All Chapters of Mafia's Twisted Attraction: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
32 Chapters
“What did you expect, that my past could be as good as yours?” he screamed at her.“I don't care. It's none of my business. You can sleep with anyone you want, ”“You don't get to say that. You don't know what I've been through-”“Is that supposed to justify you sleeping with a hundred women?” she snapped back. “Oh, so you do care after all?”“Am not doing this with you,” she warned in a calmer tone. “Just get out of my room or do you prefer to take away my privacy too as you have done my life?” He glowered at her. “You are going to regret this”“What more can you possibly do to ruin my life mister?” she opposed.“From what I gathered, you had a deplorable life and I just saved you from it.” “Did your little files tell you that?” she mocked with eyes of contempt.“Yes, I've got files on you and everyone else if that's what you want to hear,” he told her, “And I don't have you here by choice. My brother is dying, that's the only reason you have to save your purpose-”“Then what happ
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LIFE AT THE ESTATE *. *. *. *. *.Isabella watched from the corner of her eyes. They had both chosen this one spot for the past few days. Looking into her eyes at this moment, she could see a glimmer of peace as the evening sunlight exaggerated her face and the soothing wind brushed a few strands of hair out of fashion.“Are you alright ?” Isabella asked finally.“Yes, everything‟s fine.” It didn't matter how hard she tried to conceal it, Selena still felt estranged from this world. But she would find a little peace of mind in this timely aura of the evening light. Here she could see over the trees, into the sunset, and savor the memories of home. Beads of clouds looped through the sky in a breathtaking display and the two women, falling headlong in love with the scene, would gaze fixedly in silence.“It‟s not so bad out here”“No, it‟s not” Selena agreed, still in oneness with the aura.“I mean out here, in the estate” Selena gave her a pensive look.“I know we are being held here ag
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A heavy thud somewhere in the room woke her up. Selena could feel two strong arms pressing her down in bed. She opened her eyes and there he was, Matthew Fernandez, the first love of her life. He had a grey hood over his head, covering his face but she could never mistake that malevolent grin for anyone‟s in the whole world. His oversized hand moved up to her face and covered her mouth and nose.Gasping, she kicked her legs desperately but the bedding blocked such movement. She scratched and clawed as much as she could but he was too strong for her. As he leaned in closer to her face, a hellish fear took over her and she could do nothing but wait as his stubbed face came in contact with hers. He breathed in the smell of her before licking her temple, making her moan silently.When he pressed hard enough to block her breathing completely, she woke up frantically in bed. A nightmare. She could feel sweat dripping from her cheek. Why did she dream of him, now, at such a late hour of the
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Don stepped in front of his brother's bed. He was still in a state of immobility, in some kind of coma. “Am sorry little brother. It‟s all my fault” he muttered underneath his breath. “I am going to get them for what they did to you.” He was never going to have peace of mind seeing Maximus like that. A cloud formed inside the mask that helped him to breathe. he was in pain. “It's going to be alright.” He held his hand in comfort and suddenly he could feel Maximus' fingers twitching, fighting to wake up. Something went wrong immediately. Maximus stopped breathing, without warning. From looking at the heart monitor, Don panicked and called out to the nurse who came running into the shed. Selena was right behind her. Don stepped back, trembling, just watching as they resuscitated him back to life with a skilled operation.Don fell in the chair in front of him, scared to the bone. He could hear as his brother‟s heart picked up speed. Almost relieved, he closed his eyes but grieved inste
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GIFTS*. *. *. *. *Racing up the stairs, Isabella rehearsed the apology that needed to sound more earnest than the last few days she had said it. She padded through the corridor and got to Selena‟s door, breathless. She knocked and waited a while before she repeated another few strikes. She could almost feel Selena about to open the door halfheartedly.The door opened and, “Am not in love with Don Hassien” she confessed right away. That came out impulsively and she bit back a curse. “I am sorry for everything I said. I spoke harshly and falsely because I was caught in a moment.” She waited, cringing.“Come on in Selena permitted finally. There were plenty of wrapped boxes all over the room and she had to move a few out of place before finally sitting down with her. “I don't understand what's happening. A few days ago you came up to me saying I should stay away from Don. Now you are telling me you're not in love with him--”“I know how this looks and I blame myself because I didn't te
