All Chapters of Juked: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
50 Chapters
Chapter 11: Quincy
"I'm thinking we need to go bolder. Let's do purple streaks this time."I wrap the cape around her neck and snap it in place. "I don't think that's such a good idea, Sue. Remember what happened when you decided to do blue streaks? You were calling me the next day to get what you called 'that damn Easter egg color' out of your hair.""I don't know," she says as she looks in the mirror, fluffing out her hair. "I don't think I took enough time to get used to it. I think I jumped the gun on that."I look over at Geni, who is doing an all-over color on one of her regular customers. She winks at me. This is a conversation she has overhead between Sue and me numerous times."You will look like you are trying to chase your youth if you go with pastel colors," I say and brush her hair. "If you really want bolder color, we can do some really dramatic auburn lowlights and offset it with blonde highlights."If it was any customer other than Sue, I wouldn't be so open with my assessment. But Sue wa
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Chapter 12: Daniel
I haven't been this excited about a date in a very long time. Don't get me wrong. I'm an extrovert by nature. I love going out and meeting people, going on dates, and of course, sex. But the idea of spending time with Quincy made it really hard to stay focused during practice yesterday.She's not the type of girl I normally go for, but the type of girl I normally go for will also drop her panties with just a smoldering look sent in her direction. I can thank David Beckham for bringing professional soccer the fanbase it has these days.I climb the stairs to the second story of her apartment building. It's an older complex but it's smaller, too. Three units on top, three on bottom. I knock on the door, noticing the landscaping is up-to-date and the building is kept up nicely. It's also in a pretty good neighborhood. It makes me feel better to know she's not living in a dump with a four-month-old.The door opens, revealing a frazzled looking Quincy, who is holding an almost naked Chance.
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Chapter 13: Quincy, Part 1
I lean over the wall, dangling my arm in water up to my forearm. I'm waiting for a stingray to swim by, but I'm also avoiding Daniel's eyes. Ever since I came into the living room to find him shirtless, I've been getting vibes from him. The kind of vibes that signal a very strong attraction between two people. I'm not sure if it's because he caught me staring at him or if it's because of my shorts. They're pretty short. Either way, it's becoming more and more obvious that we aren't just attracted to each other's personalities. I haven't felt attraction like this in a long time. If I'm being truthful, it makes me a little nervous.What if I like him more than he likes me?What if he only wants to get in my pants?I put the obnoxious girly thoughts out of my head. I've never had thoughts like these before about any guy. I've always known I'm worth more than what I offer a guy in bed. It must be the lack of sleep catching up with me.I squeal as the baby stingray avoids my hand completely
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Chapter 14: Quincy, Part 2
"Don't sell yourself short," he says. "Raising your nephew isn't a negative at all. If anything, it highlights that you're caring and generous and loyal. If a man can't see that, you're looking at the wrong man."Our waiter reappears to take our order. I fumble my way through it as I quickly decide what I want, still taken aback at the turn of this conversation. But Daniel's right. Just because Chance and I are a package deal now, doesn't mean I'm not still the total package. Sometimes it takes someone else to point it out."Your family sounds really great," I say, fiddling with the condensation on my glass after the waiter leaves. "Sounds like you guys are really tight."He has a strange look on his face. "For the most part, we are.""What do you mean?""My brothers and sisters and I are really close and we're all close with our mama.""But?""I don't talk to my dad."I cock my head, sure I didn't hear him correctly. "Your dad?" He nods. "The guy who coached all your soccer teams and
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Chapter 15: Daniel, Part 1
I push open the door and step into the house, amidst all the chaos and noise, and think It's good to be home.I can't always get away for Sunday dinners during the season, but today is an exception, and I've been looking forward to it all week. All my brothers and sisters show up with their kids. Mama usually makes enchiladas of some kind and all the fixings to go with it. I don't know how she does it, but not only do we get our fill, she always makes enough to send us away with leftovers. That might be my favorite part."Tio Daniel!" a little voice squeals, and I see a mass of dark curls barreling toward me. I catch her as she launches herself into my arms."Mila," I say with a smile, hugging her tightly. "How's mi corazon?""I'm four now, Tio," she says, holding up four fingers so I don't misunderstand how old she is.My eyes get wide. "That's a whole lot of fingers on that hand! You're practically a grownup!" If it's possible, her smile gets even brighter. I give her a kiss on the h
