All Chapters of Bride of the Beast: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
113 Chapters
Chapter Twenty One
Nola Reynolds.I cranked my eyes open when the bog remained silent and the weighty bulk of the paw on my neck went limp.A hot jet of blood sprayed in my eye and wordlessly open mouth as the massive triangle of the orange head slid smoothly off the werewolf’s neck, bouncing hard on my midriff before tumbling to a dusty heap by the side.“Oh my god! Hector!” I managed to choke out, my eyes widening to bright green bulbs in their sockets as I whimpered even more when the Lycans stone cold face reared above me where the orange-head’s body had once been.“W-what are you doing here? You left! We, we watched you leave for the mountain city!” Eddie screeched, his big wolf head shaking from side to side before he dragged me to him, quick as lightning, the long, single claw of his paw pressing into my neck painfully.“Edmond. Release the girl.” Hector growled quietly as I tried not to breathe, eyeing the blood streaked hook of the claw as he towered over our frames, so close I could graze the
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Chapter Twenty Two
Nola Reynolds“What am I to do with you, Nola?” The Werewolf Lycan whispered, his almond-shaped eyes were sad and downturned when I managed to uncross my eyes and focus them on his.My head burned where his hand cradled it and I felt the muscles of my eyes sag as the dark called me again, this time I let it take me, hearing my mother’s singing from somewhere in the distance.#Ugh! Where was I? Tiny sparks went through my shuttered eyelids as I tried to keep them shut before a needly voice suddenly interrupted.“Nola? Nola. I know you're awake.”I bit down on the jolt of surprise that sizzled through me. It was a stranger’s voice, one I only vaguely recognized. There was a face squeezed in above me when I fluttered a tea bag of eyelid open, seeing the malevolent glint of pearly white teeth inches from said eyes before I focused on the handsome face of a green-eyed man.There were crow-feet smile lines around the almond-shaped eyes that had fixated unnervingly on me before someone off t
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Chapter Twenty Three
Nola ReynoldsI looked the tall grinning woman over with one swollen eye as she bustled about the cave room, arranging shit that was much better left on its own.“What was it you said you saw now?” Ma Jules drawled, arching the jagged tufts of one severe black eyebrow at me.“A room in the walls, and-and a creature that copied Dennis’ face, a mimic, or it could have been Dennis the whole time!” I whispered fiercely, encouraged when the coffee-colored woman turned to me sharply, the red threads appearing in the whites of her eyes.“Does this have anything to do with the attention she's been getting from the Lycan?” Ma Jules muttered, cutting baleful midnight-black eyes at me.“What?” I barked out a strangled laugh. Either little miss was on street codeine or her witch prescriptions were off. She tilted her head to the side at my rebuff, giving me a knowing look when she didn't know shit.“What do you mean? You think I'm making this shit up because I'm jealous of some girl with Stockhol
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Chapter Twenty Four
Hector BayesI took a moment to breathe deeply as the servants murmured among themselves, my gaze choosing to settle on the cobalt orange of Edna’s hair before dropping to her surprisingly steady gaze.“You,” I grunted, nodding at the smirking woman when she pointed a shaky index to her purple and white-chromed frock.“Rundown,” I deadpanned, crossing unsteady fingers over the width of my chest.“Heard the lot of them running up Your Highness, sounded like a whole camp, quiet too, organized if you ask me, sir, these ain't no spring chickens,” Edna reported, fisting the linen of her frock between her fingers as she finished off her rap and a deep shudder went through the crowd.Rogues? What a fucking joke. Who were they after? It certainly couldn’t be me, not unless they were new.I heard the girl inhale a sharp frenzied breath behind me, and i turned to look as she slowly made her way over to stand before me.“The girls, they’re after the girls,” Nola croaked, gripping her head like s
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Chapter Twenty Five
NOLA“What the hell are you talking about?” I managed, sounding every bit the culprit the girls had been making me out to be.”Don’t act daft Nola, it’s frankly embarrassing.” Layla hissed and I must’ve made an alarming noise in my throat because she rolled her eyes haughtily, picking at her nails with one hand and giving the smirking Dennis a look that seemed to say can you believe this bitch?The Lycan was almost to us now, but I knew there had to have been some sort of misunderstanding, something I wasn't aware of.I sure as hell hoped Layla tamed that little-ass attitude real quick and gave her a look that said that too. I knew SHE wasn't talking about embarrassment.“Only thing embarrassing here Layla, is that hairline of yours! Why I could run the pacific right through it you stupid bitch!” I snapped, my eyes widening when the whites of Layla’s fist came at me just before a large hand trapped it between thick fingers and the group fell into silence.”Y-your h-h-highness!” Sarah
