All Chapters of The Lyon's Cub Caitlin: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
117 Chapters
Chapter 31: TODD
"I think we should head back. Let's not give your dad any more reason to hate me." I cupped her cheek and ran the pad of my thumb over her warm flesh as I berated myself once more. How could I have been so stupid? All this time I never gave much thought to the physical side of our relationship, okay maybe that's not quite accurate. But the truth is in all the time I've been waiting for her to come to me, sex never played that big a part, I just wanted her with me. It's not that I'm not physically attracted to her, I am, in spades, but somewhere along the way I'd learned, thanks to her father no doubt, to kill that shit until the time was right. When we talk on the phone at night, our conversations never lead to anything remotely sexual. I just can't breathe if I don't talk to her, or get to see her face on the screen every day. So I'd lead myself to believe that I could control myself, that I had it all under control. I was wrong. I looked at her, at us
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Chapter 32: TODD
Her arms clamped down around my neck, and her head went to my shoulder. "That's Cady!" I looked at Caitie who was still standing next to me."How do you know? How can you tell them apart?" I looked from the little girl in my arms to the other two who were still rolling around on the mat with their brother Cody. "She's the most outgoing of the three.""You kids are back, good; it's almost time for dinner. Todd, why don't you help Caitlin set the table?" Mrs. Lyon got up from her seat with a smile while her husband growled and shot daggers at me with his eyes. "Oh by the way Todd, these are our friends, Hank and Cierra Mancini.""Mancini?" I barely caught myself as my eyes flew to the sinister grin on his face. I walked over to shake his hand while his wife gave me a knowing look. "Pleased to meet you sir." There were three frogs in my throat. I don't know why I expected him to be older, and not so... clean cut I guess."If you say so!" I guess I wasn't as
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Chapter 33: LYON
When I left the school earlier I was distracted by the boy being back but not too distracted to forget to give Jared a little side job. I needed to know what it was that had happened to the kid that made the idiot principal think that Mengele had done something to him. It hadn't taken Jared long to get the details but the shit didn't make any sense until I remembered a conversation I'd had with Mancini a while back. Could she really be that diabolical? At her age could she have the kind of patience it would take to pull off something like this? The fuck am I saying? Of course she can, it's Mengele for fuck sake. Now I need to know what she did with the rest of that shit and get it the hell out of my house. Obviously she hadn't used it all or the asshole kid would be dead. Damn! They were still at it when I walked back into the room, both looking suspicious as fuck. "Leave us a minute Mengele I need to have a word with your uncle Hank." "Uh-oh, what did I do n
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Chapter 34: CAITLIN
But now my mind, and my hormones, are working overtime. I'm seventeen, more than old enough I think to know what I want. I've always been a good girl, always did as I was told. Maybe too good if it took only one heated kiss to turn me into a seething inferno. It's as if someone had turned a switch and I've gone from the sweet Caitlin Lyon who's never put a foot wrong to this person who has sex on the brain. Or maybe I've always been this way and had just repressed myself until now. Whatever the case may be, I don't think this Genie is going back in the bottle. "What's that look for?" He finished drying his hands with the dishtowel as he looked at me awaiting an answer. He lifted his brow when I didn't answer right away and I didn't miss the way he swallowed under my intense gaze."Oh nothing!" I took his hand and lead him from the kitchen. "How about I show you how well I've learned to drive?" *** LYON *** "What's going on with you
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Chapter 35: CAITLIN
I met my little sister at the door who beckoned for me to lean over so she could whisper in my ear. I thought she was going to say something equally as embarrassing as what she'd said to mom at the breakfast table a few days ago but she didn't, she just wanted to know what I'd done with the paper she'd given me earlier. I whispered the answer in her ear not thinking anything of it. I figured she just wanted to make sure it wouldn't fall into the wrong hands, plus I was in too much of a hurry to get out of the house before daddy changed his mind to care. Once outside Todd stopped me just as I was about to climb into the driver's seat. "Babe, I'm not sure about this, this is a rental. Why don't we wait until my Ranger gets here?""When will that be?""The company that's delivering it said it should be here no later than noon tomorrow." "Nope, I wanna drive this one." I gave him my winning smile and he sighed and opened the door of the Tahoe for me. I love the
