All Chapters of Love in the Time of Quarantine: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
122 Chapters
Chapter 30
“Samantha.” His voice is so hoarse, so full of emotion. His eyes, full of those tears that I painted in that piece, are staring right at me. He swallows before he can speak again. “Sam…hey.” “Hi,” I whisper. He turns away from me, wiping at his cheeks and eyes. “Look at you. You really made it to the big time, didn’t you?” I chuckle, though I can feel the tears in my own eyes. “Yeah, well. I kind of feel like I owe this to you, just a bit.” He barks out laughter at that. “Yeah, I’ve never been anyone’s muse before. I’m not sure whether I should feel flattered or…disgusted with myself.” Looking back at me, the amused smirk on his face disappears. “Definitely disgusted.” I try to blink back tears, but they just fall instead. “I know that this is your big night. And Matt told me that you’ve been up since 4, so I know that you have to be exhausted. If you want to talk later, we can. I’ll take you back to the apartment and we can talk tomorrow. Or, after you sleep
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Story 2: Cole and Kent - Chapter 1: Cole
It’s 2 am and I’m drowning myself in a bottle of tequila. It stopped burning down my throat hours ago, not too long after Zoe left. Fuck, Zoe! I can’t even think about her without taking another swig of the bottle in my hand. But when I bring it to my lips, I find that it’s empty, just a few drops left. Well, shit! Soooo, the tequila’s gone. Time to start on the vodka. I stand and try to walk to the bar that we’ve got set up on the other side of the room. Unfortunately, I stumble, banging my shin on the coffee table. Fucking hell that hurt! Who moved the coffee table there? I let out a yowl of pain and fall forward, barely managing to catch myself on the couch arm as the door opens. I hear deep giggling and someone saying “Shh! Shhh!” I turn my head to the side, but my vision swims and it takes me a second to make sense of what I’m seeing. “Cole? Dude, what are you doing standing there in the dark?” It’s only after he speaks that my vision settles and I see my r
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Chapter 2: Cole
I wake up to the smell of Axe bodyspray and fabric softener. My head is on something warm, my arms wrapped around it, too. I’m still half asleep, so nothing is really sinking in until I hear a deep, masculine voice. “Never would have taken you for a snuggler.” My eyes fly open and I try to jump back, but my arm is underneath his back. When I focus, I see that I’m in bed with Kent. Both of us are shirtless, him in just boxers and me with sweats on. “What the fuck happened?!” I nearly scream in his face. He just laughs at me. “You seriously don’t remember anything?” I shake my head and he mutters, “Figures.” He sits up and I immediately move to the other side of the bed. I’m not as shook up as much as I wish I was about waking up next to Kent and that’s pissing me off. “What happened?” “Look man, I came home - “ Kent starts but I interrupt. “With a guy.” The words come out with a bit more anger than I meant to put in them and I try to play it off by rolling my eye
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Chapter 3: Cole
It’s the beginning of March and Kent has been pulling more and more hours at work. He works at this place called Zoom, a company that he began working at about a year ago. It’s some kind of video telecommunications company that makes has been used a lot in the business sector. It’s like Skype used to be, but it’s a lot clearer and easier to connect. Kent’s pulling more hours because China has been under quarantine because of some really bad virus. People over there have been getting really worried about it, saying that it’s going to another pandemic, like SARS and the Zika virus. Kent is kind of worried about it as well, but I mean, how much did our lives change from SARS and the Zika virus? So I wasn’t supposed to travel specific places. Meh. None of these padnemics have ever bothered me before or changed anything that I’ve ever had to do before. Yeah, it’s playing in the back of my mind, especially with my roommate’s job, but I’m not super worried about it. Maybe…I don’t
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Chapter 4: Cole
Two weeks later and we are in full lockdown. Santa Clara, our county in California, has had 20 deaths as of today, one being a teenager, the first in the country. This shit is getting real and it sucks and it’s scary and I don’t like it. You know the other thing that I don’t like? The headache that has come with trying to deal with all of these couples that are having to change their wedding dates, as well as the conferences, trainings, parties, and random other events that are supposed to occur for the next month. I’m on the phone for horus every day trying to figure out the logistics of how to rearrange all of these events along with all fo the other events that we have. At least many of these events have coordinated with us for mostly everything: venue, food, alcohol, rooms. They just have to work around their family and florists. But trying to fit two whole weeks’ worth of events into other slots gives me a huge migraine by the end of every day and I feel like beating my h
