Semua Bab The Invisible Bride (By the King's Command book 4): Bab 11 - Bab 20
81 Bab
Chapter 10
Gair smiled to himself when he heard a soft snore coming from the direction of the bed. His wife had finally drifted to sleep. He hadn’t been at all sure she would manage it. In fact, he’d been about to ask if she would prefer he took the stack of furs into the hall. If it had taken her any longer to settle he might have had to go find himself some ale or wine. He kept talking, letting his voice grow slowly quieter until he was certain the silence would not wake her.Rolling onto his side Gair looked out the window at the night sky. He could just as easily be looking out his old bedroom window on MacInnis land. The stars looked just the same. A smile touched his lips as his eyes blinked closed. He would dream of his soft feather bed and the gentle scent of the beeswax candles that were always used in the bedrooms of his family’s keep. Mayhap he would dream of the summer solstice festival that would be happening soon. He would miss that. It was unlikely this clan put any effort into mak
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Chapter 11
Raised voices from the courtyard pulled Izzy from her slumber before the sun had fully risen. Blinking her eyes open she found her husband’s coffee brown eyes staring back at her. A moment of panic washed over her, followed by a calmness she had not felt in a while and she couldn’t stop a smile from touching her lips. Another shout came through the window and they both grinned wide. The men had been discovered in the pillory.They lay beside each other for a while and listened to the yelling. Neither man had any idea why they were there and the three lads insisted they knew nothing. The men were yelling to be set free and Donald was yelling back, certain they deserved it but not giving any reason as to why they were there nor how long they would be locked up. Then someone started yelling about a waste of good eggs, which she guessed meant fresh eggs rather than rotting ones had been tossed. Her grin widened and she giggled. It felt unbelievably good to have those two locked up, even if
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Chapter 12
Gair followed Izzy into the dark corridor and closed the door behind them. By the time the door closed, she had a torch lit. “There are three tunnels in the keep,” she told him. “Me father has forgotten them I think, or at least he never uses them. There is one that has a hidden entrance behind the tapestry in the great hall. It goes out to the outside walls near the woods. That one my father knows, it was the escape he showed me mame for in case of attack. The longest one starts in what was me mames solar. It passes behind father’s solar. It opens there, but only in the fireplace so is nay really much use aside from a nice warm spot to hide in winter if I need it. From there it splits into three. One tunnel runs down and opens in the armoury, another in the gardens and the third goes down steeply and exits under the west tower if you don’t mind swimming the moat. I don’t think anyone else kens that one. Hid in it for over a week once, but then they caught me one night when I came out
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Chapter 13
Izzy put out the torch and peered through the tiny hole into the larder. The room was dark, so it was most likely empty. She lit the torch again and started pushing the stone aside to clear the opening. She wondered if perhaps it would be too small for Alasdair. “I hope ye kin fit,” she whispered as she got down on the floor. I shimmy through easy enough, but I don’t kin if a full size man will make it.” She put her feet through into the larder and used her hands on the larder side of the wall to slide herself through. She got to her knees on the other side and looked at the hole. Would he fit? Peaking back through she said, “Mayhap you should try head first. If your shoulders fit, the rest of you will be easy. She stood back, listening as he took off his sword and placed it on the ground. His head and one arm came through and he looked up as he squeezed his other shoulder into the opening. She held her breath, hoping he wouldn’t get wedged in so tightly that they could nay get him o
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Chapter 14
As Gair followed his wife silently through the bush he decided it was a very good thing that most lasses didn’t wear trews. The shape of her legs was quite alluring and when she climbed over anything he got the most delicious view of her backside as the tunic and trews hugged her curves. He had assumed this hunting expedition would be a great way for him to learn the lay of his new home and see how much forest life was near the castle, but so far the long legs and luscious backside of his wife occupied his every thought. It was extremely unlikely he would be able to retrace even the last hour of their travels. Izzy had more energy than he had expected. This wasn't like the leisurely strolls he had enjoyed with other lasses. They’d been going through the bush at a good speed for a few hours now but she hadn’t stopped to rest and she wasn’t even slowing down. Most lasses, or at least most ladies, were often winded after just a wee bit of dancing, especially those who wore corsets. He
