All Chapters of Kirstie's Tale: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
50 Chapters
Chapter 21: An Illusion Of Happiness, Part 13, Ben Meets James
Erin is, as I expected, in pieces. I know that she had high hopes for Rob."I don't get it." she cries, wringing her hands. "What do I have to do? I offer them everything. I tell them my life story. I make it clear that I won't see anyone else...""I think you try to get too close, too soon," I say. "Lots of guys don't like it if you're all over them straight away.""Oh, don't talk rubbish," says Ben. "When you meet someone, you know right away when they're good for you."Keep your mouth shut. This isn't the time."Cheer up," says Ben, holding her hand. "I've got a friend who's just broken up with his girlfriend. We could all go out together if you like, the four of us. I'll introduce you."And just like that, her tears dry up."Really?" she says. "Thanks. You seem really nice. I'd love to meet your friend.""That's settled, then," says Ben. "How about tomorrow night? Is that okay by you, Kirstie?"Jeez, I don't want to do this..."That would be lovely. Thanks, Kirs
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Chapter 22: An Illusion Of Happiness, Part 14, Stay Out Of It
"I really would stay out of it if I were you, Ben."His face twists, furious, "I will not stay out of it." he snaps. "It's my brother we're talking about." Scowling at me, he stamps out of the lobby.Oh, crap...I should warn James...And Michael, and Charlotte...I barely know them. How can I say something like that to them?Then I paste on a smile as a visitor arrives needing a name-badge and directions through the building. And any chance I have to contact any of the Threesome vanishes as the lobby fills and I'm kept busy for what's left of the afternoon.*****And I think, that is that...Until, at six pm, just as I am about finish for the day, Ben marches in again. "Come on," he says. "I want you to come with me.""Come with you? Where?""Up to Mike's place.""What? You want me to go there? What for? I barely know them.""Mike's not at home. He's working late. I want to catch James and Charlotte in the act, and I want a witness, so the bastard, and the bi
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Chapter 23: The Gathering Of Stormclouds, Part 1, The Storm
What do I say? James and Charlotte weren't doing anything they shouldn't. The three of them have got it arranged between them...I've come into the room behind Michael, but now... what on earth am I doing here? I retreat into a corner, trying not to be noticed.Michael, striding up behind his brother, grabs him by the shoulders. "What the fuck do you think you're playing at, Ben?"Ben swings back to him, his expression amazed. "What am I doing? What about them? I've caught your wife and your so-called best mate in the act, and you ask what I'm doing?"Michael is clearly trying to keep a lid on his fury, but his voice is strained. "As my brother," he says, "you have many privileges, but bursting into the bedroom on my wife is not one of them."Ben's jaw drops. "You can see what they were doing!" he shouts, waving a hand at James and Charlotte, "And yet it's me you're angry at?""If you believed there was a problem, perhaps you might have talked with me first? Let me handle i
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Chapter 24: The Gathering Of Stormclouds, Part 2, Bite The Bullet
"It's not one.""What do you mean? Not one? There's more than one?""Yes, there's more than one. I'm seeing other men than just you.""More than one... How many men are you fucking? Is that why you're saying what you are about Mike? You play fast and loose, so you assume everyone else does? I thought you and I had something special. I thought it was you and me; that we were an item?""I never said that. I never said anything like that...""You slept with me. We made love together...""Ben, we've had half a dozen dates; that's all. And yes, I slept with you, once. But... So what? I'm sure you're a great guy, but I have never said that I wanted to be tied to you. You just assumed it."I fall silent. It seems the best policy while Ben gets his brain on to the same planet I live on.He stares at me, his face slack, but I can see the wheels turning in his head. Then, "Have you screwed my brother?"Oh, fuck...In the background, I see Michael's eyes roll heavenward.Sho
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Chapter 25: The Gathering Of Stormclouds, Part 3, The Wrath Of James
The following day, I am sitting at my desk, working, but waiting for the storm. Nausea rises in my throat and I couldn't face breakfast.The intercom buzzes. "Hello, Kirstie. It's Francis here from the director's floor..."Here it comes..."Can you come up please; immediately. Mr Alexanders has phoned to say he would like a word with you."During the journey up the elevator, my stomach clenches. How will a man like James Alexanders react to what happened? Do I still have a job?I've just lost the best job I ever had...As I step out, there is a pleasant-faced woman seated at a desk."Kirstie?"Feeling timid, "Yes, that's me.""Take a seat. Mr Alexanders is on his way now." She looks across at me, I think with some sympathy in her eyes.Waiting doesn't help my mood at all, but it's only for a minute or so. The elevator door whispers open and James Alexanders steps out, wrath written across his face.He points a long finger at me, then through an office door. "In th