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Chapter 5: Kent
It has been a LOOOONG several months. The company I work for, Zoom, has been making a lot of changes since COVID started at the company. We are now a household name, used in nearly every business. The sudden expansion has made my other programmers and I have to work overtime, adding features that are needed to keep things moving smoothly in business meetings, doctor’s appointment, and therapy sessions. But none of that comes cheap. So many hours are put into making sure that one new feature is added appropriately. To troubleshoot any issues. And do you know how much money we sank into bandwidth and memory storage? It’s insane. I was promoted, not to long before COVID began, to section manager. We’re in charge of developing new tools for the program. Due to the increased traffic and usage of the site, along with all the different types of applications it was being used for, we had a lot of different things in the works. I mean, a kindergarten teacher is going to need very
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Chapter 6: Cole
I’ve been so pissed at Kent lately and fucking pent up because it has been MONTHS since I last got laid. I’ve been jacking it to straight porn this whole time, trying to rewire my brain. To stop wanting guys as badly as I do. And it doesn’t fucking work. Do you know how difficult it is to want something so bad, that your body needs it so much, but your mind, your upbringing keeps telling you it’s wrong? I thought that it would be ok if I was watching it with a girlfriend. If she was enjoying it too. But now? I’m alone. I can’t say that I’m doing this to get the girl going. This is just for me. And it scares me. That maybe, just maybe, this is who I am. And that my family will never accept me. If I can’t push away these urges, these needs, then I might lose the people that I love more than anything. But what will it hurt to just look? Not participate, just…watch. With COVID, I won’t be around other guys. No one other then Kent. And, well, that’s going so well
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Chapter 7: Cole
The feeling of Kent’s hot, wet mouth around my cock is so fucking good. That, combined with the fapping I did before has me close to the edge in no time flat. Kent is also deep-throating me like a mother fucker, the sound of him gagging on my cock pushing me further and further toward cumming. “I’m gonna cum if you keep that up,” I mutter, hoarsely. He pulls back off of my cock and looks up at me. Tears are streaming down his face from how far he’s pushed himself on my cock. Slobber covers his chin. And desire fills his eyes. He’s never looked sexier. In a voice hoarse from pushing my cock so far down his throat, he says, “Give it to me. I want to taste you.” “Fuck!” I whisper. He gives me one last cocky grin before licking up my cock, from base to head. He maintains eye contact the whole time and my cock throbs against his mouth. “Kent…” I whisper. The desire in his eyes turns almost molten and he takes me into his mouth as deep as he can go. He sucks hard enoug
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Chapter 8: Kent
I can’t believe how fucking good sex with Cole is. He has a huge cock and he fucking knows how to use it. Not to mention the things that this man knows how to do with his tongue. God, I’ve wanted this man for years. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve jerked myself off to images of him so many times. Plus, the fact that he’s a good friend of mine and that I love just hanging out with him makes him all the more attractive. The problem is that I’ve been hurt way too many times before. Particularly by guys that were in the closet or partially there, but also just by relationships in general. I was engaged once before. He was a guy from college, Stephen. He honestly could have been related to Cole, they look that much alike. Tall, broad shouldered, tanned skin with beefy arm muscles and abs that you could fucking grate cheese on. And don’t get me going on how God damned tight their asses are. Or how you fall into the sky blue of their eyes like you were going sky diving an
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Chapter 9: Cole
August… “You can’t be serious! This has got to be some kind of horrible fucking joke!” I’m nearly screaming into the phone as I talk with Jeff Carpenter, the general manager of the Hayes Mansion. “Do you know how much of my life I’ve given to that fucking place? You can’t do this to me, Jeff!” “Look, Cole. It’s not like I want to do this, but the big wigs at Hilton have made themselves clear. COVID has hit hard. No one is coming to luxury hotels and we have to cut the departments that are making less than 50% profit. I’ve been trying to keep you on, but you’ve been below 30% profitability for three months now. I can’t keep you or your people on. I’m sorry, but it’s out of my hands,” Jeff says. “If it’s any consolation, I won’t take anyone but you when we get this up and running. You’ll have a job to come back to.” That does mollify me a bit, but not much. “I appreciate that, Jeff, but what do I do until then? No one knows when this shit is going to end. How am I su
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