All Chapters of The Charmer and the Beast: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
56 Chapters
31. The Realization
What Taylor said about me missing Flint really messed up my mind. Now I can’t stop thinking about it.Do I really miss him?I screamed on my pillow. I am really frustrated right now. I’ve got a lot of things bugging my mind and I shouldn’t be thinking about him. He just used to be that annoying guy who really likes to piss me off, and later became friends with me. Was I not supposed to accept his friendship?“Are you okay?” Taylor asked, her head peeking from the top bunk bed. Now I feel sorry because it looks like I woke her up.I guess I’m going crazy…“I’m so sorry,” I said. I really don’t know what’s going on. “Did I wake you up?”“Nah, it’s okay. I’m supposed to wake up early anyway,” she replied as she started getting up. “So what’s up? What’s going on? Why are you screaming like you hav
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32. The Acceptance
I have always been the type of person who’s not afraid- okay, maybe a little afraid to face new things in life. I usually follow a routine and just stick with my lists. I am not really used to new things and I need time to process everything. Liking Flint is something new for me. It’s not just in a friendly way, the same way I like Taylor and Sean. It’s more than that. There’s attraction, and a crazy back and forth of whether I just like the idea of him or something else.It’s crazy. Liking someone is pretty crazy because I am turning crazy too.It has been days since that realization. I have been trying to dodge Flint like I’m dodging a bullet. I just really can’t afford to see him anytime soon. My mind’s still quite shocked with the idea that I actually like someone I used to dislike so much.I need to breathe.I stared at the screen of my laptop. I have an article I need to write for the Weekly Mirror but I can’t seem to start. I have been so distracted, and I realized that when I
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33. The Red-Eyed Man
I don't know when it started, I just found myself hanging out more often with Flint. After every meeting with The Weekly Mirror, most of the time we would go to dinner together. Sometimes we would invite Taylor and whenever she's present, I would often catch her having a look I couldn't understand. It was like she's teasing us with her eyes, but is not saying any word. It's like she wants to say something but decides against it."Are you sick of seeing my face, Tay?" I heard Flint ask one time when we were having dinner. His friends, Alec and Floyd were with us but left just a while ago because of some frat duties. Apparently, Flint was also a part of a fraternity but he's more active in this organization that I don't know the name of. It was an elite organization that not all people know of. I asked him about it, but he's just mum about it so I just stopped asking.Taylor rolled her eyes at Flint, which made me chuckle.I could say that they're kind of close now because we always han
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34. The Score
That man’s face lingered in my head for days. I tried forgetting about it, but I just can’t seem to erase his face from my memory. It was really bothering the hell out of me. But it was like his face was painted in my head. Whenever I think about it, it gives me goosebumps.I can’t let it distract me, not when I am currently taking my chapter exam. However, no matter how much I tried to concentrate on the test, my head kept coming back to that red-eyed man. Something’s really wrong. I can’t just be imagining it. Or was I crazy? Is academics making me crazy?For the nth time, I sighed and tried to go back to the test.I managed to finish the exam but when I left the classroom, I felt like there was something wrong. I couldn't point out what, but I have a feeling I did something wrong.But instead of dwelling on the present matter, I went straight to the dorm to sleep. I ended up cramming a little last night because I was preoccupied with the thoughts about that man. I have so many unans
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35. The Grandparents
Well, I did not feel better.I woke up to an empty room. I don't know if Taylor already came back or if she hasn't. When I checked the time, 30 minutes had passed since I decided to just sleep. Maybe that's why I did not feel better.But instead of moping about it, I decided to do better. This is still the first exam. I can still do better. I can still get a flat 1 on this subject if I just do my best to excel in all the upcoming exams or whatsoever. I can still make it.My mom doesn't have to know about what I'm going through. I can still make things right. She doesn't have to know.And I shouldn’t let that man get into my head again.So I stood up and went to my table to get my laptop. I had to check my emails first because I missed my Weekly Mirror duties today.There was indeed an email from Robin containing the details for my assignment this week. He gave me previous articles for references (as he promised from our last meeting when he
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36. The Difference
