All Chapters of That Problematic Ring: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
81 Chapters
29| Rafe
Once I talked with doctors, I sit outside the emergency ward. They said the driver has fractured some of his bones and would need to stay in hospital for few days. I'm still grateful because he's out of danger now. Seeing him in a pool of blood earlier on road-side was terrifying. I thought he would not make it. I was on my way to see Mona when I encountered with a car crash. It was not a car crash for me because I managed to save myself and turned aside so that the car coming towards me couldn't slam into mine. But the other driver couldn't control his speed and crash his car into road-side trees. He fell out of the car and rolled over in the middle of the street. I run to him and found that he already lost consciousness so I had to brought him to hospital. Rubbing my face with my both hands, I allow myself now to relax and be at ease. Then I check the time from my wrist-watch. Mona would be waiting for me. She has came to Seattle to see me and I'm stuck here. I'll have to go to her
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30| Rafe
"Excuse me, my name is Rafael Eastmond." I speak with the hospital's receptionist. "I registered myself as an accident patient. I brought another man with me an hour ago. I don't know the name of that man, but you would have probably found some things around his car as in a mobile phone? Please check.""Wait a minute, sir." She answers, then begins going through her system. She's a young woman with red, short hairs. After a few seconds, she responds, "Yes, we have found his ID and a mobile phone...Actually we found two phones at the accident site." "Two phones?" I repeat. One of them must be mine. "Yes. They are with me. I'm waiting for the patient's family. I'll hand them over once they come." "May I check the phones? I've lost mine too.""Okay, wait." She turns, goes to her shelves and picks up the phones wrapped in a transparent plastic bag. "Here." She comes back and puts the bag on the counter. "It's mine." I get angry, "That phone is mine.""Really? I'm sorry." I quickly o
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31| Rafe
I turn off the alarm from my phone and rise to a sitting position. I check the time while grabbing my plain, crew neckline tee shirt thst's placed on the bed. It's still half an hour till I've to reach the office. Once I put on my shirt, I head to the bathroom to do my morning routine. Last night I shortened my dinner date with Mona and thankfully she didn't mind. I was exhausted because of the car crash incident and I was also feeling some muscular pains in my back and left arm. The pains are still there, but they are not severe. I can survive them. I think I've gotten some unseen injuries too when I suddenly hit the brakes and stopped my car. I didn't tell anything to Mona. She just understood my condition that I needed a rest.The moment I come out of my bathroom, I hear a soft knock on my room's door. After a second, the door slowly pushes open, "May I come in?"It's Freya. I quickly straighten my tee shirt, comb my hair with my fingers then say, "Yeah, sure."I wasn't expecting t
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32| Rafe
Freya doesn't speak a word during the car ride and keeps her eyes fixed on the front. I glance in her direction after every few minutes while pondering on a lot of stuff. She's currently portraying herself as resolute and tough, making it hard to believe that she was the same woman from last night who looked vulnerable, looked as if she would do anything for me. I know she's right now trying her utmost to hide her weak side from me and I'm not going to push her for something she doesn't want to show. I'll play along. However, that makes me realize that I was deceived by her resolute facade for some time and did not consider her own personal feelings about our entire marriage situation. Last night, it was a glimpse of her weak side that she is feeling every emotion. She just doesn't want to disclose her vulnerabilities to anyone or...maybe only to me.I turn my head in her direction. I should have kept my eyes more opened. I should have considered her feelings too. I remember how I h
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33| Freya
I run to him when I hear him yelp in pain and grab his arm. "It's bleeding, Rafe. Oh God, what to do." I cry as I see blood appearing on his white bandage. I briefly glance up at him. When I see his face is grimacing I get it that it's indeed hurting him. Panic surges through me. I curse myself for being blinded by my anger and not remembering his current condition. "It's okay." Rafe pulls his hand from mine, "It will stop. I think its just stitches got opened." He looks at the bandage then moves his hand down. "Stitches?" I stare at him in surprise, "You got stitches? You said the wound is not serious." My pace of speaking becomes faster as my panic mounts, "You said you didn't get any injury. But you complained in the morning about muscular pains and now you're telling me that you even got stitches. You lied to me. You have got injuries because of the accident.""I didn't lie to you." He narrows his eyes, "They aren't any serious. You don't have to worry." I know he's saying that
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34| Freya
I scurry out of Rafe's office while contemplating what just happened inside. Rafe's civil behavior is bothersome. And my behavior? What was I doing? I could have moved back right away, but I was standing still and staring at him in a way as if it was my first time seeing him.I groan at my behavior. My embarrassment escalates. I have been unable to hide my stupid side from him. First at the hospital then today again.At the hospital, I have disclosed to him that I'm an emotional wreck. I have shown him that all those past months my resentment for him was just a facade, in reality, I care for him. It was true from the beginning. I just didn't want him to know that. Despite my anger towards him, I knew I could have never really hated him. I walk towards my office while thinking about hiding somewhere and not to face Rafe ever again. That false accident news had unshielded my vulnerabilities to me as well as to Rafe. Last night I understood what it's like to experience your worst fear.
