Semua Bab The Invisible Bride (By the King's Command book 4): Bab 41 - Bab 50
81 Bab
Chapter 40
Isobel could barely keep her eyes open as the rising sun turned the sky pink. Thank goodness they’d had clear skies and a full moon! The horse had been able to guide itself, for she was certainly too sleepy to do it. She wasn’t sure what the MacInnis men had told her husband, but they had ridden in silence all day, not even stopping long enough to make a kill or cook a meal. Their pace was steady, just the right speed that the horses did nay seem to be growing overly tired. The soldiers seemed as alert as ever, likely they had slept the night before. It was now more than a day she’d she’d napped the afternoon away by the river. The heat of the afternoon had been hard on her. The sun had burned her, she could feel the heat in her hair even now as the next day’s sun was rising. Her face would be as red as her hair.Fortunately, the lads had fallen asleep near sunset, after having some cheese and ale from the MacInnis men. Mary was holding the smaller one and her husband held the older b
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Chapter 41
Loud horns blasted in announcement and celebration as they approached Fraser castle. Gair smiled as he saw Mairead come through the front doors, waving her arms frantically to draw her boys' attention. He had sent a messenger on ahead to let them know the boys were safe and would be arriving shortly. Fraser men had raced back to find them and were now escorting the group through the gates. Apparently, Dair and half the men in the clan were out looking for the lads. Where they were looking Gair wasn’t sure, since they’d not seen a single soul in their two days of travel into Fraser land. Not even James, which had him a bit concerned.Little David was still seated on the horse with him. Just the night before he had been timid, quiet, and still. Now he was now clothed and bouncing with excitement. It was all Gair could do to keep the lad safely on the horse.“Look! Mame is on the steps! She’s waving at us! Look, Jamie, do you see mame?” The younger boy followed his brother’s gestures and
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Chapter 42
With light, bouncy steps Gair bounded down the stone stairs from the watch tower, a smile on his face. As the sky darkened they could make out fires in the distance! Fraser messengers were heading out to let the search groups, and likely prince James, know that the boys were safe and it was time to return. Tomorrow, as soon as his brother arrived, he could set off to the West to help Paddy find Lia! His smile faltered as he rounded the corner to the main hall. That is if Isobel agreed to stay here. He was not willing to risk her taking off on him, but bringing her with him when there were obviously people looking to abduct his family members was out of the question. She was safer behind walls. He couldn’t leave her unless he was certain she would stay safely inside the castle.He entered the great hall with his eyes scanning the room, searching for his wife. A tender smile curled his lips when he saw her at the head table with Mairead. She looked more relaxed than he’d expected consid
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Chapter 43
Would she have to couple with one of the other brothers? Mairead was certainly far prettier, and from the stories her husband had, told Eliana was too. Would the brother intended for her to do the same as what Alasdair.... no, as Griogair had done, or would the brother actually enter her? Panic settled over her for a moment and she was frozen in place. She stared at the horse, her heart pounding, her breath high and fast as though she had been running from wolves.The horse bobbed his head, cuffing in frustration and tossing the rains, wanting to be on his way whether or not his rider was ready.Her husband had been the same. Anxious to get away. Alasdair had taken Mairead and her two we lads, but Griogair had left without her. He hadn’t even cared enough to stay and be sure she was well. Perhaps that was what the yelling was about. Her husband wanted to be rid of her, to pass the ugly, fire-haired lass who dresses as a lad and can’t couple to one of his brothers in trade for one of t
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Chapter 44
The moment her husband’s arms were around her, Isobel felt every ounce of strength and energy leave her. As he gathered her close she leaned into his warmth and closed her eyes. At first, she was amazed that she felt so absolutely safe in a man’s arms, but then she realized that was not the only reason her body relaxed so much. She had not been well at the start of her journey and she’d not stopped to rest along the route except when the horse had needed to. She wasn’t just relaxing, she was going to pass out. She had done too much, too soon after her illness. “Cus,” was all she managed to whisper before her mind and body fell into nothingness. Pleasantly warm, Isobel smiled and took a deep breath, filling her lungs with the scent of pine on a hot summer day and something else that was familiar but in her drowsy state she couldn’t quite recognize what it was. Not wanting to wake just yet, she willed her body and mind to relax again. It would have worked too; if the sound in her ears
