All Chapters of The Football Player's Baby: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
54 Chapters
I decided that I was thinking too much about it. I just saw a couple of chairs that were free at the “Quick Hit” slot machines and took my card out of my purse and just went for it. Before Sebastian sat down, he said, “Are you sure about this one?”I raised my hands and said, “This is supposed to be fun!” I wasn’t going about it the right way though; I was looking at ways to win on the machines, reading the winning patterns. At the same time, I was using my phone to figure out the Vegas laws for the rules of the payouts.I shook my head. Sebastian was right. The whole point of it was to have some fun. I was turning it into a tedious exercise, which wasn’t the point of us coming to the slots in the first place. I thought for a split second that maybe I’d come over here to get Sebastian alone, away from his friends. Especially seeing as he was so mad with Kent. Sophia had given me a quick rundown of their names before we came down to the table, seeing as I’m crap with names. Kent had
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“All this jumping up and down, winning tonight. Shit, I’m starving. What about you?” Emma nodded and that was when I noticed that she wasn’t playing anymore. I had gotten kind of wrapped up and lost in the whole winning thing. Maybe I hadn’t paid her enough attention and she was getting bored of the whole thing. “Well, you did say that you wanted to play the slots…” I teased her as I tried to tickle her, but she was holding on to her glass as if her life depended on it. I had never seen someone sip so slowly on gin and tonic. It was obvious that she didn’t drink much as she frowned every time she drank it. Which was the complete opposite of Sophia, who seemed to never stop drinking. Then again, she did entertain a lot as part of her role. Journalism was just another word for celebrity spying in New York. Sophia had accused me of being cynical and invited me to a celebrity party, which had only proved that my theory was true. “Do you want to eat?”She laughed as she finally decided
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After dinner, we went back on the casino floor. I tried to catch Sebastian’s attention, but just as soon as I’d managed to make him ignore the slot machines, his friends managed to steer him away from me. I shouldn’t have felt jealous, but they were passing champagne around on the casino floor as if it was water. I’d had two for every one that Sophia got hold of before we saw the guys. He was my best friend’s younger brother, so why was it that by filling out and growing taller he had got me all hot and bothered? And I didn’t mean that my heart beat faster or that I felt like some teenage girl with a huge crush on a quarterback. This was completely different. Those blue eyes that used to look at me as if I was some supermodel that rocked into his sister’s room were the same eyes that still stared at me. But back then it was cute. Now it just made me horny. I’d thought that I was dead down there. I couldn’t remember the last time I had any action. And as we reached his table and he
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What a chump!What had just happened?I’d had her in my arms. Kissing her like there was no tomorrow. My cock wanted to come inside her so badly, but then it had hit me. This was Emma Edwards. Dr. Emma Edwards. Not some girl that I had just picked up at the bar, in the casino, or at the party, but a girl that I thought I would one day make into my wife. She didn’t even know that. She thought that I had some crush on her, that I thought about just her body. But there was more going on inside my mind and my heart than just that. I knew from the moment I kissed her, from the urgency that was rushing through my body, that after tonight, after it was all said and done, I would want more. So much more. She thought of me as the snotty kid that wanted to get into football when everyone had said I wasn’t tall enough or wasn’t strong enough to make it. But that’s determination for you. I couldn’t adjust my height, but I could adjust my body. I knew what I wanted to be and I wrote to the coll
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All I could think about was having his cock inside of me. That was wrong; I hadn’t come here to be fucked, but then again I couldn’t remember the last time I had been near a bed with a man. I had become Plain Jane from the time I started at medical school. It was just study, study and more study and then it became work, work and more work. I had a chance to let loose, it was clear that I was so damn intense and need to relax, yet something held me back. I had this overwhelming feeling that burned in my body, mind and soul twenty-four seven, telling me to do the right thing all the time. But suddenly I wanted to be like one of those football players. They trained hard and played hard. I was in my thirties and had a life of a ninety-year-old. Even then I think in the retirement homes they had more fun than I did. And yet now I was with the boy. Sebastian.The sweet one that used to come and see his sister in college and I used to think, if only he was five years older. Now, he was
