All Chapters of Single Daddy: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
104 Chapters
“Wow, I guess that I’ve got a lot of work to do to keep up with you.” I laugh as I wrap my arms around her. “More the other way around. It reminds me of back in the hotel, the wedding… the time you told me to keep away from you.”I shake my head because that’s not exactly the way I remember it. If anything, it was more the other way around. “You told me that it wasn’t a good idea. Your mom and Terrance had just gotten married, and you told me that it was best we didn’t take it any further.”She moves away from me. “You know nothing about women.”Apparently not, because that's what she told me. I never knew that there was double meaning in it. How was I supposed to know? She would call and make sure that I wasn't at the same events as her. It was pretty clear that she wanted nothing to do with me. Not anymore.“Just going to the bathroom. Be back in a minute.”I want to tell her not to be long. It’s as if not feeling her body next to me has made me feel cold again. I wake up alone a
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I can’t believe it. I’m sitting down, and all these songs are rolling through me. It’s as if this musical constipation has turned into diarrhea and they’re pouring out of me. “What are you doing?” Noah asks as he starts to grope my tits. I look down, and Richard’s on his bouncy chair—a gift from Terrance, who has become obsessed with spoiling him ever since he got the paternity results. The whole house looks like a nursery. There isn’t a toy or baby stuff not occupying one part of the house. It’s sweet watching him fuss over someone else apart from himself. Luckily, Noah has a piano, which he said that he bought with me in mind. He felt that his home had to have one to have a piece of me. That felt kind of sweet, knowing that when he bought this place and decorated it, he was thinking of me. I don’t know what it is because everything’s clicking like crazy. We go for walks every day, and I submitted a couple of recordings to my manager—my official manager—who said that he would forw
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Kylie’s been quiet ever since we sat down to dinner. Richard’s asleep and the monitor’s on the table. We’re supposed to be watching a movie. I put on some chick flick thinking that she’ll like it, and Kylie’s head’s on my lap. I can’t concentrate because I want her so badly. She’s been recording all day, and I’ve been at the ranch. I’m not sure if she’s in the mood. I move her head up by delicately touching it in case she’s watching the movie. Silence. She doesn’t protest or say anything.She lifts her head up, and she’s staring into my eyes. “Kylie?”Her breathing quickens as I pull her close and kiss her gently. I’m expecting her to say something, anything, to tell me to stop. I want to rip her clothes off, but I know that she wants something else from me. She’s kissing me back gently, and then I part her mouth with my tongue. I’m teasing, waiting for her to tell me to stop if she’s not in the mood. She's saying nothing as I inhale her sweet citrus fragrance. It starts to get m
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It's as if one minute, everything's perfect. I'm supposed to be working on the ranch for a bit, and then I'll come home, cook us lunch, maybe go out for a picnic, and then I'll ask Kylie. That was my fucking plan for the day.Not this. One phone call, and everything's fucking upside down. I hate Terrance and especially Stephanie. If my money weren't tied up in the ranch, I would give it to them. How dare they make Kylie feel guilty for their mistakes. “So, are you going to run that by me once again?” I ask Kylie as she’s packing her bags to leave. “Terrance took out some loan on the house. Never told Mom or anything.” She takes a deep breath, and all I can think about is why any woman would fall in love with such a lowlife. Never mind the fact that the man was running around fucking God knows who when his first wife was sick. He knew, but he didn’t care. Sometimes, I think that maybe he’s changed—that he’s no longer a prick—but then he always does something to make it known. A leo
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I’m driving for so many miles, and I keep looking at my phone. All it takes is one phone call, and I’ll go running back to Noah. Fuck, I’ll even leave my car. I don’t need it. Just him. But he doesn’t feel that way. I’m not walking out on him. There’s got to be a way. I just need to figure out what it is. I sit back and concentrate on driving. It’s a long drive, but I know that I’ll find the way. I’ve got to. I’ve been kidding myself for the last three years. I don’t intend to keep living a lie. As I go directly to the studio and meet with John, I have butterflies in my belly. Mom expects me to go to the house and meet with them first. The truth is, I can’t. The idea that I need to bail them out makes me feel sick to my stomach. I know Noah’s right, but unlike him, I can’t just turn my back on my family. I didn’t go home and bring Mom with me. I thought that it was best to do this alone. That way, I could figure out the best way to go forward. “Thanks for coming. I thought that yo
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I’ve been drunk for days now, like a spoiled little kid that’s been told to go on a diet and not eat everything in sight. I've taken the whole damn candy store and more. I open the door wondering who's come to tell me that I need to get my act together. The boys.Not again.I told them to let me wallow in my pain. I just need a little more time, and then I’ll be back to my usual partying self. Now, I’m just in self-destructive mode, and it suits me. My brother got away with it for fucking ever, and no one bothered him about it. They left him alone. They should leave me alone. Dammit!. No one bothers him about it. They leave him alone. I tried once until he talked about Grandpa and started guilt tripping me. What the fuck is wrong with the men in our family? They're all greedy fucks!“What?” I bark as I open the door. I never expected it to be Kylie.“Noah, what happened?” I walk back into the house. “If you’ve come to gloat then please don’t tell me. I’m not in the mood.”“But, why?