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Chapter 36: CAITLIN
"Caitlin, why did you react that way to her?""What way?" I dug into my yoghurt, hiding my face from his view. He doesn't miss a thing."You know you have nothing to worry about right?""I'm not worried.""Yeah, you are. I'd already lost interest in my treat and just played around in it with my spoon. How can I get him to understand that I'm not jealous of that Shana person per se, that this feeling I have is more about us and the limitations on us, than on some unknown female? "Todd, how old is Jorgenson?""He's my age why?""That girl isn't from around here is she? So he probably met her at university, and she came home with him. Do you see where I'm going with this?" "Not really no, why don't you spell it out for me?""He's your friend; in fact there's probably a few guys in here that you remember from high school. Look at them. They're all coupled up and from the looks of things they've all gone much further than we have. How long before you st
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Chapter 37: LYON
"Mengele you're eight, now answer me, where did you hear about these people?""Around!" I distinctly remember erasing that email from her sister's computer and the only time I ever mentioned it to anyone was in the privacy of my office on the phone. I was waiting for her little ass to go to sleep before Mancini broke out his equipment but I didn't know it was this bad. I don't care how smart she is, I don't want my eight year old kid knowing about this shit. I'll bench that for later, right now I was more interested in the chart she had outlined on the paper. "Explain this to me, what's all this?" She climbed into my lap and worked the creases out of the paper. "This one on the top is the master group, they've been around the longest. These two are the main branches and these others down here are all the branches that are all over the world." My eight year old kid had made a chart of the world's foremost underground hellfire clubs. She went on to explain how s
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Chapter 38: TODD
"Caitie, what's gotten into you?""Nothing...yet." Oh shit, she straddled my hips and pressed her soft heat down hard against my growing hardness. I gritted my teeth and warned myself to take it easy. No way am I taking her virginity in a truck. I'd barely eaten a quarter of my ice cream sundae when Miss. Hot to trot decided it was time to go. I thought she was mad at me for not agreeing with her and wanted to head back home, but instead found myself in a parked truck in the only place in town where everyone knows all the teenagers go to make out. "Caitlin!" I knew what she was up to before she turned off the truck and pocketed the key, but I had no idea that she was going to go this far. I've been eyeing the clock since we left the house. Now I find myself trapped between her wants and her father's expectations. She didn't give me much time to think because she took my head in her hands and her lips came down on mine, her tongue slipping past my lips before I
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Chapter 39: CAITLIN
He's so mature, I always knew he was more advanced in his thinking than most boys his age, but I've never heard him speak quite like that. And he's right, just what has gotten into me? Have I been kidding myself all this time, telling myself that I was fine with the way things are? Or am I subconsciously afraid? Is that why I'm acting out? Because I'm afraid that I don't know how to be around him now that we've both grown up? It's one thing to talk on the phone, when he's not there to touch me, or look at me with those eyes that seem to melt. Am I testing him, is that it? I don't want to go against daddy any more than he does, so why in the last few hours have I been pushing him to? I need to get away from him so that I can think clearly. I'm so confused, all these new emotions are playing havoc with my mind, not to mention what they're doing to my body. My hormones seem to have been awakened all at once. He reached over wordlessly and took my hand as he drove.
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Chapter 40: LYON
Her concoctions in the lab hadn't done it, but the fact that her eight year old ass had pulled one over on me is an eye opener. Hank was going through her computer and playing with his toys. "This is amazing!" He said that shit like three times while I sat there wondering how the hell I was supposed to keep her out of my shit. "You can go Catalina but we're not done here." She took her shit and left."Can you fix this? Is there a way to keep the little shits out of my computer?""Yeah, but I'll have to have a look at her computer again, or talk to the kid. "Three little girls Hank, playing around with this shit." He was already on his little hand gadget. "I found her. Nia Chan, Asian, born here to Chinese parents, both computer scientist. We're fucked. She built her first computer when she was five." "How come you don't look fucked?" He had a big ass smile on his face."This is good this is very good. I'll be right back I need to make a call." He left befo
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