Raven's Waking Dream의 모든 챕터: 챕터 41 - 챕터 50
77 챕터
41. Exhauste
“Alpha Raven, you have guests,” my father interrupts while grabbing my hand as I start up the stairs ready to find my bed in the Alpha suite. “Who?” I question while looking behind me to see a boy my age standing with what appear to be his parents. “Angel Haner and his family,” Dad answers watching me run my hands over my bump. “I need a minute to rest, I will be down for dinner to meet everyone. Make sure everyone is taken care of,” I sigh deeply knowing I can’t avoid them, but I need a few minutes to at least gather my thoughts. “Are you and your pups, ok?” My father questions with concern laced in his voice making me blush a little as I nod my head. “Yeah, I’m just exhausted we flew 17 hours and drove two. I’m on board with Liliana, I need a shower and to lay down for a minute,” I answer while glancing at the family sitting together as the boy speaks to his father. “Go, Grandma will have dinner ready in two hours,” our dad chuckles a little making me smile a little. “Thank yo
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42. Not Broken
“Alpha Raven, a scout from Blood Moon has arrived to announce the arrival of King Osric… His party is 2 hours out,” a young male voice flits through the link. I quietly grown and flop down on the very soft very large four poster bed on the opposite wall of the beautiful stone fire place. The suite is huge, against the wall with the bed were two doors one for the bathroom and the other a closet. There are two very nice large lounges and an arm chair in front of the fire place, behind the lounges is a bar with a small dining table and chairs in the corner. “Why are they visiting?” I link back trying to hide my irritation knowing it isn’t the patrols’ fault. “To meet Wolf Creek’s new Alpha, what would you like me to do?” The voice asks making me sit up smelling and hearing Embry coming up the stairs. “Get more men on patrol, bring the scout to the pack house so he can rest and eat,” I instruct while holding my belly and getting up as Embry enters the room watching me in confusion.
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43. Meeting the Family
“What are you thinking, Knight?” I ask, watching him sit at the foot of my bed as I sit up against the headboard, rubbing my stomach. “That my Princess needs to rest, but the night is not over. Angel and his family are downstairs to meet you, they moved here at Alpha Osric’s request to help Wolf Creek transition,” Embry answers as he vacantly watches my hand on my stomach. “I’m not a princess and I’m used to no sleep. Why Angel? Why is Alpha Osric so interested in what happens here?” I question while sitting up pulling my black fur cloak over me like a blanket. “A knight needs his princess. I’ve noticed you don’t sleep much, but you need it now for your pups. Angel is Alpha Osric’s younger brother; he’s hoping to help maintain order and your position,” Embry speaks watching me with concern as I nod knowing I need to find a way to take it easy. “I guess I should go meet Angel and his family before Osric arrives. Have the guest suite ready for Osric and rooms ready for his men,” I si
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44. Rogues?
Ryder’s POV “Liliana what’s wrong?” I link feeling her suddenly grow angry from upstairs. I look up wondering why she’s up set while standing beside Thane glad to see him for the first time in a while. “What now?” Raven questions watching Liliana storm down the stairs with a very aggravated expression making me worry. “Ryder, Jacoby with me,” Liliana instructs pulling her silvery white hair back into a pony tail making. I tilt my head to the side when see Raven’s eyes glaze over from someone mind linking her. I’m quick to follow Liliana towards the door when she stops in front of me and shakes her head at Raven who looks like she’s about to follow. “No, you don’t. I told them not to tell you because you’re not leaving this house while you’re carrying my niece and nephew. You, what’s your name?” Liliana nearly growls at Raven then points to Thane making him confused. I can’t help laughing at how awesome it is to watch my little mate bossing everyone around. “Thane,” he answers w
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45. Traitors
“I got him!” I hear Thane call out when the second rogue begins to run as he and Jacoby begin to give chase. I begin to move to help Liliana when Jyrki blocks me while watching his granddaughter fight. “Let her do this, she is Beta she needs to prove her position and protect the pack. If she needs you, she’ll ask you for help,” Jyrki explains, nudging me to the side. When I finally look at him and notice he is the only other fully red wolf that I’ve seen aside from Raven. I watch Liliana move gracefully around and under the rogue she is fighting. She is slowly exhausting him since he can’t get a hold of her. “Don’t tell me how to look after my mate,” I shove past Jyrki walking towards Liliana who has the rogue pinned to the ground snarling in his face. “Don’t disrespect me boy! Don’t you dare begin to forget what family you’re dealing with!” Jyrki growls grabbing me by the scruff of my neck, throwing me onto the ground into the cold snow. “I am her mate! You will not tell me how
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46. Tea
