Semua Bab Cruel Alpha's Marriage Proposal : Bab 11 - Bab 20
190 Bab
I always want you
Sophie looks so mesmerized by see how handsome Max, and she truly can't stop gazing at him. She wants to hold his hand, kiss him on the lips, but her hands are shaking a little too much, especially in front of all of their friends and family, and she doesn’t want to ruin this moment for them. She knows that he is just as nervous as her and that it could be because of what they have done together, or even though they were only together for six days before they started dating, but still, she has never seen someone as beautiful in her life. He is everything Sophie ever dreamt about when she was young, and now here she is, standing next to him, in the middle of a crowded restaurant with a bunch of people looking at them, probably judging them, because they look like two idiots who are in love. But Max isn't afraid of them, or anyone else, even the people around them. And he holds her hand tightly, almost like a lifeline, telling her that he's there for her and that whatever happens, h
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Be my forever partner
"Will you be my forever partner?"Her heart skips a beat, because Max doesn't need to ask that question, since she knows that she would say yes. But why did he ask anyway? She doesn't understand and she thinks about his question a lot. What does he want from her? Does he want an answer, or what does he hope for from her? She can't say ''yes'', since she barely knows him. Maybe he expects her to say it now because they're walking in a deserted street, alone. Or maybe he hopes to be able to spend forever with her. Whatever the reason, she needs to figure out the answer first. So she decides to just say something simple and clear. "Yes."The relieved smile that appears on his lips makes Sophie feel all warm and fuzzy inside, and she knows that if he wasn't holding onto her hand, she would already be floating off the ground. He brings his free hand to cup her cheek and leans toward her until their foreheads touch. He gently presses his forehead against hers and whispers, "Thank god."
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I love you unconditionally
It's going to be a challenge, getting over him, especially after everything that happened last night, but she refuses to give up. She knows that she is strong enough to overcome any obstacles. But she's definitely not strong enough to conquer Max. He's too stubborn to let her go. She can't wait to hear him say those words that would make her melt in his arms. "I love you", she imagines him whispering. It's a wonderful word. It means the world to her. A special secret that she only has with him. And she intends to cherish these memories for as long as she lives.Then, she hears a noise coming from the other side of her bedroom door, and she recognizes it as the sound of her alarm clock. she tries to turn it off, but it's almost impossible, because it is so loud, but she manages. She turns her alarm clock off and puts it on the floor before crawling back under the covers and curling herself into a ball. She closes her eyes tightly, wishing that the sun would shine through her cur
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I wish you all the best
Sophie was ready to marry the most cruel and evil man she ever know, she trying to let all the doubt she already feel for Max.Max has been a constant in Sophie life since their first meeting, he always by her side, helping her through every obstacle that comes in her way with his witty remarks or small acts of kindness. When they are together, everything feels right, Max is the only one who can make Sophie's day, the only one who makes her happy. She loves him with all her heart."I'm here babe", Max said, kissing Sophie on the cheek as he enter the room, holding two champagne glasses and a bottle of champagne. Sophie just smile at her boyfriend. "Thank you Max, come join me". They both sit down on the sofa, putting one of the drinks next to them.It was Friday night, the two of them had dinner together at Max's house and decided to watch a movie after having sex, nothing happened, they were both just enjoying each other company. It was late when Sophie finally got tired enough to
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My prize possession
"Baby?" Max said concerned."I'm sorry. I just miss you so much" Sophie said."I miss you too, baby. I'm so sorry" Max apologized."Don't apologize, just come back soon, okay? We can watch movies and cuddle, I missed you". Max chuckled."Okay baby" Max sighed. "I love you, sooooo much.''"And I love you too Max" Sophie said."Goodbye babe, love you" Max hung up.Sophie spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning the apartment, she even went shopping to buy groceries. She decided to cook a big meal for both of them. She put some pasta and chicken in the oven and went back to finish cleaning.When she finished she set the table and put some candles on top of it. She sat down on the couch and started to watch the movie. She noticed Max wasn't coming back until late tonight, she should try to get some sleep and enjoy the night.Sophie went back to her place, she changed into more comfortable clothes and decided to prepare herself for bed. She sat down on her bed and opened her laptop. She