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*. *. *. *. *“So, how did it go?” Isabella sat down next to her on the bed before she could see tears welling in her eyes.“I think he hates me now” she muttered under her breath. “Selena, what happened ?”“I guess that........I just don‟t feel the same way”“That‟s a shameful lie, Selena. Why do you keep doing this to yourself? There's something good going on between you”“Then why couldn't I go through with it?” “Go through with what? Do you mean.....?”“Yes, we were in the car and we kissed but I couldn't do it. I don't know what came over me. He barely said a word to me on our way back”“Am so sorry. Just give him time”Selena laid back in bed, sighing. “He must think..... Honestly, I don't know what he's thinking?”“Don't punish yourself too much. Am certain you will work it out somehow”“I don't know what am doing. But I can't let myself fall for him. We belong in two different worlds.”“So what will you do ?”She breathed. “I will let him know that we should keep things profe
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Deep in the quiet of the mild December night, a fog came over the scene, conceiving a moment of awful foreboding as the hours slowly faded away. On a night like this one, months ago, Don could have lost his brother to a far more dangerous man than he thought he was. But now, in this cruel portion of the night, he had come one step closer to getting to the man that did this. He had made it to his fortress.If he had found him here, in his hideout, his fortress, then he would have put a bullet through his heart.Deep in the quiet of the night, Don entered his car once more, wincing from the damage on his shoulders and the pain on the back of his hand which he got from killing a few men in an insatiable rage, leaving them to chill in the embrace of the endless night.The chaplain did this. These dead men were his and many more men would face the same fate if they would stand between vengeance. Don swore inside his seat that killing these men didn't make him a monster, at least not until
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Selena shivered in the dark, leaning against the barrier of the roof edge. To be fair, and honest, she had denied herself the desire of loving a man, this man. It was becoming unbearable. Her temporal stay here at the estate now meant more to her than she would admit. It was about time she did something to make herself happy. She was going to tell him before the morning light.The whistling cold wind made her remember the earlier moments when heat lanced through her body from the mere touch of him. All at once she swung around and approached the door, determined. She was ready for anything and she was going to make love to him.In a sudden and quick burst, the door in front of her opened. She stilled as a lone figure stepped out into the open, meeting her outside. Apparently, he needed her as much as she did him.“Am sorry, am sorry about earlier. I don't know what came over me” she explained, somehow mortified.He said nothing.“I know you must think am crazy but you must know that t
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“I thought I heard footsteps going down the stairs. I was investigating,” Isabella explained, holding both hands against her chest as if apprehensive of some strange danger.“It was just me, there is no need to worry. We are in the safest place possible” she assured. “Just go back to bed.”“Why were you up so late?”“ “ She coughed, puzzling the quickest lie. “I couldn't sleep.”“Are you not going to explain the man's voice that accompanied you?” she asked, amusement flickering on her face.Selena's face reddened immediately, “How much of the man's voice did you hear?”“I heard enough.” She drew closer, “I need details, tell me what happened, how it happened” she pressed impatiently.“Well.......” She took a quick labored breath, “I finally confessed to him” “And........?”“We made love.” She smiled and quickly stifled squealing laughter of ecstasy. “Was it good? Was it like one of your fantasies?”“Better, it was much better.” She breathed in deeply as more color
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What was that?” She ordered with a tingle of exasperation in her voice. “What was what ?”“That senseless greeting you just threw at me. Are we back to being strangers all of a sudden?”“Last time I checked, doctor, we were nothing more than strangers. You made your point last night when you went running out of my room,”She clenched her teeth, biting back some untamed words. “Is this what you always do? You sleep with women and throw them away like trash. I never should have made the mistake of thinking you are better than this.”“I don't have time for this kind of drama so early in the morning.” He picked up his pace and left her standing there, speechless, tears welling in her eyes. As soon as he went out of sight, Isabellaappeared, in the same manner, approaching from the backyard, her dress a little wet from the morning dew.*. *. *. *. *The night came by quickly and Selena once again found herself on the roof, mirroring her grief in the light of the bright moonlight.“I though
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