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Chapter 15
Movement on the far side of the clearing caught Gair’s attention and he stilled, watching the edge of the woods. The foliage was dense already, even this early in the year. He couldn’t be sure if it was men or animals approaching at first, but soon the footfalls sounded more human and brief glimpses of bright colour through the brush.Three men stepped out and waved at him as they headed his way. He was still wearing his own clan plaid rather than a Sinclair plaid. He didn’t know if the men here would recognize it, nor how it would be welcomed. Checking the men’s colours he noticed that all three of the men were wearing a different plaid which relaxed him a bit.“Scots?” Asked the oldest as he approached. “English?” His accent was so thick Gair knew the man likely spoke little English himself.“As you prefer,” Gair answered in Scots with a shrug. The man’s toothless face smiled up at him and he continued in Scots.“I’ve lost me daughter. Have you seen a wee lass about these parts? Abo
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Chapter 16
“Aye,” Gair answered, dread seeping in. The small head lifted off his shoulder and some wee fingers pealed the furs down a bit so solemn brown eyes peaked out over the top. “Nay, m’Lady. I kin nay swim at all.”“That’s okay, Siofra, Laird Alasdair and I will get you safely to the other side.”Once again Gair felt the guilt stab at him. It mattered not that Alasdair was his name as much as his brother’s, the fact was that was not the name he preferred and was most definitely not the name he wanted his wife calling him.They continued to stand there, silent and still as stone, for a few more moments before Isobel stepped cautiously out from the treeline. Gair followed. It was not far to the water, but enough that they could be seen if anyone was looking their way. The ground sloped down slightly and Gair felt himself slip. He looked down, noting how well-worn the path was here. Many used this spot, both human and animal. There was a little young grass, but mostly just dirt. At least Iz
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Chapter 17
Izzy held Siofra to her side and watched her husband talking to a figure downstream. She could not see clearly through the water and certainly could not hear what was being said. She stepped back, pressing herself as tightly as possible against the damp rocks. Fortunately, she had hidden behind these falls often enough to be certain that nobody on the other side could see them back here. The space was small, with only just enough room to walk without getting soaked. The spray would wet her, but not drench her. At least not quickly. The water flow was usually full enough to disguise all but the brightest colours. She kept Siofra in front of her so the grey fur would hide her red tunic and hopefully her bright hair.“Is it me father coming fer me?” Isobel barely heard the little voice. “Is he gonna sell me to the French men on the boat as he told me mither? I’m scared. I don’t want to go away.” Isobel closed her eyes and pulled the girl in tight.“You will have to go away, Siofra. Bu
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Chapter 18
With Siofra on her lap and the fur covering them both, Izzy was warm and comfortable despite the hard rock beneath her. That, combined with the constant rushing sound of the water falling in front of them had her fighting to keep herself awake. Peaking out from behind the blanket she could tell that they still had hours of daylight left. She couldn’t let herself fall asleep, one wrong move back here and they would both be pulled down into the rushing water. A gentle tug on her hair and Izzy’s head bobbed. She didn’t even notice. The second tug, a little firmer, roused her fully.She pulled the child tightly against her and spun towards the hand that had touched her, her dirk ready to attack. The hand was open and beckoning to her. Izzy looked up and her body relaxed instantly when her eyes met the soft brown depths of her husband’s eyes. She gulped, realizing Siofra had been right. When she didn’t give herself time to think, she trusted this man, this stranger, more than she could reme
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Chapter 19
“I’m not sure. Usually, I only take them as far as the border or sometimes only to the ocean, it depends on where they’re going and how they’re going to get there. I have developed a network of friendly people and places for them. If they have family in another clan that can take them in until they can get settled, we try for that since it will be easier for them to start over with some support. If the family won't take them, or if all their family is here, where they go is of little consequence so long as it is to a quiet life in a place they won't be recognized. Sometimes that can be in Scotia, sometimes I find them work in England. The same is true if they know their husband or father will hunt for them until they are found. Sometimes they want to leave the mainland to be sure they are never found, so for those women, I find a fisherman willing to take them to one of the islands for a fee. A few of the younger lasses I've sent to an abbey, but most don't want that. I’ve not sent any
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