All Chapters of Choosen : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
90 Chapters
chapter 19
Audrey sinks into the bathtub, finally resting her head. She’s drained from the family dinner. Not that she didn’t enjoy the night. The Parkinsons are nice people. They weren’t that hard to please. If anything, they made her missed her mother. Although she got self-conscious with all the lingering glances Kathie was giving her, she’s avoided them without being too obvious. Audrey has gained weight. There’s no denying that.Audrey gained a few padding. Kathie would have noticed that. She won’t deny it in confidence. If her bras that don’t fit her anymore weren’t enough proof, she has a few more to show.Kylie enters the bathroom, snapping her out of her thoughts. She hands over a glass of milk she insisted she drinks.She stared at the glass.“It’s good for pregnant women.” Kylie gives it a little shove closer toward her.She rolled her eyes. “Fine.” Her right arm reemerges from the thick bubbles on the tub and reaches for the milk.“Do you need anyt
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chapter 20
Vren takes in the two-story classic suburban home with white picket fence setting the bow on the peaceful countryside life far from the noise of the bustling city three hours back.Not only was the ride long. It was deafeningly silent. Audrey has only spoken instructions to him inside the car. It was too silent he could hear his own breathing. The woman can practically takes a vow of silence without difficulties. Vren has racked his brain for any misbehavior he could’ve conducted since the dinner with his family. There was nothing he can think of. None at all. And therefore no reason for her not speaking.Her eyes were either on the road or on her phone. Anything but on him. Her hair was bound in a neat bun, her dark gray dress indicated there are more just as expensive residing in her closet. She looked pristine like she always do. Only this time, she doesn’t make herself attainable. She’s incomparably withdrawn.When Audrey told him to make himself available
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chapter 21
Audrey gulped water like a swimmer gasping for air. She refused to take anything else other than water, terrified she might have to run to the bathroom if she eats anything. She can’t afford her mother already suspecting she’s pregnant. She had it planned out.The long ride has made her queasy but it wasn’t something she couldn’t handle. The sight of her mother was a comfort. She has lost weight since the last time she’s seen her. But then it was a long time ago. It was way back when her mother visited her for Christmas and stayed at her apartment for three days. Last year. Audrey hoped she’s shredded a few pounds on her own will. Not the stress catching up to her.She took the last swig of the water before filling it again. She sucks in a deep, calming breath before putting the glass over her forehead. The condensation trails down to her hands.“Audrey.”Her back turned ramrod straight hearing the voice she’s never mistaken for someone else’s before. She h
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chapter 22
Guests dissipated a little over 2:30 PM. If there were anyone left, it was a few relatives. And if anything good came of it, it is Audrey relaxing for a bit – if the tensed hand around his arm finally allowed blood circulation is some sort of a vague sign.Lenard Danler has chosen the time to dart questions his way which he answered politely and truthfully. Fathers are usually the more protective one when it comes to their daughters. Especially if said daughter is gorgeous and highly attractive like Audrey. Vren couldn’t blame him.“That’s enough,” Audrey says flatly, spinning him away to the direction of the kitchen.Her mother was cleaning up and he offered to give her a hand. She declined, convincing him she’s had enough help from her sisters with the dirty dishes. She shooed both of them to the backyard and enjoy some of the afternoon breeze on the swinging bench.Audrey was more than happy to oblige. Maybe her aunts constantly giving her a once-over is
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chapter 23
Audrey’s phone has been ringing non-stop since she stormed out of Vren’s car in a haste to a meeting. He’s chased her from the parking garage of her office building, stepping back from the elevator when she warned him with a menacing glare. She only needed to self-soothe. She’s felt his eyes on her the entire ride back and they reflected his urge to comfort her. Audrey has endured heartaches her whole life not in the comforts of others. She’s learned touch can only encourage more tears. More tears meant the need to be constantly consoled.She’s put her phone on silent when she has finally tucked herself to bed. It was already way past midnight though. She made a quick run toward the bathroom in the morning, surprised she managed to empty her stomach despite of her lack of appetite yesterday. She took a cold shower and covered the dark circles under her eyes. When she entered the conference room for the story assignments with her writers, she was an inch away to overloo
