Semua Bab Ordained by the moon goddess : Bab 91 - Bab 96
96 Bab
Fights, confessions and everything in between
“What do we do?” Alice asked as they were all prepared to go into wolf-hagen already but they were also worried for Valerie.Nathan carefully looked her up and down, she hasn’t broken the news to her friends and she had no idea what and how to tell them she might be carrying Kai’s baby.“You don’t look too good.” He pointed out, his eyes still searching her body for something unusual. She really wasn’t looking too good. She was unusually tired and at some point, she’d thought she couldn’t fight or do anything at wolf-Hagen.“I’m fine, I promise.” She answered with a weak smile as they all got out. Alexei had gone to see his mother again and this time he’d explained to her what he thinks Valerie might be doing.He broke the news of him being a father and she was the happiest, although she had doubts about human-wolf relationship, she was still happy for her son.They got to wolf-hagen and Valerie took a deep long breath, she would be seeing Kai and the Perez again, it was the perfect t
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The trip
Valerie and Alexei drove ten miles an hour to the city, they’d decided they were going to see more of Nashville and Valerie was surprised when she realized they were placed around there that she hadn’t seen before.She would occasionally gasp at some buildings and amusements parks and Alexei would stop to allow her have a picture before continuing their journey. She sighed as she took in the fresh air of the road as they drove.She needed it, the past few days had been crazy for her and driving out of town with her favorite person was just the therapy she needed.She saw as the females gawked and gasped at Alexei, they were admiring him and she wasn’t surprised, he was a sight to behold.“Look who’s got quite the stares.” She teased amidst laughter as she placed her hat over her head and squinted at Alexei who would casually teased her back.“Look who’s been sleeping all through the ride despite promising she won’t.” He teased back and she let out a roaring laughter.“Hey, I only took
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The judgement
The drive back to Nashville was eventful as they both enjoyed their trip. Valerie knew why Alexei had asked her the question about what she’d intended to do with her prisoners and she knew she hadn’t given him the answer he wanted to hear.She had no plan of killing the Perez but she couldn’t say the same for Kai, she wanted him to pay and she was going to make him.For Agatha and for herself, for what she’s been through, all he’d made her go through. She’d only still kept him as a prisoner because she’d planned on humiliating him, releasing him and making him a subject of mockery to the rest of her pack.“What’s the matter? You’ve been silent the whole drive, are you okay?” Alexei asked as he pulled over, they’d thought of resting for a while before continuing their journey the next day.“I know. I’m fine babe, just been thinking.” She finally opened up, she’d wanted to have a deep discussion about the baby and the whole thing, was now the right time for that? She wasn’t quite sure a
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Breaking the news
“I’ve never really seen Aletha this peaceful in decades.” Adira sighed as she sat on the couch with a glass of water in hand.“I know and not only that, humans are now our best friend.” Alice laughed as Valerie only stared proudly at their amusement and the new development.She couldn’t be happier and since the trouble of the Aletha wolf pack was out of it, she needed to talk to Alexei about the baby.She slowly made her way to her room to find him setting the room up, the scent of the candle hit her as she opened the door and she let out a small smile as she picked up the single rose on the bed.“What are you doing?” She asked as she laughed and Alexei spun her around as they both danced for a little while.“What does it look like? I’m setting the mood.” He answered amidst smiles as he leaned in to kiss her.The dance continued for a while and Valerie couldn’t deny the fact that she actually enjoyed herself but how was she going to break the news to him.They both laid side by side o
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The baby
**SOME MONTHS LATER**The last few months had been peaceful and also joyous for Valerie, with Alexei and the rest of the Perez family sticking around for her. She had no idea how she’d achieved all she had but she knew the moon goddess and the love of her life had helped her greatly.“Here.” Alexei said as he handed her a glass of warm milk and Valerie retched, she’d hated the milk and she had no idea why, it was probably her pregnancy hormones.“C’mon,” she sighed, “you know I hate milks.” She added and Alexei rolled his eyes so hard that he could feel it at the back of his head.“You’re heavy now and the healer recommended this, now don’t make it hard for me, take your milk like the good girl you are.” He smiled as he took her hand and placed the glass of milk in it.Valerie smiled and when Alexei raised an eyebrow, she brought the cup to her mouth and downed the content, cleaning her mouth as she belched and gave the cup back to Alexei.He’d always been there for her, when she’d fa
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“Get back here Logan!” Valerie called as she kept running around the house after her son. Motherhood wasn’t all she’d expected it to be, Logan would constantly get on her nerves and sometimes she would snap at him. Today wasn’t different, he’d snatched something of hers that she’d specifically asked him not to touch but he wouldn’t listen.“Aunty! Aunty! Aunty!” Logan called as he held tightly to Alice’s legs but he knew even she couldn’t save him from the wrath of his mother so he left her alone and went to Adira instead.“Grandma!” He called and before he could say any other word, Adira scooped him up and held him in her arms.“What is it Logan?” She asked and just when he was about to talk, the door sprung open and Valerie got in.“There you are” she sighed as she held her chest, she’d been running around the house for minutes trying to catch up with him.She could’ve easily caught up with him but she knew she couldn’t use her powers on him, she’s a mother and if she wants to be on
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