All Chapters of One Lust Dance: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
69 Chapters
Chapter 20: The boy named Abel
"Ella, are you sure you can go back to school?" Lucas worriedly asked her. He placed the back of his hand over Ella's forehead to check her temperature. "Your temperature seems to be normal." Lucas releases a sigh of relief. Ella only smiled at him while continuing to pack her bag for the university. She is also getting ready for her part-time work by getting a change of clothes "I'm good. I've had enough time to rest. I get tired staying home, "She replied in jest. Lucas is aware that there is no stopping her younger sister once she makes up her mind to do something. He chose not to argue with her and instead watched her as she packed her things. Ella was about to leave the house when he remembered something. "Wait up, Ella," Lucas said as he handed her a piece of paper. "I forgot to give you this." When Ella realized what it was, her eyes widened and her heartbeat accelerated.
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Chapter 21: Childhood memories
Thirteen years ago... A young boy was born in a foreign country. When he was seven years old, he and his family returned to San Lorenzo Province in their native country. Edward is the youngest son of Mateo and Corazon Madrigal, a very powerful and influential family in San Lorenzo Province because they own numerous properties and businesses in the country. Edward was constantly bullied by other children his age. He didn't have friends at that time because he grew up abroad and couldn't speak the local dialect. It's not that he doesn't want to have friends; he just doesn't know how to approach them because he is very shy. Since other kids make fun of him, he decided to stay away from them and isolate himself.One bright and sunny day, while he is playing in the park, a group of kids approaches him. They were older and taller than him and belonged to the suburban side of the province. "Hey
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Chapter 22: We have chemistry
Days have passed, and Ella has been struggling to concentrate or make simple decisions. She was easily distracted and anxious. She hasn't slept in days because she couldn't stop thinking about how she could make enough money to repay the loan shark and get the necklace back. Her eyelids hung down, and she had dark bags beneath her eyes as well as redder, swollen eyes. Her skin becomes pale, and her hair is messier than before because she doesn't have time to straighten herself. The library is Ella's sanctuary. She came there to find peace of mind and solemnity. Despite the fact that the university library has the best facilities and access to all sources of information, students find it boring and do not spend much time there. There aren't many students seen, just nerds. Is there anyone seated here? Ella kept reading the newspaper without saying anything. She didn't even bother to turn around to look at the person posing
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Chapter 23: Bejeweled
After a long and exhausting examination week, all of the students were given a semester break. They have a full week to take it easy, rest or go out of town and spend time with their families or friends. They get the opportunity to do whatever they want for the entire week without having to worry about studying or completing any homework or projects for school. Unfortunately, those who didn't pass their exams will have to stay at school to take a make-up exam. All students and teachers who like to spend their week studying may do so at the university, which is open twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week. Early in the morning, Edward headed to the costume shop in the hopes of seeing Ella. He was happy to inform her that he did well on the chemical test. He was hoping to invite her out to celebrate the good news. When he entered the store, Ella was not there, and another female was standing behind the cashier. "Hi,
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Chapter 24: Swindled
Three years ago... The San Lorenzo Hospital was very busy that afternoon. You can hear the doors continuously sliding open and shut every time a patient comes in and out. The sound of the furnace, the air exchanger, and the keyboard clacking can all be heard coming from the reception area. Along with the low-pitched conversations in the waiting area, you can also hear the screams, cries, groans, gasps, grunts, and hisses of anguish coming from the patients in the emergency room. The intercom calls out codes and directions, and the squeaky wheelchairs pass by the corridors. "Help. Please, we need help!" Ella, the young girl, begs as she carries her father over her shoulder. While their mother, Lucita, was standing just behind them sobbing aloud, Ella's older brother, Lucas, was carrying their father on the opposite side. They went straight to the reception area to get some assistance. When the nu
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Chapter 25: White Lies
Edward rushed Ella to the nearest hospital to get medical treatment for her broken nose. It didn't take long to fix her injuries because they weren't as severe as they appeared. She refused to stay in the hospital and insisted on going home. Unfortunately, the doctor suggested that she spend the entire night in the hospital to monitor her condition. To make sure she wouldn't do anything stupid like run away and go home, Edward decided to stick by her side. While Ella was resting on the hospital bed, Edward brought some takeout food for them to eat. He is a bit picky about food and doesn't like the hospital food because it is too bland for his taste. He placed the food tray over Ella's lap and sat beside her bed. Edward took the opportunity to ask her some questions that have been bothering him. Edward sternly said, "You haven't told me what happened to you." Ella didn't say a word and simply lowered her head to avoid his
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Chapter 26: Foundation day
Every year, there is a foundation day where students may have fun with various activities, carnival rides, delectable cuisine, and adorable gift stores after a grueling week of examinations and a week of semester break. It's the university's way of allowing students to relax and unwind after a long week of classes and demanding campus life. Families and close friends are welcome to attend with the students and teachers. An amusement park that is open to the entire province of San Lorenzo will be built on the entire campus. Everyone is invited to attend and take part in the festivities. Foundation Day was a competition for the upcoming generation of business moguls and entrepreneurs as well as a day of fun and entertainment. On foundation day, students from families with a long history of business success came together to compete for the honor of having the most successful booth. There are different categories in which students can participat
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Chapter 27: Which cuisine reigns supreme?
Finally, Foundation Day has come. Everyone is occupied getting ready for the event's opening day. The booths, flea markets, and stages for the performances, dining establishments, and amusement parks must all be set up in one day. They have the entire morning to set things up before the event's official opening at six o'clock in the evening. Ella was busy installing the signage to direct guests to the location of the floating restaurants while Edward had already engaged the contractor to set them up. While others were busy gathering the ingredients they would need for the dishes, others of their staff were busy writing out the menu and flyers with maps of their locations to provide to the guests. Joaquin got in touch with some of his pals in the entertainment business to perform a concert on their opening night.  Everything is going according to plan. They make sure that the dishes have a high-quality taste and presentation but are stil
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Chapter 28: Winner takes all!
The last day of the competition has come. The one who will be announced in the number one spot will be declared the winner of the competition. Everyone in the lower tiers has to step up and improve their strategy so that they will not be booted from the game's top ten list. Not only are they squabbling over the prize money, but also their family name. It will be extremely embarrassing for them and will negatively affect their future business careers if it shows in the school record that they did not excel in their extracurricular activities. Ella called Joaquin and requested his assistance. She may not want to ask Joaquin for help, but she is desperate and determined to win the competition, no matter what it takes. Joaquin welcomed Ella happily, "My lovely little bundle of joy, I feared you'd forgotten about me." "Did I miss you?" he asked her inquisitively. "Is that the reason you called me?" He attempted to give h
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Chapter 29: Hangover
"Ella, wake up!" Lucas said it louder than before. Ella hasn't moved a muscle despite his attempts to wake her up for several minutes. To let the sunshine shine on her face, he chose to open the curtains on her window. Ella woke up gradually when she felt the sun's heat on her cheeks. She wakes up feeling slightly sluggish, exhausted, foggy-headed, and anxious, as though a balloon is slowly inflating under her skull and pressure is rising all over her head. She asked him in a raspy voice, "What time is it?" "Should you be in college by now? It's late." Lucas questioned her while arching his brow. When Ella realized she had to leave for her classes, she got out of bed right away and hurried to her closet. "Ella, what's going on with you? You had bruises on your face when you got home last week. Then, last night, Edward drove you home while intoxicated and unco
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