All Chapters of Groupie: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
65 Chapters
Chapter 51: Rowen, Part 1
I finally feel like I can breath now that she's in my arms. It's been one hell of a day.So far, I've been called into a meeting with my coach, HR and the PR department. I've talked to mother twice. I've disabled all of my social media accounts. I've avoided almost all calls to my cell. And I've ignored lots of derogatory remarks about my girlfriend from random people on the street who seem to think this whole thing is funny.But worse than any of it has been my worry over her. I can't even imagine the betrayal she feels right now. Listening to her sobs confirms to me that my girl who is usually so confident and self assured has been broken. It breaks my heart."It's okay," I murmur into her hair as I rub her back and kiss the top of her head. "We're gonna get through this.""I can't believe you're not breaking up with me." She sounds muffled with her face in my chest, but I hear her words loud and clear."Why would I break up with you over this?" I genuinely don't know how she came to
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Chapter 52: Rowen, Part 2
She groans. "Oh god. I can't take Geni right now. Please tell me she's not going to be there.""I doubt it. I was with Daniel with the news broke. He had to talk me down from beating anyone in the gym that saw it. So I'm pretty sure he knows how volatile the situation is right now. With me, anyway.""Where are we going to stay, though? I thought she only had a two bedroom. We can't stay in the baby's room.""They're going to Daniel's.""With the baby?""Yeah, he said he has some sort of portable playpen thing Chance can sleep in.""Okay," she finally says. "We really need to swing by my place first though. I don't have anything with me.""Already been there, babe," I say as we change lanes. "I packed a few things for you. That's how I know you don't need to go home."I can feel her looking at me like she knows I'm hiding something. "Did people knock on my door, too?"I sniff and try to take a moment to think. I don't want to tell her the truth but don't see any way around it. "Just one
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Chapter 53: Tiffany
I know I should turn my phone on in case Rowen calls, but I can't. I just can't. The one time I looked at it last night, I had eight-seven missed phone calls, a hundred and four text messages and I don't even know how many voice messages. After the eighth or ninth text saying something derogatory about my breasts, Rowen took the phone away and wouldn't give it back.The only reason he left it with me this morning is in case of an emergency while he's at practice.An emergency. That's a laugh. What kind of an emergency could happen when I've been curled up in this bed all day? I only got up once to use the restroom and I felt too vulnerable without the comfort of the covers on me, so I came right back to bed.I want desperately to fall asleep so I can have a few hours of reprieve from this nightmare. But sleep doesn't help. Instead, I just fall into a never ending cycle of dreams. And in these dreams I see myself naked and touching myself. I'm really into it, into making Rowen hot for m
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Chapter 54: Rowen
"Thanks for waiting for me.""No problem," Daniel says as he checks his blind spot and changes lanes. "I wasn't sure how many cameras would try to follow you out of practice so I figured this would be better.""I don't think they're going to be following us anymore. They've all already got what they wanted -- a sensational picture and some emotional video of us walking out to my car. I just wish they'd stop calling for interviews.""You gonna do one?""Hell, no. We're gonna lay low, let it die down and wait for everyone to forget.""I'm surprised you aren't taking any legal action. If it was Quincy, damn man." He shakes his head. "I would be all over getting an attorney involved."I sigh. "We talked about it last night. There's not a lot we can do.""Really? It seems like this should be illegal somehow, ya know?""We looked into some weird law, some voyeurism act that's supposed to protect people.""And?""And, we could spend thousands of dollars in attorney fees just so we could go to
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Chapter 55: Tiffany
I keep my head down and hide behind a magazine in the airport terminal. I'm not seeing any of the words, though. Rationally, I know everyone is not looking at me. But it feels like they are. The security agent that checked my ID did. When he looked at my driver's license and snickered, I thought Rowen was going to come unglued. So far, he's the only stranger that has recognized me.Rowen has his hand resting on my knee. He hasn't stopped touching me since we took a bath together. He thinks he's reassuring me, and he is. But I don't think he realizes he's also reassuring himself. I know this has been hard on him. He is a natural protector and it goes against everything in him to not be able to protect me from all of this."Tell me about them." I look up."What?""That couple. Standing by the bathrooms over there." He nods his head their direction. "What's their story?""Are you trying to distract me from my thoughts?" I ask quietly.He smiles like he just got caught. "Just tell me their