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Chapter 16: Daniel, Part 2
I sit back, trying to figure out how to proceed in this conversation. Before I can think of anything to say, Nicholas beats me to it."I'm tired of being a virgin. I wanna know what all the fuss is about, ya know?""I do know." I take a deep breath. "But let me ask you a question, man to man.""Okay.""Does this girl… Tamela? That's her name?" He nods. "Does Tamela know the only reason you asked her to the dance is so you can have sex with her?""I don't know. I mean, everyone knows she'll pretty much sleep with anyone, so it can't be too much of a surprise.""But does she know that's what you're expecting from her? Because I have to say, Nicky, if she thinks you asked her out because you actually like her, and she finds out at the dance that it's only because you want to get with her, that's a really dick move."His head snaps up. "Oh, come on, Tio. You're really gonna go there? I'm not stupid. I've seen pictures of all the women you're banging. You're with someone new every week. You
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Chapter 17: Quincy
The first thing I notice is all the red. It's everywhere. Red jerseys, red face paint, red stadium.The stadium where the Mutiny play is impressive. Just outside downtown, it's almost shaped like the bottom half of a soccer ball."I can't believe this is your first soccer game," Geni says as we walk with the crowd toward the front gates. "They are so fun. Like nothing you have ever experienced before." Like the majority of people around us, Geni is showing her team spirit dressed in a tight fitting Mutiny jersey and matching baseball cap, long red hair pulled through the back in a low ponytail. "How come I didn't know you were such a huge soccer fan?" I ask, looking down at my plain red T-shirt. I'm lucky I found something in the team colors in my closet."Because I'm not a super fan. I love coming to games, and I definitely keep up with all the single and available players," she says with a wink, "but I don't watch on TV or pay close attention to their schedule or anything. You know
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Chapter 18: Daniel, Part 1
You're right.That's all the text from Nicholas says. Despite its terseness, I know exactly what he's talking about. We haven't spoken since our conversation about Homecoming a few weeks ago. I'd left him with lots to think about. But he's a good kid. His dad may be a dick, but stepdad Aaron's been around a while, and before that, my brothers and I made sure Nicky had good male role models. I text him back as soon as I pull into Quincy's lot and park my car.Me: I'm glad you think so. Now what are you going to do about it?Nicky: I asked her if she wanted to go on a real date with me. Before the dance. Me: And? Nicky: And we're going to the movies tomorrow night.Me: No expectations of sex?Nicky: Nope. I've been sitting with her at lunch a couple times a week. And we've partnered up in biology. She's actually really cool. Me: I figured she probably was. Now treat her like a lady and get to know the person she is with her clothes on before you wonder what she's like with her clothe
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Chapter 19: Daniel, Part 2
The first thing that pops up on the screen is a woman on a bed and a man is with her. With his head between her legs for a very long time. And now there's nipples, lots and lots of nipples. And his head is still between her legs."Still trying to convince yourself it's not high-budget porn?" I joke, trying to break the sexual tension that has sprung up again."Oh my god, this is so awkward," she replies, eyes still on the screen. Her ears turn bright red, which is apparently her version of a blush. She looks so uncomfortable. I sip my beer and munch popcorn, ignoring the woody in my pants from imagining that it's Quincy and me on the screen. When all else fails, insert humor. "Man, he's really going at it, isn't he?""Would you shut up?" She laughs and smacks my arm. "This is weird enough without you making jokes.""Sorry. I'll just sit here quietly while we watch the non-porn." She rolls her eyes but smiles anyway.Two hours later, Jamie and Claire have gone at it multiple times, all
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Chapter 20: Daniel, Part 3
"Daniel!" she yells as she trembles. I continue flicking and plunging, licking and tasting, until she goes still. It takes a few minutes for her to catch her breath, during which I kiss up and down her legs and back. Finally, she's coherent enough to speak again. "That was...." she says breathlessly. "That was amazing."I smile as I stand up and kiss the spot behind her ear, making her shiver. "That's just the beginning, too.""I guess it's my turn." I can hear the anticipation when she says it, but I have other things planned."Nope," I say. "I'm not done with you yet.""Watching high-budget porn turns you on, huh?" she jokes, still bent over the bed. I love that she hasn't changed positions or tried to cover up. She's not ashamed of what we've done or wanting more."Oh, it wasn't the porn. It was those damn shorts you had on." I kiss the back of her neck again, making her shiver. "And your soft, silky hair." I take a handful of it and pull her head back so I can kiss below her jaw,
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