“Where did Angel and Gideon go?” Embry asks while coming over sitting next to me. “They’re dealing with the rogues that made it through the border, I felt and still feel an itching sensation in the…” He answers before I can finish. “You can feel whenever someone trespasses our borders most people experience a dull pain,” Embry explains making me smile glad that it is normal. “It’s easing up, they must have them,” I mention noticing the sensation fading surprised I can feel the change. “Good, you might want to make Ryder your Beta as well, that way Liliana doesn’t have to take on the position alone,” Karen suggests while pouring hot water into the mugs, I look at her dumbfounded at the idea of having two Betas. I know some larger packs have them, but never thought about it here. “Can I do that?” I ask while looking over at Embry who nods his head. “Yes, and it’s not a bad idea considering Liliana’s age and Aiden, Raven what’s going on?” Embry questions watching me in concern when
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47. Caught Off Guard
“Raven, he’s here,” Embry softly says while knocking on my bedroom door. I lost myself for a little bit staring out of the giant bay window in my room with a view of the beautiful frozen lake. “I felt them cross the border,” I admit feeling nervous about seeing Osric again especially after realizing he didn’t know I am pregnant. “You look nice, are you ready?” Embry compliments looking down at the black maxi dress I changed into showing my bump a little. “I don’t know why I’m so nervous,” I answer while looking up at him, rubbing over my belly feeling my stomach flutter. “A lot has changed, you don’t need to be nervous; he knows everything that’s been happening,” he says while pulling me into his arms helping me relax, melting the stress away. “Thank you, having my knight by my side makes things so much easier. I don’t know what I would do without your help,” I whisper into Embry’s shoulder holding onto him tighter taking in his warm scent. “I’m happy to be your knight, Princess
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48. Family Dinner with the King
“Uncle!” Thane nearly yells while running into the room tackling Osric making me giggle at how childlike they are acting. “Thane,” Osric laughs pulling Thane into a headlock and wrestling with him. I hold my belly and smile walking into the dining room thinking of what it would be like watching my pups play. Embry shakes his head with a deep laugh when he pulls out a seat between Dad and the head of the table. “He always gets excited to see Osric, they’ve always been close,” Embry chuckles while pushing my chair in as I sit down. He walks around to the other side of the table to sit across from me. “It’s good to see him relaxed,” I mention, finding myself smiling while watching Thane trying to get out of Osric’s grip, making them both laugh. “It is,” Embry agrees with longing I’d never seen in his eyes as he watches his alpha. Osric releases Thane before walks over making everyone stand when he sits down at the head of the table. I try to stand when Osric places his hand on mi
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49. Can You Stay?
“I think today went well, don’t you?” I question talking to my babies while looking down at my stomach and sitting in the hammock on the balcony attached to my room. “It could have gone a lot worse, Scott could have hurt Liliana,” I admit while resting back where my view of the moon reflecting off the frozen lake. “I know Uncle Ryder wouldn’t have let that happen,” I can’t help but laugh at myself for talking out loud to my babies. “I love you pups, the three of us will make a real life for ourselves,” I whisper, closing my eyes I use my foot to kick off the wall to swing. I quickly become lost thinking about Osric and the way I am reacting to him even after what Gerard did. I can’t help notice that he isn’t just being nice, but he is going out of his way to do nice things for me when he has barely paid attention to anyone else. “Raven,” Embry knocks on the glass door pulling me from my thoughts watching him walk out onto the balcony. “Nice view, are you ok?” Embry questions whi
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50. Memory
After laying there restless for about twenty minutes I decided to curl up on the very large lounge in front of the fire. I enjoy the warmth of the fire while staring at the flames focusing on the thoughts racing through my mind. “Just rest, I’m moving you back to your bed,” Embry softly speaks when I roll in his arms feeling him picking me up. “I got cold,” I admit clinging to his warm chest making him chuckle. “Let’s get you some more blankets and I’ll put more wood on the fire before laying down on the couch,” he suggested making my bottom lip hang out naturally, pouting wanting him closer. “Or you could just sleep in the bed and keep me warm, I stayed in your room after Gerard attacked me. Your room was the only place I felt safe before we left,” I confess while looking down feeling my throat growing soar with emotions creeping up on me. “Raven,” Embry sighed deeply with his sad eyes piercing the depths of my unnaturally black eyes. “I’m sorry, it’s ok. You can go if you want
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