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Chapter 56: Rowen, Part 1
She fidgets the entire cab ride to the house. I want to tell her to stop being nervous, to convince her that my parents are great. But right now, she doesn't trust anyone except me. And trusting me is miraculous enough at this point. Seeing her like this has been the worst thing I've ever experienced in my life. I've never seen her go out in public without getting dressed up until now. To the average person, hair in one of those messy bun things, no make up and wearing one of my oversized college hoodies with leggings would be normal. For Tiffany, it's not. She looks amazingly beautiful to me no matter what. But she looks tired and defeated and right now, nervous.I pull her hand to my lips and kiss her palm. "Relax, baby. It's gonna be fine."She shrugs. "I really wanted to make a good impression the first time I met them, ya know? I don't want them to worry about who their son is dating or to think I'm just trying to get my claws into you." She sighs. "They may be great, but they wo
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Chapter 57: Rowen, Part 2
Da lets out a deep belly laugh. "Yer mam is right. Yer getting' married."I throw a napkin at him as my mom laughs."What did I miss?" Tiffany asks as she walks back into the room."Nothing. My dad just thinks he's a funny guy." I push back my chair and stand up. "Come on. It's only five thirty our time. Let's go take a nap."We trudge up the stairs and I take her to the guest room because my old room still has a single bed in it and this one has a queen."Your parents are okay with us sharing a room?" she asks."This time, yes." She furrows her brows at me in question. "Normally my mam would object because she wants to make sure we don't 'have any temptations we can't control'." I use my fingers to make the quotations marks and Tiffany begins to giggle. "But they're making an exception under the circumstances. Come here."She steps over to me as I sit on the bed. I put her hands on my shoulders to steady herself while I undo her shoes and take them off. Her socks and pants go next. Fi
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Chapter 58: Tiffany, Part 1
I stretch my arms over my head and realize I've been asleep. Really asleep. No nightmares, no interruptions. I feel a lot better.I reach my arm to the other side of the bed and find it empty. I wonder how long I've been out.I rifle around in my bag until I find a light jacket and pull my pants back on. Padding down the stairs and to the kitchen, I find Rowen's mother cooking again."Good morning," Denise says brightly as she drains some potatoes in the sink. "Did you sleep well?""Yeah, I really did. How long was I out?""Uh, I'd say about four hours.""Really? I haven't slept that well in a few days.""That means you feel safe here. That's good."She sets the pot on the stove and begins mashing the potatoes. There's a sauce simmering and I can smell some sort of meat cooking as well. "Can I help you with anything? It looks like you've got your hands full.""Oh I'm doing just fine, but thank you. Why don't you have a seat? Do you want something to drink?""I really could use some wa
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Chapter 59: Tiffany, Part 2
"Absolutely not. And neither did Ryan. We would never violate Rowen's trust like that. Or yours. Actually," she says as she throws some butter into the potatoes, "I never look at those pictures when they are leaked. If I'm going to subscribe to the belief that it's a violation of someone's privacy, I need to give anyone in this situation the same kind of respect."I clasp my hands together in my lap and look up at her, tears in my eyes. "Thank you," I say quietly. She smiles.Suddenly the back door opens and the guys walk in, faces flushed from the cold."Hey! Close that door! You're getting my food cold," Denise scolds.Ryan slams the door behind him, stalks over to her and wraps his arms around her. "Bangers and mash," he says as he kisses her on the neck, making her squeal from the chill. "I knew there was a reason I kept you around, Mo grá."She smacks him on the arm. "I didn't do it for you, I did it for your son.""Then he needs to come home more often.""How was your work out?"
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Chapter 60: Rowen
We spent four more days in Detroit. Tiffany rested and relaxed. I, on the other hand, got my ass kicked by my Da on a regular basis. I was grateful, though. I had royally fucked up and let down my team. I wanted to be in tip-top shape when I got back on that field to make up for it.I discreetly monitored the sports news while we were there. I didn't want Tiffany to see anything that would throw her back into a tailspin but I needed to know the worst was over. Things got very quiet, very quick. It actually surprised me who fast it was over. The biggest news after Daniel's interview was Shivel's suspension and subsequent demotion to the practice team.I wanted to laugh at the mess he's created for himself. His skills were already declining. If he'd wanted to stay on top, he needed to spend less time worrying about sabotaging others and more time working on his game. But he didn't. And it caught up with him.We finally made it home about a week ago. A rode out my last days on suspension
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