I said to him. He looked upto my face. His mouth curved to a smile. "Good morning", he said. "I thought you would be gone", I said trying to him. He hadn't bothered to shift me to the next room unlike last time. This was another win for me. "I'm lazy today", he said with a wink. "You, a slacker!!!That is impossible. You wake up at five", I said with a snort. "Yes. I did wake up early but I'm in no mood to go to office", he said.. "Then what do you want to do?", I asked with my fingers sliding down suggestively. "I want
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49 Revelation
When I reached home I was too much excited. I can't wait to be with my husband. I wouldn't have even cared to leave if I worked somewhere else. But to my disappointment Fathima informed me that my husband had indeed left for work. I checked my phone and saw that he had messaged me about the same. But he had also directed me to wear the powder blue bra but no panties and wait for him. I clenched myself in anticipation. I hunted for it in my closet and immediately disgarded my work bra for the other. I put on my pajamas with panda print. I can't walk around naked and make Fathima yell at me. It seems as though the house was ruled by Fathima and not me. But I was OK with that. I would rather not take up the additional pressure of matching curtains with sofa when I deal with enough stress at my work. Speaking of stress I knew my sister and Irene is upto no good. Is Kyle a part of their plan? To mess my relationship with my husband? Then they are out of luck our marriage is going stronger
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50 Brunch appointment
I woke up in the morning with a smile on my face. He had made me feel alot last night and none of it indicated that he is bored with me. If any thing I was so lucky for having him a smy husband. Eternity won't be boring with him. I know I was speaking of eternity with a man who had not even confessed that he loves me. But it doesn't matter. I know he loves me in his sinister ways. He was a devil rightfully but he was also mine. Angels are so overrated anyways. I turned to kiss him good morning but he had already left. I sighed and woke up. I have an early bird for husband.I took a shower because Fathima would disapprove if i went down as it is. Our last night activity is written all over my face and body. There is no denying it. I also felt fresh that when the water fell ony body. I have to be at work late toady becei have an engagement. I have to meet Kyle today. I don't why can't he leave me alone. There are many single girls available for him. But I knew I have to be professional.
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24 Protection Status