All Chapters of HIS HIGH CLASS LOVER: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
55 Chapters
The long awaited day was finally here and everything was set. In the main center of the building, decorations were getting final touches and the hall was being wiped cleaned to the dot. Ray knew how he had hyped this event and if he does not supervised everything himself, he feels it will be a disaster.He walked the whole hall pointing out errors and making sure they were corrected. He checked the line ups of the performers, the dance routines, and the seating arrangements. He also checked the stage firmness, lights and the cameras. He wanted to record the event and later sell it to the media houses for the citizens to be in awe and get a slight view into the elite life and their expensive lifestyle. His Phoenix has to shock the whole world.The anticipated evening . Spotlight was on, everyone was set and ready to make this night a historical one . Performers were being dressed , Musical instruments were being polished and everything was being set in place . Soft music filled the room
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The seats in the hall filled to it capacity. Every face seated held a high position either a CEO, a Minister or a world renowned person. The seating area was divided into three sections, the entertainment celebrities were seated at one side, the government personnel on the second side and the business tycoons on the last side. This arrangement was Ray's idea to lend a hand for business deals, promotions and collaborations to be created. He needed them to be indebted to him. Having a powerful person in your chain on friends could be a blessing in disguise. In between the guests was a dance floor. Four chairs were surrounding a table with each and every person’s name printed on it. Information provided by the front gates helped in making the name cards and each table has its own waitress serving the guests with their orders. After the Red carpet event, Ushers shown the guests their table. The main show began. Ray Cruz came on the platform and greeted the guests thanking them for making
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A voice cleared into the mic drawing the attention of the guests onto the stage. He was tall and well-built and anyone in the Elite circle know him as Don Mateo. He is a close friend to Ray and they are two peas in a pod.Louis Wood looked at the man and smiled he knew he will be here and he will not waste this opportunity to introduce him to his daughter. Don was someone he really admired and would love to pull him into his family as all the Business men seem to shy away from him whenever he makes a move to approach them. This evening has been a bad loss for him indeed. He could have made million dollar deals and got investors too.Mavis Wood turned and saw her husband smiling while looking at Don. She calculated in her head and yes if her daughter marries Don they will never be disrespected again. She saw the struggles her husband has been going through since they arrived and she has been smiling foolishly to maintain her grace and save their face. Don’s Grandfather was a sailor and
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People were grouped outside in their numbers waiting for Alexander Mace to be finally released. The Five made a decision in secret to wait it out and make the public forget him. Then he will be killed but the information got leaked out, something that has never happened before. Because of the news people complained and protested to leave the mainland, abandoned the cause and break communication with the Five forcing them to release him against their will.Old blood relatives of the Hallbergs sprang out of the shadows to fund these protest and for 2 years since his arrest Alex finally stepped out of the gates as a freed man. He has won the people’s heart and sympathy to his side and he knows the Five will not dare to make a mistake at this moment when the whole coven eyes are on him. This time too was the moment he has to strike and fast before they pushed him from his pedestal.“Alex we love you““We are with you always““We will be your family now“Words of encouragement were being s
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“How did you survive the attack“ Grandma Elise has been quiet since he and Alex came to sit under the Oak tree at the back of the big house. Her mind was so full of questions but her tongue so heavy to speak and her mouth so hard to ask. Alex has also been mute, he knew there was a sack full of curiosity within him to empty; but he was waiting for the old woman to clear her mind first and not burden her with anything she doesn’t want to say. Her first question made his heart smile and hurt at the same time. His memories pushed their image into his eyes, and it watered over. “My father sent me away on the pretense that I have to school abroad. I was angry at him at a point in time because I felt he was trying to erase my existence from my home, he was pushing me away because he did not want me to be happy with my life ; how wrong I was. He was saving me from the lion’s den and I had no idea. I felt something was off when he came home one night very angry about a smuggling in his own h
