All Chapters of Mr. CEO's Executive Secretary: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
86 Chapters
Chapter 41
At the De Clarion Villa, John helped Frederick out of the car. After more than a week of staying in the hospital, he was finally released.“How is Belle?” the old man immediately asked, as soon as he settled on his bed.John frowned after hearing him ask about their little girl. He then narrated everything to his old buddy.“He’s really that stupid, huh?” Frederick was referring to none other than his very own grandson. John nodded in agreement.Frederick let out a sigh, leaned back, and tapped his friend’s shoulder. “Please call Belle for me, tell her I’m out and I want to see her.”John followed immediately. Belle agreed to visit the old man, but she told them that she could only drop by after lunch, as she still had meetings to attend.When Belle’s finally done with her work, she gathers her stuff to prepare for her leave. She let Nathalie know that she was stepping out to visit Frederick.Her friend simply nodded at her and smiled. Belle was a little suspicious but she didn’t pay
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Chapter 42
One night, when Belle got home, exhausted from work, she went straight to bed without changing her clothes. She wasn’t even able to wash her face.She doesn’t know how long she has slept when her phone started ringing nonstop. She glanced at the clock on her side table, it was only one in the morning.“Hello?” she answered lazily.“Are you sleeping already?” Nathalie asked, sounding hurried and worried at the same time. When Belle didn’t answer immediately, she cut her off. “Check the internet.”As she noticed a hint of panic in her friend’s voice, she quickly grabbed her laptop and opened the main news website in Bree. Her eyes widened in shock.Right on the site’s front page, the headline was written in bold letters, ‘FORMER EXECUTIVE SECRETARY OF DE CLARION EMPIRE, OWNER OF SWEET SUE CYBERSECURITY, POISONED BILLIONAIRE FREDERICK DE CLARION.’Belle suddenly felt cold all over her body. Her hands started shaking uncontrollably. Biting her lower lip, the first thing that came to her m
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Chapter 43
After hearing his grandfather’s statement during the live broadcast and after everything else he said, Tristan wanted to get mad. Not to the old man, but to himself.Again, he was reminded that he was indeed a fool to slap Belle and accuse her of hurting Frederick. He was reminded of how stupid he was for acting rashly toward her.With heavy feet, Tristan asked Jacob to go straight to Belle’s company. He wanted to see her and apologize to her, if and only if, he could muster enough courage to do so.“Hi! What are you guys doing here?” Nathalie asked as she welcomed them and led them to the company’s visitors’ lounge.“I came with Jacob, he wants to visit you,” Tristan answered immediately.Jacob’s eyes flicked to Tristan, who was now pretending to be reading a magazine. He is sitting casually on the couch, laid back, one leg over the other with a magazine in one hand while the other is busy flipping the pages.Fortunately, Jacob understood Tristan. ‘He’s using me again because he’s sc
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Chapter 44
While waiting for the food to be served, Esme started talking to Joyce about Belle. She was intrigued by the scene they saw earlier and she wanted to know what exactly was going on.“I saw you come out of her company earlier with Tristan. What happened?” she pried.Joyce’s expression suddenly changed. She was calm before Belle’s name was mentioned. Now she looked like she was ready to murder anyone.“That bitch!” she seethed. “I don’t know what to do so she would stop bothering Tristan! She just can’t stop herself from chasing him!”Vernice and Esme exchanged glances. ‘I think we got the right person,’ she thought to herself. “She really is a bitch and she’s hard to get rid of. We have already tried several times,” Vernice informed her.“Why were you unsuccessful?” Joyce asked curiously.“It’s because of Tristan, of course! It’s because he would always protect Belle,” Esme answered immediately. She smiled to herself when she noticed the creases on Joyce’s forehead deepening. ‘I think
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Chapter 45
“Stop flirting with my fiancé!” Joyce shouted at Belle.For the second time, Belle slapped her. “The first slap was to calm you down. This one is to knock some sense into your dead brain.Now don’t wait for the third one, I’ll make sure it won’t just be a slap,” she warned her.Joyce was scared but instead of retreating, she forced out a laugh. “Your threat won’t work. I won’t be causing trouble here if you’re not trying to break my relationship with Tristan. Actually, you should be thankful this is all I did. I could’ve killed you!”Belle trembled, not expecting Joyce would say something like that, but she chose not to show it. She doesn’t want the woman to simply intimidate her, knowing that all her accusations are false.“Leave!” she ordered Joyce. “Leave before I call the police. Or I think it would be much better to call Tristan instead. So he can personally see what kind of person the love of his life is,” she chuckled.Joyce’s face paled as if Belle said the magic word. Without
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Chapter 46 – Traumatizing
“Belle, can you go out with me tonight? Dinner?” Eric asked smiling. He decided to visit Belle as he hadn’t seen her for quite some time.Eric is fond of her, he likes her. However, Tristan is like a brother to him. Though he wants to make a move on the woman, he can’t do it because of his friend.“Sure, where are we eating?” Belle asked, not taking her eyes off of her monitor. She’s rushing an important presentation, as she has a big shot client visiting her office the next day.“Royal,” the man who was busy playing with the pendulum on the table answered.“Give me five,” then she quickly stood up and went straight to the restroom. “Let’s go!”As soon as she stepped out, she just grabbed her bag and headed for the door. They rode in Eric’s car and he would drop her off after eating. She needs to go back to finish her work.When they arrived at the Royal Palace, a waiter quickly led them to a table for two. Before they can place their order, someone called Eric.“Hey, Tristan! Kismet?
