All Chapters of THE BILLIONAIRE'S FOREVER CONTRACT : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
147 Chapters
NINETEENDIANAI collapsed on the bed, my eyes dry as I stared up at the ceiling.How dare he? As much as I considered him attractive, he did not own me and should not tell me what to do.I had to admit that there had been something extremely thrilling about the way he had been so jealous and possessive but we weren’t even an item… I had no idea what we were.I groaned, turning to the side the second my phone rang jolting me“Hello” I muttered“Baby sister” Lucien’s voice came through.I grinned, sitting up. It had been so long since I talked to my family and so desperately wanted to confide in someone right now about what was happening with me“Hey big brother” I said“You seem to have forgotten all about us” Lucien accused“You know I could never do that. I have just been busy with looking for a house and every other thing” I told him“And how is your house hunting coming along?”“I think I have found the one” I said happily“Tell me about it, Kitten” he muttered“I love the house;
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TWENTYDANTEShe smelled heavenly, her scent something that I desperately wanted to be enveloped in. I had thought it was because I needed to get laid or it had been so long I had my cock sucked but the moment with Cassie had been nothing.Her fingers came around to touch the base of my skull as she kissed me with my arms wrapped strongly around her waist. I groaned as she rubbed against me like a cat, her thigh connecting with my hard on; she must have noticed my reaction to that movement because she did it again while I growled low in my throat.“"Stai abbaiando sotto un albero pericoloso, bambina” i whispered in her ears“What?” she muttered, her eyes fluttering open.“Take the clothes off” I told her.She blushed but stepped away from me and began taking her clothes off while I watched, intrigued and hard as fuck.A groan slipped from my lips when she discarded the last of her clothing, standing before me naked safe for the panties she had on. Her fingers reached for the panty ro
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TWENTY ONEDIANAI woke up to the sound of running water coming from the bathroom; the memories of the previous evening rushing through my head and causing me pause mid yawn.I had had sex with Dante and it had been glorious.I could feel all the pores in my body alive and singing; the middle of my legs sore from everything.I smiled, stretching lazily whilst staring in the direction of the bathroom. I wondered if it was going to be too much of me to join him in the bathroom and what his reaction would be to that.Well, there was only one way to find out, i thought, throwing my legs to the other side of the bed.I tiptoed to the corner, careful not to alert him that i was awake although there was no way he would know with the sound of running water.My toes tangled with the panties i had been wearing the previous day and i blushed, remembering how he had brought it to his nose and sniffed and all the dirty things he had muttered in my ears. Not like i could understand much of the Ital
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TWENTY TWODANTEI glanced at a still passed out Diana, emotions threatening to overwhelm me as I drove. This was not how I had envisioned the revenge against my brother to go. I had not expected that I was going to fall for the one person that I was supposed to use to get back to the Rodrigues family but it had happened and I needed to get over it.I palmed my phone, glancing down at intervals as I dialed Alejandro’s number. He had to know that it was happening and inform the clan about it. This was their way of deeming the bastard son worthy of taking over the throne and controlling the mafia clans and I had to do it. I wasn’t going to allow some fickle feelings for a girl I barely knew to crash all that I had built and hoped to achieve as the new head of the clan.“Hello Cousin” Alejandro’s voice came through the receiver“Hey, meet me at the mansion. I have Diana Rodrigues and the plans will have to commence immediately” I told himHe paused for a bit but I could still hear his la
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TWENTY THREEDIANAIt was dark by the time I awoke or maybe it was the dark room that had me thinking it was night. My head was pounding furiously and I remained still, my eyes to the ceiling thinking furiously of what had happened.It came to be a nanosecond later that I had been kidnapped and by DanteDante, my head screamed.I scrambled out of the bed out of the bed, adjusting my shirt… this wasn’t my shirt.I was wearing a man’s shirt; his no doubt scoffedI walked quietly to the door, pressing my ear to it and trying to hear if there was somebody out there before I made the risky trip I was about to.There was no way I was going to sit here and wait patiently for my brothers to come knowing fully well that they were going to die if they so much as stepped foot in Italy. I groaned touching the side of my head where the bastard had hit me and cursed silently.I was a fool; prancing about with a man I barely knew and allowing him touch me.I shivered as I recalled the day before and
