Semua Bab Cruel Alpha's Marriage Proposal : Bab 21 - Bab 30
190 Bab
I do anything for you
“But I wanna know. I’m worried about you. What happened to your parents?” He insisted.“There’s really nothing more to say, honestly. I was adopted by my dad when I was three. My mom passed away a couple years ago.” She explained.“What made her leave? Was it because of what your dad had been doing?” Max inquired.“Something like that. Yeah. It wasn’t an easy choice but it’s what she wanted. It’s why I moved away.” Sophie replied.“Did you miss her?” Max asked.“Yes, I missed her dearly. But at least I still have you. Right?” Sophie replied.“Of course, Soph. Of course. Always.” He replied.Max woke up early the following morning. He found himself lying in his bed, looking straight up at the ceiling. A small smile crept onto his lips. The previous night hadn’t exactly gone how he wanted it to, but he supposed it could’ve gone worse. At least he finally knew that Sophie felt the same way about him that he felt about her. Still, he wished things between the two of them could’ve been d
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You means world to me!
The two fell into silence again, continuing to watch the sunset until it was completely out of view. Eventually, their order arrived. After the waiter brought them their food, they ate it quietly for a few moments before the conversation picked back up.“So, are we going to get back up on that swing?” Sophie asked.“Oh yeah! That was pretty stupid of us, running off.” Max chuckled.“Yeah, well, you know you love it. Besides, we can probably afford another trip here or there. We have money to spare.” She pointed out.“True.” Max agreed.“Let’s go.” Sophie smiled as she climbed off of the chair.They made their way back upstairs, and this time Sophie climbed onto the swing first. Max joined her shortly afterwards, letting out a small chuckle as he swung back and forth. It still amazed him how far they’d come since he met her. Now she was practically part of his family. He really hoped that he could continue to see her every day. Maybe someday she’d even consider becoming his girlfrie
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Fall in love with the CEO
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to. Really, I don’t think I could if I tried.” He apologised.Sophie rolled her eyes before turning around and beginning to walk back towards the dining room. Max followed after her, still chuckling. He followed behind her slowly, trying his hardest to stifle his laughter. He glanced over at the table, seeing the empty seat. He smirked a little to himself. Guess they hadn’t finished eating yet, after all.The moment Max walked out into the living room, he saw his father sat on the couch in his usual spot, reading the newspaper. He was wearing his glasses once more today, which gave Max some comfort. There weren’t too many days when he got to actually see his father without those damn glasses. Not many people would really notice it at first glance, but once you actually get to get a good look at him and take him in properly, you realize just how handsome he actually is. He’s almost always dressed nicely in suits, but whenever he’s home and has something to we
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He loved her
Sophie sighed. She knew that she would probably regret this decision later on, but it was either that, or Max would get upset with her for making it. Which would most likely lead to another argument. Or worse.She felt arms wrap around her waist and a chin rest on top of her head. Her boyfriend’s lips brushed against her neck.“Hi.” He whispered, causing goosebumps to rise on her skin.“Hi.” She replied, her voice soft.They sat in silence for a couple minutes, neither of them wanting to break it. They sat there, just hugging one another, breathing in the other’s scent. It was a nice kind of silence, where you didn’t need to say anything just to hear the other person breathing. Where you just existed in each other’s presence. In that moment, Sophie felt like everything was alright. Everything was perfect. She loved Max, and she loved being with him. They both loved each other, and that was all that mattered. Nothing else mattered. Nothing but them. They were in this together.“Are y
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Everything was perfect
She continued listening for a little bit, until she realized that the singing was getting louder. The song was now accompanied by some instrumental music. Was someone actually singing along to the song? Who could be singing it? She never knew anyone else who sang. Was it Max? No, it was too familiar. The only person who sung this song was Max. How did she know that? She couldn’t be hearing things. That was impossible. She knew him too well to believe that.Her mind was racing and her chest was tightening. If she was hearing things, who was singing? She could recognize the voice, yet she couldn’t place where it was coming from. It seemed to be getting louder, but it was also fading away. Suddenly, she felt an arm wrap around her waist. She spun around and looked up. She found that the arms were wrapped around her from behind, while she was facing forward. She gasped and jumped back, tripping over her feet and hitting the ground with a thud.Max chuckled softly.“You scared me!” Sop
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I can't risk losing you!