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35| Freya
There are a lot of things about Rafe's girlfriend that have disturbed me. It was my first time meeting her in person and she was the same just as I pictured her; full of herself.I didn't like her arrogant mannerisms, her judgemental opinions and her absurdly short dress. She certainly belongs to the category of women who seduce men through their physicality.And her unreasonable rudeness towards me... She was talking to me for the first time and yet she was being prejudicial about me as if she had known me for years. Her comments have hurt me. I enter the villa and lock the door behind. It's still raining heavily outside. It was difficult to drive through the waters everywhere. I can't stop thinking about Rafe that he should not be outside of home in this crazy weather. I don't think rain is going to stop tonight. The weather forecast is showing that chances of rain continuation are higher till the early morning. I'm hoping Mona should be good with driving the way she is with sarc
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36| Rafe
Rolling down my umbrella, I reluctantly sit inside Mona's car. Half of my mind is with Freya. The disappointing look on her face is replaying in front of my eyes.Mona starts the car and just when I notice that the speed of rain intensifies. The water droplets are making patterns on the windshield of the car. I stare at them while thinking about Freya. Mona turns on the car's vipers and they start fighting back with the rain-drops. I don't know what Freya would be thinking about me and Mona. She met her in person and I even saw both of them talking. I wonder what they were talking about. I hope Mona didn't say anything to her that might have made her sad and remind her about her own breakup. I haven't gotten a chance to explain her about my relationship with Mona and surprisingly she herself didn't even ask anything. "I hope Freya reaches home safely." I say under my breath."She's not a kid, Rafe. Why don't you ask about me? I'm driving a car too in this weather." Mona says in a com
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37| Freya
"You okay?"His question gives me chills for a second. It scared me that he found out that I'm filing for our divorce. Perspiration forms on my forehead. Though this is impossible. He can't know about that. He was with his girlfriend when I made a call to the lawyer."Yes." I answer in a confusing manner. I touch his hand which is wrapped in a bandage. His concerned eyes don't get satisfaction from my answer. They continue finding something on my face."Rafe? What's wrong? Why are you drench--""Were you crying?" He asks. I widen my eyes. How did he know? I quickly ease my facial muscles, "No, I wasn't." I deny casually. He surely has a doubt on me. I swallow."Was it because of what Mona said to you?" He tightens his hold on my face to make me look into his eyes. "What?" I react in bafflement. It takes me some moments to understand what he's referring to."You don't have to hide it from me, Fay." His voice softens.I touch both of his hands, "How did you know?" He looks away."D
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38| Rafe
"I'm thinking we should postpone our meeting tomorrow and also give a off to our staff. It seems like rain is going to continue till tomorrow." I say to Freya when we're done with our dinner, "It will be difficult for them to come out of their homes."I turn my head to her. She is lazily sitting just beside me with her legs curling up on the couch. She's enjoying the movie, playing on the TV. "Okay." She says.Her hair are open and disarray, spread on her shoulders. I stare at the length of her strands going down below her chest, mingling into the black colour of her silk top. And then my eyes admire her smooth, satiny skin of her hands and arms. They also couldn't ignore the flesh of her tummy which is peeking out of her shirt. However, I quickly, but reluctantly look up at her face when I realize I might look like a pervert to her if she would catch me. Her face is devoid of any makeup; eyes are looking pure and simple. Her mouth has natural, soft pink colour. I put aside the left
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