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KylieIt’s the annual family barbecue that Noah started once I moved in officially. Candy’s invited this year, since I told Noah that it'd been two years since the whole ordeal and he needed to get over it. We all needed to move on, for Richard’s sake. “Mom.” I smile as she comes to kiss me on the cheek. She looks tired. Her hair’s down and lifeless. I keep telling her to come and stay with us, but she keeps dismissing it. “You really should come and stay here. It would give you a chance to help me with the kids.”“I’m fine. I need to be alone. This is the first time in my life I don’t have you, a husband, or even a second husband to keep tabs on. Sometimes being alone is good.”I’m just about to ask her if it’s so good, how come she looks so sad? “The kids are getting on well.” Martin smiles as he comes over to join us. Mom mumbles something and then walks away.“Was it something I said?”I laugh. “No, nothing. I don’t know… I wish that she would come and live with us.”“She looks
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Fake Daddy
A play date for my nephew and play time for me. Pretending to be a daddy seemed like the perfect solution.Olivia, my sister asked me to check out a new pre-school. She couldn't get the time off work. I went along thinking that it would be boring, Joshua was only six-months he wasn`t going to get a thrill from the preschool tour. That was until, I saw her sea blue eyes, long legs, and blonde hair. Ivy was a hot temptress, and from the moment I found out that she was a single mom. All of a sudden pre-school started to get interesting. A play date for Joshua and play time for me in the bedroom.Being a fake daddy was going to work out for the pair of us, in more ways than one...
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Fuck, why are strollers so fucking hard to control?I thought that with modern technology they would have made them easier, not fucking impossible. I bet my sister, Olivia, paid a small fortune for this fucking monstrosity. I was an IT guy, I built apps, developed programs, but that was fucking easy compared to trying to fold or unfold a stroller. “Do you need a hand?” A guy asked, as I parked outside the pre-school for the last ten minutes trying to figure out how to unfold the stroller so I can take my nephew around in peace. I could just hold him. I had the carrier, but as I looked at that in the back, I decided that was just as fucking complicated as trying to unfold the stroller. When Olivia handed it to me, I told her that I wasn’t going to put myself in that straight jacket. Besides, I wouldn’t feel comfortable with Joshua being strapped to me. He was safer in a stroller. If I could fucking unfold the damn thing. Besides I was only an uncle, not a dad. Noah had taken on the r
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I watched as he did everything wrong, from patting his son to winking at me every time that I passed by him. I knew that he was a bad boy from the moment my eyes cast over him. He had too many tattoos on his arm and even partly on his back. He was dressed for a night at a bar in his tight dark pants and shirt. He wasn’t in a shirt and tie like some of the dad’s that were on tour. They were dressed as if they were going for a job interview rather than going to see a pre-school. Chad reminded me of the type of men that I should avoid like the plague. The type of men that I loved to attract and made me end up as a single mom. There was just one problem. I couldn’t get my eyes of his tight ass or his biceps every time he lifted up his son. He was sexy, even though he was completely confused by the trail of events. “Are we moving already?” He asked as soon as we were shown around the yard. He took the opportunity to sit down on one of the swings, and it would have been a nasty accident n
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