Because of the talk I had with my grandparents, my mood instantly became better. I went back to doing my tasks with a goal in my head- prove to myself that I can improve my score for the next exam.The coffee and muffin given by Flint also made me feel better. I forgot I haven't thanked him so I sent a message to him. I haven't seen him today because I was technically hiding the entire day. I feel so embarrassed, especially to myself.The following day, I was determined to strive even more to improve my grade. It's still the first exam and there's a lot more coming. I know I can still make it.My to-do list made me forget about that man. I haven't seen him around so I was starting to think I was just really hallucinating. I wanted to share it with someone I know but they might think I’m getting crazy. Who would have red eyes, right? I think if they do, they’re probably on drugs."JV!"I was on my way to the Library t
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37. The Exhibit
It's been a week that I didn't attend any of our weekly mirror meetings. I already asked Robin to excuse me and just told him that I was not feeling well. He was okay with it as long as I did my assignments well.I've already sent out emails to people that I need to interview for my article. Most of them replied a day after so I had no problem with it and was able to submit the article in time.One weird thing though, I think I interviewed someone who looked like the red-eyed man I saw days ago. I’m not sure if my eyes were playing tricks on me or they just looked alike.I haven’t interviewed him in person though because I was told by his assistant that he’s busy so I could just email them the questions I have. I try not to mind it so much, as what I promised myself before- he shouldn’t get into my head.I've also been very careful not to meet Flint along the hallway or anywhere around the university. Why? Because I think I'm starting to get attached. And I feel like this attachment w
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38. The Day She Hurt Him
I feel like there was a knot inside my stomach. They were chaotic and won't seem to stop anytime soon."Hey, Jasmine to earth?"I was pulled out of trance when I heard Taylor speak. My eyes were no longer on him. However, I could still feel the crazy creatures inside my stomach. What are they trying to do? Tickle me?"Are you okay?" I heard Sean ask. I just shook my head because I couldn't seem to bring my tongue to say anything. They were tangled.Taylor began to talk about her painting. I've been seeing this in our room, but I never saw the finished version.It was a butterfly, but instead of a normal butterfly, the body was a body of a woman without a face. There was a cocoon near it, which I'm guessing that the butterfly just transformed into a full-grown butterfly. Its wings were colorful and the woman's hair was very long. Looking at the painting, I figured it was about a woman getting out of its comfort zone. It's a woman going out of her ho
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39. The Loss of Consciousness
Days passed by so quickly. This week, we'll be having our first midterm in the University. I worked my ass off the past weeks. The moment I knew that the midterms was coming, I studied double time for my subjects.Mom was right when she said that it's one of the times in our lives that we won't have enough sleep. Yeah, she was right. I barely slept for the past weeks. I guess the longest sleep I got was 4 hours. Even if I decide to sleep the entire day, I feel like my mind is working on its own- waking up at a random time of the day. I don't have many things to do so I always end up studying. But I'm not complaining. I guess it was better this way.For the past weeks, Flint and I haven't spoken. Ever since what happened, we sometimes meet along the way, but we only look at each other for a while and always end up looking away.Taylor and Sean noticed the avoidance but didn't say a thing about it."Jas, do you mind if I ask you something?" Taylor suddenly
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40. The Foreign Feeling
I woke up to a white surrounding. I was certain I was at the infirmary. I've never been here. It's my first time in an infirmary."Hello?" I called. I was on a bed with curtains all over me. There was something pierced on my hand. I even looked up to see it was hooked to a bag. I thought I was gonna collapse because of the lack of sleep, but it seemed something more than that. I was in a freaking dextrose!The curtains suddenly opened and revealed a woman in her mid-30s. She smiled at me. "Hi. How are you feeling?"I tried to feel if there's anything hurting in my body. My head hurts a little and my strength hasn't come back yet. "A bit weak? And my head still hurts."She walked near me and checked my hand. She also checked the bag."You were dehydrated so you need the dextrose. That's also because of your lack of sleep. Nothing to worry about. You just have to rest," she said. "A lot of students get admitted here during midterms and finals."
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