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Chapter Twenty Six
HECTOR BAYESThe girl was staring at me like I was crazy, and I reached up to palm the back of my hairy head, knowing I’d very possibly lost a few screws.“Mr. Bayes,” The hag panted, looking like she was about to say something and trailing off when she saw the green-eyed girl who I felt come up behind me that was no doubt peeking over my shoulder to flip the witch off.A bold move considering how many fingers display the coffee-colored hag owned.“Jules, get the girls ready, undock the carriages, we're leaving immediately! The faster we get out the better!” I growled and the woman nodded, bowing and disappearing from the balcony without another glance back.“Hector,” Nola breathed and I turned to look down at the girl wringing her hands and glancing about the forest clearing below us warily. I could tell she was afraid, and it made something inside me thaw, something that used to be frozen solid.“It's going to be okay Reynolds, you're in good hands,” I whispered, poking her with a l
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Chapter Twenty Seven
NOLA REYNOLDSThe cave hallways were quiet save for our footfalls as we crouched through the fluorescent brightness between the ancient rust-colored rocks.My back tickled where the strange man’s gaze had no doubt settled as his warm breath tickled the lone brown hairs at the back of my neck.“How much farther to your room?” The man’s honeyed voice in my ear startled me and I whirled around with a surprised yelp to stare up at him watching me curiously through hooded lime-green eyes.It was unsavory, the way he looked at me. Like a hungry lion watching a dancing antelope that had flopped itself into the lion’s part.Now, my mane was not long enough to be a lion yet, so no doubt I felt every bit the clueless antelope I feared I was.“You scared me!” I whispered, firming my chin and staring right back at him when he didn’t look away.Kalden was it? I didn’t like him one bit, and something told me the feeling was quite mutual when he bent closer to stare into my face, close enough that o
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Chapter Twenty Eight
HECTORMy hind legs had begun to creak and cramp as I shifted from my hunch in the shadowed enclaves of the caves’ rocky exterior.“Where are you?” I rumbled lowly, raking my wolf eyes over the shadowed lowlands that were lined with white orchid trees that overhung ominously over the winding dirt path.It was empty, with only the wind whistling a soft lullaby through the leaves as they sashayed up and down.“Dammit.” I hissed, baring my teeth as the hairs rose on the back of my head before I leaped down soundlessly, with all the graceless ambling of a newborn pup, to the rocky mouth of the cave below.If intruders were waiting on the surrounding hills, they stayed out of sight, the shadows on the top of each dune shapeless and void.I realized I was humming a soulless tune as I patrolled the length of the dirt path, pausing to crane my ears violently to the side when I thought I heard the meaty crunch of an errant footstep behind me.I whirled on the balls of my feet, my yellowed-gray
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Chapter Twenty Nine
NOLA REYNOLDS “What the hell was that?” I screamed as the creak of the door shuddering on its hinges grew to a staggering crescendo and the snarls from behind the door became fever pitch.The dark-haired blonde man seemed to shake himself before striking the hilt of his sword on the door frantically until I thought he'd gone quite mad, trying to hack my head off with his silver sword, until the snarls stopped and the insane tempo of the bodies beating against the door seized.The air was quiet, too quiet. Enough that I could be the thumping of my fleshly heart in my chest as my ears rang from the adrenaline.“Hybrids. Careful Nola. You might want to move your back from the door.” Kalden whispered and I gave him a questioning look, looking for any loose screws under the thick locs of his wolf-cut hair.Crazed werewolf guard for sale? Going one? Going two? And donated free of charge! Congratulations! You just got yourself a tree-sized maverick! Enjoy!“I've heard they have incredibly l
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Chapter Thirty
NOLA REYNOLDS“Kalden! Do something!” I croaked, feeling for my throwing knives behind me as the weight of the spongy shadow creature rested thickly on my midriff.My neck was numb from the bites on the creature’s punctured tongue, and I felt my mouth open with a panicked gurgle as it reared a bald, misshapen head above me.More tongues burst from its back before the silvery glint of a long, curved claw caught my eye, just as it came down on the meaty mass with a loud clang, and more of the black goo splashed across my face.“Nola? Nola! Can you hear me?” Kalden’s somber rasp sounded disjointed and distant. The words were heavy in my mouth as I tried to move, my vision whirling to focus on the blurred-through lump of the tongue that was lying unnervingly close to me.“Nola? Nola, can you hear me? Say something goddammit!” I was startled, gasping loudly and trying to scoot away as something warm enveloped me from behind, and the Lycan’s honeyed rumble tickled my ear.“H-Hect-” I croake
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