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Chapter 26: The Gathering Of Stormclouds, Part 4, Kirsite's Reposte
"Hardly suitable wear for the office..." he comments, drily.I have the bit between my teeth now. Recklessly, I plunge on, letting my mouth do my thinking for me. "I spotted it right away, especially when the three of you all have rings. Do you really think other people wouldn't see it, even if they reach the wrong conclusion? They understand her wearing Michael's ring. After all, he's the one with a piece of paper to say that he's married to her..."He stares at me, saying nothing.Am I being given the rope to hang myself by?"You're doing it now, you know. You could cool down on the whole Dom thing...""What's that supposed to mean?""I mean that I feel like I'm being interrogated by a movie villain. You know, the tall immaculately dressed one that's utter evil and speaks with a perfect English accent."And finally, the facade cracks. He bursts out laughing. "I'm sorry, Kirstie. Do I really come across like that?""Yes, you do. All you need to finish off the effect is
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Chapter 27: The Gathering Of Stormclouds, Part 5, Ryan's Games
Ryan pulls in to the underground car park of a block of apartments in the good end of town. Inside, the building is expensively carpeted, beautifully furnished and well decorated."I chose a place with a view over the park," he comments as he turns the key and then holds out his hand to let me in first.The apartment is only half furnished, with cardboard boxes stacked in one corner."Sorry about the state of the place," he says. "I'm only half moved in yet. Wine?"Already trembling, I struggle to keep my voice steady, but he's not fooled, watching me through lidded eyes as I respond. "Thank you. Yes." Ryan has a bottle and glasses waiting. Pouring two ruby glasses, he passes one to me. "I would offer you something to eat first," he says, "but since it's not food that you're hungry for right now, I think we'll leave the dining until later."Lost for words, suddenly bashful, I look up at him and then away again.He chuckles, soft and low. "Just because I didn't react in t
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Chapter 28: The Gathering Of Stormclouds, Part 6, What's Mine
I hesitate at Ryan's choice of words...'Mine'?Am I his?I think I am...He waits, saying nothing.Waiting for my reaction?Yes, I think so.Biting my lower lip, I cup my breasts in my hands, lifting them, thumbing my nipples, pressing them together to exhibit my cleavage.His eyes follow my movements. He's keeping his cool, but I think I see the press of his erection showing. As I circle the darker halos of the areolae, the skin crinkles tighter and his pupils, widening, turn his already shadowed eyes all but black."Enough," he says. My hands freeze in mid-movement.His eyes lock with mine, then indicate down."You want me to...?""Show me."I slip fingers into the top of my panties, his eyes tracking the movement. "Take them off," he says. "I want to see you; all of you."In truth, I am only too happy to take them off. My pussy is running hot, streaming and my panties are hideously uncomfortable. I strip them away to reveal my dark curls, glistening wet.
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Chapter 29: The Gathering Of Stormclouds, Part 7, His
Afterwards, as we lie together, naked in the half-light, he says, "I have something for you if you will accept it."He seems a little uncertain as he produces a small satin bag from a side-drawer, the kind that usually contains jewellery. I open it to find a narrow, black velvet choker, with a dewdrop pearl suspended."Will you accept it?" he asks, a trace of anxiety in his voice. "Will you wear it?"Am I being collared?I think I am...I finger it, rolling the pearl in my fingers; so small and delicate a thing, and yet, so laden with significance."You understand what you are asking of me?" I say. "When you give me something like this? When you ask me to wear it?""Yes, I understand," he says. "And yes, I am asking that you wear it for me. Will you do that?"His voice brims with hope and worry; desire and unease. "Am I asking too much of you? Or too quickly?"The pearl, opalescent with pale, swirling, beautiful colours, sits between my fingers.Is this too soon?
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Chapter 30: The Gathering Of Stormclouds, Part 8, Call Security - Now!
Ben is red, almost purple-faced, raging incoherently at Charlotte. He's standing close, really close; well within the personal space that most people carry around with them. And his body language... Is he going to hit her?It really does look as though it's turning violent. I stab at the con again. "Security. Speed it up to the lobby, please. You're needed here pronto."The elevator doors open: it's James, looking angrier than I've seen him. I simply point outside to where the row between Ben and Charlotte has reached Def Con One. His fists are balled as he strides out.Outside, Ben, although not a particularly tall man, is looking over Charlotte, almost looming over her. Everything about him screams violence.He shoves at her, a palm flat on her chest...He is going to hit her...Charlotte's fist swings, catching him square in the face, and blood spurts. Ben roars outrage, and at that moment, two security men burst into the lobby."Outside!" I yell, following them to
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