Semua Bab Caught In-between : Bab 21 - Bab 30
106 Bab
RHEA'S POVThe one dream I had was to have my books read by people all over the world with my identity hidden behind the pages of each book. I spent each day of my life thinking about the future of my characters but I never for once thought about my future. I was too comfortable hiding within the four walls of my dad's mansion that I didn't imagine something would threaten to take me out of my comfort zone. I never for once thought about dating someone talkless of getting married. Even if I was to get married, I didn't want it to be arranged but the question was how would I ever get married when I couldn't leave the house to meet anyone?Estefan was the only opposite gender of my age group that I've met who was not part of my family relative and all of a sudden, he wants to get married to me. The one question that had been bugging me was why? His relationship with Leah was going well, so why did choose me over her?I told my dad to reject the marriage offer but I had a feeling it mig
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RHEA'S POVPacking the last piece of clothing in my wardrobe, I zipped up my suitcase. My parents insisted I packed all my clothes which wasn't an issue because I could easily count the number of clothes I had in my closet.I didn't see the need to buy many expensive clothes since I only wore them around the house but my dad would get me some designer clothes once in a while which came in handy because it was suddenly required of me to leave the house.There was a knock on the door before it was pushed open by my mother. "Are you ready? It's time to go." "Yeah, I'm done." I checked out my white crop top and black leather trousers in the mirror before picking up my handbag and laptop bag as I dragged my suitcase out of the room.The driver took my suitcase from me when I got to the bottom of the stairs. My dad came down the stairs after me and I glanced up the stairs waiting for Leah to show up. It has been three days since the proposal letter came in and the Spain Royal family announ
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RHEA'S POVThe chilly breeze blew my hair as I stepped out of the plane. The unfamiliar smell of the new environment hit my smell buds as I forced my legs to move toward the black limousine waiting at the bottom of the stairs. My parent entered the car while I looked back at the plane, wishing I could run back in and fly back to London but I knew that wish wouldn't come true."Rhea, get in," mom called impatiently. Turning back to the car, I took a deep breath before stepping into the car. I leaned into my seat and closed my eyes, praying that I wouldn't regret the decision I made. "Rhea, I know you hate the idea of this marriage but I believe it's a blessing in disguise," mom started."Of course, it's a blessing in disguise for you guys," I said with my eyes still closed."I meant for you. This might help you get rid of your fear of crowds," she continued."Who said I needed help?" I opened my eyes as I sat up. "I was fine the way I was.""Dear, you can't hide forever, you will eve
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LEAH'S POV"You have to understand that this is not my fault. I thought I would be getting married to the prince but due to some unknown circumstances, my sister was chosen to get married to him," I shouted into the phone out of frustration."Then you should have been sure about it before making your announcement. The Hermes company are also withdrawing their deal." Mr Morgan, my manager sighed.That was the fifth company that was withdrawing my contract since the wedding announcement has been made. I'd been devastated, shutting myself in my room because everything I lived for and worked hard for was slowly slipping through my fingers. I couldn't sit and watch Rhea ruin my entire life."No, please try to stop them. If they need a male model, I can get them one who is way better than Estefan. Please I'm begging you.""Don't you think I've tried to convince them? Every company is dropping you because of your marriage scandal. If you don't find a way to fix this soon, I'm afraid it would
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RHEA'S POVWaking up to voices whispering close to me, I looked up to see myself laying under an unfamiliar ceiling. I sat up and scanned the room to find Esmeralda and the blue-eyed girl from earlier staring at me with smiles on their faces. "Rhea, I'm so glad you are okay," Esmeralda said as they moved closer to the seat on each side of the bed.My brain was still trying to register where I was as my eyes scanned the room. My eyes caught a large portrait of Esmeralda on the left side of the room and dozens of Tiara on a wooden shelf beside it. The King sized bed was covered in gold and white sheet with a large piece of golden-coloured cloth forming a triangle with the bed. "Is this your room?" I turned to her. "Yes. You passed out earlier when you got crowded by too many people, remember?" she asked."Yeah." I haven't spent a full day there and it was already a fucking disaster. That was enough reason for me to conclude that accepting this marriage was a bad idea. "How are you