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Chapter 45
A few days laterGair grinned to himself as he waited by the table for his wife to join him. She was finally able to rise from bed for a few hours without tiring, and her stomach had stopped complaining when she put solid food in it so this would be her first full meal since she’d arrived at his home. And it was a grand one! Maggie had outdone herself. Maggie had been furious that Sinclair had not done anything to celebrate the union. Apparently, the housekeeper had taken it upon herself to see that Isobel’s first full meal in MacInnis was one to remember. It was a veritable wedding feast made for two! Beneath the glow of the small candelabra on the tiny table in the corner of his chamber, their chamber, there was hare simmered in wine and stuffed with herbs. His favourite veal pie with plums and sugar was waiting under a cover for a second course. There was a fluffy cake on the side table for dessert, filled with butter, sugar, and raspberry jam! A small assortment of truffles and moi
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Chapter 46
As the sky began to lighten with the morning sun, Gair sat in his favourite niche on the topmost tower of the castle. He took out his prize possession, a telescope he’d purchased at the market last fall, and looked around MacInnis land. These were strange days. Stranger than he’d ever imagined and surely stranger than his father could have foreseen. What would become of their land now?The king was actually gifting women, land, and titles to mercenaries! They had one of his fiercest warriors staying right here in MacInnis keep! Gair focused his lens on where Fann stood by the wall with a few of the men he’d brought with him and Gair wished the lens could hear as well as see. They’d be gone in a few days Paddy said, but it had been a week and Gair saw no sign of them breaking camp. Fann seemed like a reasonable enough man, but the fact that he had yet to leave to claim his own keep had Gair worried. He had set MacInnis men to keep watch over every one of them. None of the mercenaries w
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Chapter 47
Isobel stood in the shadow of the barn and watched Gair as he talked to the group of his clan's people. She knew he thought that few of them could tell he and his brothers apart, but watching them over the past few days she’d noticed that they actually did quite well at it, better than she did. They simply disguised that they knew who was who. Nobody used their names, but they acted differently toward each brother.With Paddy, their laird, they were quiet and obedient. Obedience was the behaviour that pleased Paddy most, and they knew it. They would ask permission even to speak to him, then humbly ask their questions or quietly voice grievances. Very few talked with him freely as friends would. With Dair, they were calm and respectful, but not overly friendly unless he initiated it. With her husband, it was as though every man were his best friend and every woman wished to woo him. People spoke freely with him and laughed often.The curvy blond woman who seemed to constantly follow af
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Chapter 48
As the light dimmed, Isobel stepped lightly over the forest floor with Gair behind her. They had a buck strung up in a tree to bleed out and several snares set for the evening. They would return with meat enough for a feast! Giar hadn’t seemed upset when it was her shot that made the kills rather than his. When she’d seen men hunt before it had always seemed a competition, but it was not like that with Gair. He cheered her on rather than competing with her. She had killed a small hare for their dinner, Gair had skinned and cleaned it, then they had spent the evening by the fire cooking and eating. She had never before enjoyed someone's company so much! Man nor woman. She was so happy that she wanted to kiss him. It suddenly occurred to her that she could. So she did.Spinning around she went up on tiptoe and touched her lips softly to his. A quick intake of breath was the only indication that she had surprised him. She lifted her lips from his and glanced into his eyes. He didn’t m
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Chapter 49
Gair prowled restlessly along the top of the wall, his mood as thick as the fog that hadn’t lifted in two days. There was no way to see through the blasted stuff. No way to know if an enemy was massing along their borders. Never in all his years of running the guard had he felt so helpless.Despite days of searching, no sign had been found of any archer nor of the men who had abducted Lia. It was also still unknown who had taken the boys, but James and Alasdair were both assuming it was just a Campbell who thought to take the boys to their father’s family. Time would tell.As for guarding MacInnis keep, now he not only had his own men to organize but Fann’s mercenaries as well. They wanted to take control and run things their way! It was all he could do to keep them from attacking him to take over, but Paddy didn’t believe him. For all he knew they were the ones who had shot Fann, planning the entire thing to quietly take over. Paddy thought he was being foolish and had almost let the
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