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chapter 24
“Don’t tell mommy but I’ve been putting on makeup every time we visit mommygrand’s.” Georgina Forester grinned up to him as she climbs to his lap. “She thinks I’m too young.”Well, she is young. Although that doesn’t hinder the fact that she’s beautiful as her mommy. His friend Nathaniel Forester has hit the jackpot on that aspect. He’s never judged his promiscuous ways when they were young but he stood by his own virtue and waited for the girl to be old enough to be courted. That girl is now the mother of his children. Worth every grueling years of waiting in the sideline. Chassie George Lewis was an introverted girl with mischief up her sleeve. Intriguing blend of shy and sassy. She’s involved herself in a few catfights that usually ends with a trip to the principal’s office. Or at least that what he hears from the grapevine of gossip.It didn’t hurt that Chassie is breathtakingly gorgeous. If Vren has a thing for younger woman, he’d be one of the rejected admire
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chapter 25
Vren handed her the bowl of popcorn just when the opening credits of Frozen 2 started. She shakes her head and gestures at the box of pizza next to the cupcakes he’s brought along in case she’s craving something sweet. If she answered his calls to have somebody bring her food, Vren is thanking their baby for her cravings. He hands her a slice and he half-expected her to take one ugly bite because she appeared to be famish when she opened the door.Audrey sunk her teeth into the crust and worked her way to the pointed tip. It wasn’t supposed to be an elegant bite. The string of cheese dangling on her chin that she peeled off and ushered to her mouth were poorly a turnoff. “So what’s this sequel all about? Are you gonna tell me or what?”“And ruin the surprise? No way.” He grinned.She leans over, picking two popcorns on the bowl and flicked it to his forehead. “Selfish turd.”He chuckles. “Still hate surprises?”Audrey glares at him. It would have been menaci
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Chapter 26
“I’m at my office and I’m fine,” Audrey managed to sound bored and irritated which is a big case of hypocrisy on her part. Audrey is not about to admit that his name showing up on the screen of her phone made her leap for it. She’ll deny it until her face turns blue.Audrey falling asleep on the sofa for a couple of times now and miraculously finding herself on her bed in the morning is somehow an embarrassment to her. Falling asleep on someone’s shoulder is not really her thing. Hell, she’d rather fall off the sofa if she ever dozes off.Vren chuckles on the other line. “And hello to you, gorgeous.”She puts last night’s waterworks on top of her embarrassing list of mishaps. And that list doesn’t have much in it because she could handle them. She never wished to cry in front of Vren, especially not over a stupid throw pillow.“How are you this morning?” He asks.Audrey knows he’s referring to the morning sickness. Thank, God. Vren didn’t mention anything ab
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Chapter 27
Vren signaled the bartender for another drink. There were a few women flashing smiles his way, the invitation clear and plain. He would jump to the opportunity to spend the night with one of them and leaves her bed early in the morning before she wakes up to offer breakfast – which he normally steer clear from. He enjoyed most of it. He likes to socialize and he happens to like women. However, things got a little different when he turned thirty. His choices narrowed and he went from a little picky to exceedingly... picky. And it sucked the fun out of everything. He could even say it was so damn close to lonely.He took a swig of his drink and set it back on the cocktail napkin. A decent display of dainty female legs caught his eye and he turned for a better look. It was wrong to stare but the long pair of legs got his eyes trained on them. His gaze drifted slowly from the heel clad feet, working their way up to the delicate ankles, a shapely calf and a ton of smooth thighs.
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chapter 28
Audrey swung her legs off the bed, her hand clutching her mouth. It took her a while to panic that this was not her room. But then she was more panicked in finding the bathroom. She lurched forward, completely out of his bed and heaved her stomach empty on the toilet bowl. She tries to keep her hair from getting in the way but the retching makes it harder a thousandfold.A hand clasped around her shoulder, the other collecting the stubborn locks of her hair behind her head. He was on the tiled floor with her, comforting her. She was immediately pulled into his chest as soon as she was done emptying her stomach. His hand strokes her back.Audrey closes her eyes, acknowledging the unfamiliar bathroom, the bedroom she just ran from and the bed she spent the whole night sleeping in. Her mind made a flashback to how she ended up in his penthouse. Although not for reasons she once had waking up in his hotel bed. She may have given in when he offers her to watch a movie at his
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