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ESTEFAN'S POVIt was a lovely Saturday afternoon, the usual time I enjoyed some alone time in my study, reading books with my glasses perched on my nose. I was halfway done with the book in my hand when the flung open, revealing my brother, Esteban. "Why are you still here?" He raised his voice. "Your wife-to-be is here." That's right. Rhea was to arrive in the palace that day since our wedding was to be held in two days. I knew she was going to confront me about why I chose her instead of my sister but I was not interested in explaining myself to anyone so she would have to leave it that way.Making a bookmark on the Novel, I stood up and placed it on my table before taking off my glasses. I made my way out of the study and Esteban followed behind me. We took the elevator from the fourth floor where we stayed down to the first floor. "I can't wait to meet her." Esteban rubbed his palms together. "I wanted to see if she was as good as Esmeralda described her to be.""She is, but Es
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RHEA'S POVThe audacity of that Ice bag to accuse me like that. He didn't even bother to ask what happened when he was the main source of all the problems I had at the moment. I wonder why he couldn't act like his brother. With the few seconds I spent with Esteban, I could tell he was warm-hearted and nice just like Esmeralda. Estefan and I hadn't gotten married yet and he was already getting on my nerves. How was I supposed to spend the rest of my life with someone like that? No, I couldn't sit still and let the wedding push through. I had to do something to stop it.Walking back into Esmeralda's room in anger, I met her looking around the room and calling my name. "I'm right here," I answered."Where did you run off to? Did you know how worried I was when I came back and didn't meet you?" She came to stand in front of me."I'm sorry." I walked past her with my blood still boiling with rage."Are you okay?" She questioned. "You look like you want to rip someone's head off his body.
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LEAH'S POVThe moon was already peeking out of the sky by the time my plane arrived at Madrid Barajas Airport. I ordered a ride to the palace when I stepped out of the airport. A smile graced my face when my ride stopped in front of the Royal palace of Madrid. I stepped out of the car and dragged my suitcase to the gate where I was stopped by two palace guards."Who are you and what do you want?" One of the guards asked."I'm Leah Knight, the elder sister of Prince Estefan's fiancee, Rhea Knight. My parents and sister are in there, you can go ask them to confirm my identity." They glanced at each other before the guy talking to me nodded at his partner. The partner went inside, leaving me standing outside with the guard. I sighed as I tapped my foot on the ground, feeling impatient. "What's taking him so long?" I whined when I got tired of standing. His partner came back before he could reply. "The King ordered us to o let her in."I beamed as they opened the gate for me to walk in
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RHEA'S POVA soft rap on the door made me stir in my sleep. The knocking got louder and I covered my head with my pillow. "Go away," I mumbled.Last night, I pulled an all-nighter to write four long chapters of my book because I was running out of time. I wanted to finish it early so I could have more time for editing. The editing was the annoying part for me because I always found it hard to spot my errors. If only I had someone who had a lot of knowledge about creative writing nearby. The creaking sound of the door reached my ears and a groan escaped my lips when the pillow was taken away from my head."Rhea, get up. You need to be at the main hall in thirty minutes," Esmeralda said as she yanked the quilt away from my body."Why?" I hit my legs on the bed as I rolled from side to side."You need to be present for the preparations of your wedding that is happening in a week." "That's still happening?" I glanced up at her. "You know I was having this amazing dream that I left your
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RHEA'S POV"The wedding has already been scheduled for next weekend which is a week from now," the king started. "The royal family has made all the preparation but we will like you to also have a say in it." My dad cleared his throat. "All the preparations are to our liking but my wife would love to sort Rhea's wedding dress herself." "That's okay," the queen inputted. "Why don't we talk about the guest list?" They began to talk about the number of guests and the sitting arrangement while I stared at them with a bored look. It seemed as if they had forgotten whose wedding they were planning. I turned to Estefan but he doesn't appear to be paying any attention to the conversation. "Excuse me?" I called their attention because someone needed to put an end to this madness. "I think all the preparation is nice and all but you guys seem to be forgetting something.""What is that, my dear?" The Queen asked."It's about the guest list. I'm scared of the crowd, how am I supposed to walk d
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