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The perfect moment
As soon as Max reached her room, he knocked on the door. Sophie stirred slightly, then opened her eyes. She looked sleepy and confused.“Mmmm, Max? Did you come here to wake me up?” Sophie smiled and said with a sleepy voice. “Because that sounds really nice. I’m not gonna complain” She giggled.“Nope, no one woke you up” Max chuckled. “I was wondering whether to make us breakfast. Can you get out of bed and come help me” He said with a cute smile on his face.“What do you mean? Breakfast? Are we having a picnic today? Or are we having pancakes for breakfast?” Sophie teased.“A picnic sounds amazing, but first, let’s eat something else. You must be starving, after all.” Max smirked.“Okay” Sophie got out of the bed and followed Max downstairs. They spent their breakfast chatting and joking with each other. Sophie told Max about everything that happened during her week with her mom. How her mom is feeling better now and she was able to talk and joke again. Sophie also told Max about
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The true miracle
“Well, it is not the cure. At least, not exactly. It’s possible that it could help you, I don’t know. But it could be more than that. It’s a possibility that I can’t explain clearly yet. This time I hope I can explain it to you, because this time it will be important.” Sophie explained.“You can explain it to me later, when we get home. It’s been too long since we’ve left the house.” Max suggested.“Yeah, I guess.” Sophie agreed with a nod. After breakfast, they both grabbed their things and went outside. As they drove away, they couldn’t stop thinking about the mysterious message. Maybe it was important, they thought. Hopefully, it wouldn’t be something bad, if it was.While driving home from their date, the two young adults discussed what they’d tell their parents once they got home. Max wanted to inform his father that he was gay, but Sophie insisted that he shouldn’t tell anyone else about it. Even though she didn’t want her mother to know, she wanted to keep it as secret as poss
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Last night was amazing!
“I love waking up next to you.” Max commented smiling.“Me too” Sophie replied and gave him another quick kiss. “Now what are we supposed to do today?” She added.“I’m sure there are loads of stuff we need to take care of in order for us to find out what that mysterious letter is, but I’m kind of lazy today. How about we go out on a walk or something? I’d love to spend some time with you.” Max suggested.“That sounds nice. But, you must promise me one thing.” Sophie said. Max nodded, not realizing what she had planned. “Please don’t get distracted. We’ll need every brain cell if we’re going to solve this problem.” She finished. Max chuckled, agreeing with her plan.After getting ready for the day, Max took Sophie out for breakfast. They talked throughout the whole breakfast until Sophie finally convinced Max that they needed to continue their conversation after they got finished eating. She told him that she needed some answers and that she wouldn’t give up until she got them. Max d
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Because I'm yours
“What is it?” Max asked, wondering why she was suddenly so nervous.“I think we should wait until my mom gets home. She would freak if she saw us together like this” Sophie replied.“Oh, okay. Why don’t we go to my room instead? It’s safer there.” Max suggested. Sophie nodded and followed Max into his room, where he immediately grabbed his cell phone from the desk. He dialed the number to his parents’ apartment.“Hello?” His mother’s voice called from the other end.“Hi Mom. How are things going?” Max asked.“Good. Everything is going well. We just finished having lunch.” She replied.“Awesome. So how are you feeling, Mom?” Max asked.“Great. Just great.” His mom replied. “Did you need something, honey?” She added.“Actually, I do. Can I come over for dinner tonight?” Max asked.“Dinner? Are you coming back from school tomorrow?” His mom asked.“No, I’m not.” Max replied. “I already told you that I wouldn’t be coming back for awhile.” Max explained.“Alright. Then yeah, that should b
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Become family
“Well, I’ll let you know as soon as I find anything.” His mom replied before turning to Max. “It was lovely seeing you guys, but I’ve got a meeting at eight thirty with the lawyer for your father’s estate. So I should probably head downstairs.” She said. She hesitated briefly before adding, “And I’d really love it if you could spend the night at our place tonight, baby girl.”“Don’t worry about it, mom.” Sophie replied. “We’ll spend the night at my place, but we can go back home after we’re done. Okay?” Sophie suggested.“Sure. See you later. Have fun tonight.” Her mother replied before leaving the house. Max turned to face his fiancé, grinning.“So you want to stay at my place tonight?” He asked. Sophie smiled and nodded. “Cool.” He grinned.“What do you think? I mean, your mom is okay with us staying over, isn’t she?” Sophie questioned.“Yeah, sure. She’s cool with it. I talked to her this morning. And, you know… Mom has been doing well lately. And it’s been nice to have her aroun
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