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Screams fill the night hundred and more people were around the tent, women were on their feet praying and the men were all sitting calmly but the images their minds were unraveling was scaring them to the bones. Ash could not stand at one place, pacing for a minute, pulling his hair and stretching his neck at the direction of the tent when he hears his wife screaming in pain. His heart beating hard, his wife is in labor, and he was supposed to be happy as a new line will be created from him, but this situation is bittersweet especially for him. His wife could leave him, he could lose his child or both. Alex moved close to Ash and placed his hand on his back calming him. “Hey, everything will be alright, both of them will be fine “ “I pray so, because this feeling is strange. Am happy but I can’t rejoice until I know they are both safe and sound “ “I can’t say I know that feeling but am here for you no matter what. I thought I was alone in the world but getting to know my roots makes
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Alexander came to the big house and rushed upstairs. He entered his room and locked the door behind him. He got naked and entered the bathroom, water splashed out when he turned the tap. Memories invaded his mind and it located the one his heart miss, Vivian Arthur. A big smile erupted on his lips. “Why am I thinking of that brat today of all days. Haha she was a spitfire that one and that seem to intrigue me. But I wonder where she is now, it been like five years now since I last saw her, she would be a cute lady by this time and maybe have a boyfriend or is married and have her own kids. What is wrong with me this evening? She is her own woman and she can date anyone she wants so why am I concern. “He smacked his head “Stop thinking about her“ His inner conscience bark at him “She is way above your league and it good you know that, because it will be a disgrace to be rejected by her. The mighty Alexander Mace turned down by a small little girl. You are pathetic you know“ “Am no
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Ray got so drunk with Don and drowned their sorrows in alcohol. It has been three days since the event and it is still the talk of the town. His name is on every lips and Vivian face is on every billboard own by his company. Deals keeps coming for his phoenix to be an ambassador of various products and brands but Ray will not have any of it. He knew if he let her flee his side, she will not come back again and that scares his heart. He got into his car and headed home to the Crescent Moon, second best gated community in Port City, the first being Elite Green Zone. It house influential bachelors like himself who wants to see and admire the night view of the city since it was built of a mountain overlooking the Town. But before Ray could come to his sense, the Den gates opened infront of him and Miss Rena was rushing to meet him in the yard. He checked his watch and saw that is was close to 2am in the morning.“Mr. Ray, are you ok is there a problem““No Rena, sorry to wake you but I wa
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For two days now, Ray has been staying in the den and hanging out with the girls. He loved the environment and the breezy air he claim. But Vivian knows the real reason he has been struck there. He wants to prove to her that he was not a monster like he portrays to be, he has a heart and is willing to let her have it. He wants to change his image in her mind as he nearly force her to kiss him. She massaged him when she saw him stressed but what happened next took even her by surprise. Before she could blink, she was pinned on the desk with Ray inches away. Her face nearly betrayed her innermost feelings but she went back into her calm facade and asked, if she had hurt him for him to react in that way. She thought he will make her fall in love with him first before anything else but that day proves he has no self-control and she has to put plan c in action. Her thoughts were interrupted by Poppy who was standing behind her on the stairs facing the garden.“Why is your face so blank my
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After the incident with Poppy , Ray ordered for Vivian to follow her into his study. Just by looking at her composure, her pitiful face and her grace, he knew she was innocent not just playing braise. Vivian is a calm , naive girl, how can she be evil and a snake, no it was all in Poppy's head. She needs help" Boss Ray please let me explain what happened out there. Poppy .....""Sit""But poppy........."" I don't want to hear anything about this issue again, I know you and you are a great person with a kind heart, how could you harm Poppy . I actually called you here for a different matter, because of this I want you to move out from the Den and relocate to an apartment I have in the city . I have been thinking about this and I trust you will have more peace and privacy there besides I promised you before that if the event became successful, I will surprise you and it went absolutely perfect. So how is this for a surprise, are you happy, my little one"In her mind she was overjoyed t
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