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“Let’s take a shower,” I said. I could feel her legs moving between mine. “Why?” I smiled, because I had a feeling that she was worried about smelling in between the sheets. That wasn’t the reason for my asking.“We had quite a heavy session last night. I just want to be clean.”“It’s morning already?”I laughed, “It’s afternoon,” as I showed her my watch.“But I need to go. I can’t stay here another night.”I kissed her delicately on the cheek and said, “Yes, you can.”“The next thing you know, there’ll be reporters downstairs and then it’ll get out. They’ll be a scandal, then I’ll lose my job and…”“Calm down. Reporters don’t follow me everywhere I go. Besides, I thought we could freshen up and get something to eat. There’s nothing wrong with that.” She sighed, thinking about it for a split-second. “Besides, I wasn’t sure whose stomach was making all the noise? If it was yours or mine?” She laughed as she rubbed her stomach, making it clear that she was hungry. But seeing her na
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We were exhausted after having so many sex sessions in one night. I lay in his arms and didn’t want to move; I felt as if it was exactly where I wanted to be at this precise moment in time. “I don’t want to get up,” I sighed as I stretched out my arms and pulled him in tighter. “Let me call room service, and Sophia too.”“Why Sophia?”I lifted up my head and saw a big smile across his face. “Emma, I have you now; I’m not letting you go. We’ll head home together.”“Oh!”I put my head against his chest as he stretched over and picked up the phone. His words took me aback, it was as if he was claiming me and I’d given him permission to do so. How did one night change everything that we’d held onto for so long?His attraction to me was there from when he had been a kid, but now he was a man that just happened to be my best friend’s brother, and I was supposed to be his doctor. Everything felt so wrong, but at the same time it all felt so right. “Sophia, Emma’s coming back with me.”T
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I was on the plane with the guys. Usually, we would be laughing and cheering about our weekend in Vegas. But this time we all had something different on our minds. I had Emma sitting two seats behind me with Sophia, who the previous day had come up to our room and said that she’d managed to change the flights so that we could all go back together. This wasn’t exactly what I had in mind. I wanted to spend time with Emma. Not them. Mason was next to me and he was quiet as a mouse. My best friend was screwing my sister and it should have bothered me. There was a code, and a line had been crossed, but now just didn’t feel like the time to discuss it. I had gone from wanting to be on my own to being with Emma and finally realizing how lonely I’d been all the time. Sure, I had people round me. I sometimes called my mom every hour to make sure she was okay until eventually she turned her phone off. I felt lost. One minute I had been with Emma surrendering myself to her and the next we wer
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We stood like little kids not knowing what to do as we waited for our bags. We’d left the plane like robots. Once in a while we would look at each other and smile. I didn’t know what to say to him. “Hey Sebastian, it was great but we’re back home now, so no more bumping and grinding. Okay?” Kent and Paul made all the noise. They were like little kids that had taken too much candy. They got excited about every little thing. Whereas Sophia was quiet. She’d spent most of her time sleeping on the flight. Then as we landed and needed to get off the plane, she used me as a balance so that she wouldn’t break her neck as she tried to walk in her three-inch heels. She was apparently even more tired than I was. We should have had a little girly chat, but I assumed that she wasn’t in the mood for it. I knew that I wasn’t because I’d started to feel anxious about everything, including Sebastian. I would glance at him, but he would avoid my stare.Finally we collected our bags and it was time t
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“Hey.” I smiled at him as I entered the room. I had every x-ray and blood test booked for him today. We hadn’t spoken since we’d landed in JFK and left the airport like strangers. I’d sent him a text telling him about today and he replied back saying, he would be here. And he came. Just like he had said he would. I should have been happy, glad that he kept his promise. But I felt completely lost, because I didn’t know how to behave now and by his shyness, avoiding eye contact as I walked through the door, I had a feeling that he felt the same. “I thought that you would be here when I got here,” he whispered as I drew closer to him as he lay on the examination bed. “I just came in to make sure that everything’s set up for you. I just organized the tests, and besides, Wendy’s capable of doing them herself. I don’t need to be here.” I was rambling and looking down at the floor. Pathetic!“Besides Wendy explained everything, right?”He corrected me. “You mean Sheryl.”I nodded. I w
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