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TWENTY FOURDIANAI continued glaring in his direction even after the man was asked to leave and it was only Dante and I.“I am sorry for hurting your head” he told me“Please do not act like you are a fucking saint right now, it is making me want to puke” I snappedHis eyes flashed with anger as he approached me.I was cradling my palm which was still very much hurting from where I had cut myself and I watched his eyes survey me.“You are injured” he commented, reaching for my handI slapped his hand away, moving backwards so I could put as much space as possible between us.“You have to let me treat that” he murmured, turning around and walking to his closet.He came back with a first aid treatment kit and set it on the bed before turning in my direction“I do not want anything from you” I told me“You are under the impression that you have a choice in the matter and for that I apologize. You will let me treat you or I swear to have you bound and complacent while I treat you anyways
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TWENTY FIVEDANTEThe woman had a mouth on her, I thought as I walked away from the room when all I wanted to do was show her…let her see me.Well I guess it did not help that I was holding her against her will and had plans to kill her brother but it had to be done and if it wasn’t done by me then someone else in the clan would do it, someone like Alejandro and he would not be too merciful to her or her mother who I had plans to spare after the deal with her brothers was done.This way I get to control the action and reaction of what is going to occur after this is said and done including her reaction to their deaths. I wouldn’t be so wicked as to boast about it to her but she would know when the deed was done so she could mourn accordinglyBastard, her word sprang back up in my head like a stubborn coil, replaying and replaying.If only she knew how true those words she had spat out in anger were. I had been hearing it all my life, being called it by both my mother and father and it
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TWENTY SIXDIANAThe asshole… fucking puta, I swore unintelligibly as I paced the room. How dare he lock me up here and put a guard so I couldn’t escape.Granted I had tried to escape the last time and had failed miserably but right now I just wanted to explore my prison and I still could not do that.I continued pacing unable to form coherent thoughts as to what I could do to be out of this situation. I did not think there was anyone looking for me and even if Luca was, I was sure that Dante had reassured him that I was fine.The hotel! My mind dingedNo, it is quitter obvious that Dante had stolen me from there right under their noses. For all I knew, he could even be the owner or shagging the receptionist so she kept her mouth shut about what had happened.I wasn’t going to leave this place except he let me, that was obvious but I also did not think he was going to let me leave this place.I stilled as the conversation at the door got louder and louder and then backed away from the
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TWENTY SEVENDANTE“She is gone” A voice interrupted my hiatusShe, could only mean Diana and gone has to be another escape plan pulled by her again. The woman was going to be the death of me.How do I explain to her that running around in a house where nobody liked her family could get her killed, I thought as I got up from my chair“You let her escape again after all my warnings” I slammed the man who had come to inform me of her disappearance“Escape? I would never do that; Alejandro came over and asked me to give him a moment alone with the prisoner and before I got back, she was gone and he was nowhere in sight too”I stilled in my stride and turned back to the man“Alejandro?” I echoed“Yes sir” he mumbled, the rage in my eyes had him taking a step back.“What did I say about not letting anyone except me see her?” I snappedThe man cowered.It was obvious what had happened. This was Alejandro’s way of rebelling against me and I had let him pluck her from under my nose. I walked
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TWENTY EIGHTDIANAIt was dark and my head throbbed with renewed intensity anytime I turned or moved. I groaned, trying to get my bearings.We were in a vehicle and I could hear the steady breathing of the man, it had to be a man with me.What is going on? I thought, trying not to move or upset the demons waging war in my skull“Ahh, I see that you are awake” the man saidThe blindfold around my eyes was dragged off and I could see as I blinked repeatedly that it was indeed as bright as day and I was bound in a car.“What are you doing?” I snapped, struggling to sit upright“I warned you not to run but what is it with women and not listening to simple instructions” Alejandro scoffed, shaking his head as he drove with his eyes on the road.“You are a fucking asshole and would rot in hell, bastard” I cursed.It was useless trying to get myself out of the binds and I stopped struggling, resting my head against the seat.“Now, now don’t be so fucking rude, Diana; you do not want to make m
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