After putting the plates down, he handed her a cup of coffee and a slice of toast, which she took gratefully. She poured herself some coffee and waited for him to join her. Once he had finished his plate of food, he plopped down onto a chair opposite of her.“So, what do you plan on telling me?” She asked nervously, placing her mug down on the table.“What do you mean?”“I mean, I just want to know the full details. Are they related to what happened last night? Do they involve something to do with our families?''“No. Not at all.” Max shook his head. “They’re not related to anything.”Sophie narrowed her eyes suspiciously. “Then what is it? You know, you can trust me with whatever it is. Whatever it is, I’m sure I’ll handle it just fine.”“You know I love you. Right?” He paused. “And that I would never lie to you. Even if I wanted to.''“I know that Max.” Sophie smiled. “But why are you suddenly so nervous? I know that you can tell me any time you want to. But this seems like you’re
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You did save my life
“Are you ready to leave?” He asked, reaching over to pick up their empty dishes. She nodded and grabbed her purse. They quickly made their way downstairs and got into the car.As they drove back home she found herself looking at him from the corner of her eye. She watched as his facial features softened and softened in the sunlight that illuminated the interior of the car. There was a peaceful look in his face, almost like he hadn’t slept for days. He glanced at her briefly after a while and she realised that he was watching her. She quickly averted her gaze, trying to appear busy with whatever she was doing. However, she was unable to stop thinking about how attractive and beautiful he looked with his hair ruffled from sleep. How he looked like an angel, like everything good that had ever existed, embodied itself in one man, and she would have to hold herself together if she wanted to get through this day.Sophie woke up early the next morning, hoping that it would be another pl
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She was worth for me
“Can we talk? About last night?”“Sure. What do you wanna talk about?”“I’m sorry for kissing you like that.”“It’s okay. Don’t apologize. You don’t have to apologise. I shouldn’t have reacted like that.”“Still, I shouldn’t have pushed you so far. It was wrong of me.”“And I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that. It was stupid of me. I’m glad that I did though. If I didn’t push you to do anything last night, you probably would never have come around to the idea of dating me.''''I know how much you loved your wife. You would never want to hurt her like that. We were lucky that you agreed to meet her today. Otherwise you would never have come around to the idea of dating me. And that would have been a lot harder.”“Well, yeah. I guess you’re right. But maybe it wouldn’t have been so bad if you didn’t push me away. Maybe it would have been easier.”“I don’t know. I really don’t know anymore. Maybe. But you’ve made up your mind, haven’t you?''Max nodded. “I guess I have. And now you know
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This isn't your fault
But eventually it was time to end the conversation and it became obvious that neither of them really wanted to be alone anymore. So, they decided to take advantage of the situation to spend the remainder of the afternoon together, doing things that they used to do whenever they went on these trips together. They walked aimlessly, trying to find some interesting sight that they could admire, but they ended up simply standing under the trees, watching the scenery pass by. They didn’t talk. All they did was stare at the view before them, taking in the beauty that surrounded them.It wasn’t until they realized that it was evening that they headed back home, carrying their backpacks. It was already dark when they got there.The next day, Saturday, they woke up early and took a stroll in the nearby park. They decided to take another trip to the mall. As soon as they entered the store, Sophie looked around, checking out everything they had left in stock.“How about something new? A new p
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I forgive you
“That sounds amazing. Yes, I would love to do that.”He nodded slightly, turning over so that he was facing Sophie, putting his arm behind his head, resting it there while he continued gazing at her. Sophie felt herself getting nervous when she saw that he was looking at her like that. She couldn’t look away. She tried to hold his gaze, but after a short while she found herself closing her eyes and closing her mouth, feeling embarrassed. She felt his fingers brushing through her hair.“Will you kiss me?” he whispered.Her eyes flew open immediately and stared at him, her heart racing faster than ever. Her cheeks started blushing, but she didn’t move. She knew that he was talking about something other than kissing him. He must have noticed her hesitation because he added.“You don’t have to if you don’t want to. It’s totally okay if you don’t. You don’t have to.”She remained silent for a moment, not knowing what to do, before replying.“Okay.”She sat up, leaning toward him, pressi
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