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Chapter 47
Days after the incident at the restaurant, Belle received a call from the De Clarion Villa. According to John, Frederick wanted to see her.Belle agreed to visit the old man. As soon as she was done with work, she headed for the villa to see the old De Clarion.When she got in, he found the old man in the living room, staring at the screen of his laptop. “Hi Grandpa, how are you?” Belle asked cheerfully.Frederick extended both hands as he stood up. Belle lovingly hugged him and they both sat down. “I’m doing well, my health’s improving every day. You? I heard about the incident with Joyce,” he frowned.Belle frowned too, as she was again reminded of that dreadful night. “I’m okay so far,” she smiled half-heartedly.Before they could continue with their conversation, Frederick asked John for tea, but Belle volunteered to do it. “You sit down John, you look really tired.”The middle-aged butler smiled at her, thankful for her consideration as he sat in the single-seater next to Frederi
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Chapter 48
“Can I take you to your office?” Tristan asked.Belle looked behind her shoulder and saw Tristan approaching her. He stood right next to her, both of them looking at the pond.“I can’t believe it was you who saved me,” both of them chuckled. “And it was you who I was arranged to be married with,” he added, glancing at the woman beside her.“Me too,” Belle answered. She too glanced at Tristan, who was now looking at the pond again.“Belle…”“Hmm?”“I’d like to ask you a really huge favor,” he started.“What is it?”Tristan let out a long sigh, “I know this is too much to ask. But, can you please not file a case against Joyce for what she did to you at the restaurant?”If Belle was to decide, she would want to file a case, especially now that she found out that Joyce faked being Tristan’s savior. She hates her and Vernice, for stealing from her.However, just by thinking about it, she already feels exhausted. Whenever she recalls what happened at the restaurant, she suddenly wants to go
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Chapter 49 – The Culprit
As soon as he heard the mind-blowing news, Tristan rushed out of the conference room. He even pushed Jacob out of his way.As they were only on the fourth floor, he didn’t even bother waiting for the elevator. He ran straight to the stairs, straight to the parking lot.Joyce, on the other hand, went out of the clinic as soon as her wounds were dressed. Waiting for a cab, she dialed Vernice’s number.“I deliberately bumped into Belle’s car, monitoring her status. I’m hoping she’s dead but we want to be sure,” ending the call after giving her instructions.She went straight home to rest, leaving her phone on the side table so she could hear it when she got a call. She needs to know what happened to the woman.When she closed her eyes, she was again reminded of how Tristan looked at her after she tried stabbing Belle. This ignited the fury inside her.Vernice immediately rushed to the hospital after receiving Joyce's call. She, too, is hoping that the woman she loathes is dead.Meanwhile
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Chapter 50
Lydia could only recall the drowning incident, as that was all she knew. Belle was a case of mistaken identity. She is not the real daughter of the Roberts.Before Belle was rescued, Lydia and Raymond’s real daughter fell into the sea. It’s been a week. She fell from their fishing boat and wasn’t immediately found, even with the help of the Coast Guard.A week later, Raymond saw a little girl floating near Bree Port. It was Belle. He immediately took her to the hospital before letting his wife know about it.When Lydia got to the hospital, she started crying over Belle, calling her Lottie, their lost daughter. For Raymond, Lottie was already dead, but it wasn’t the same case for his wife.As she was not in a good mental state due to their daughter’s incident, she mistook Belle for her. A woman then approached them, asking what had happened.Lydia told the woman that they had finally found their daughter. She was saved from drowning after a week. The woman who approached the couple was
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