All Chapters of Forced Marriage: Chapter 81 - Chapter 89
89 Chapters
Chapter 81
Chapter 81After a dozen-hour-long flight, the four of them finally arrived in their destination country: the Netherlands. A pre-ordered car took them to a place where they could rest their weary bodies before dispersing to gather information.Edwin instructed two men to search for information at the airport's arrival center and its surroundings. Meanwhile, another went to the local police station to report the kidnapping. Edwin himself headed to the Indonesian Embassy to ask for help. Fortunately, they were quick to assist and promised to help in any way they could.In the evening, Edwin and his partners returned to their temporary residence. This was just the beginning, and they hadn't made any progress yet. However, they didn't lose hope. There was always tomorrow, and Edwin firmly believed that his wife would be found. ***Meanwhile, in another place.Jovan returned to the hospital where Gunadi was being treated. A short while ago, Dena had contacted him to come there, where Guna
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Chapter 82
Chapter 82Every day, Edwin and his subordinates spread out to search for Melati. They showed clear pictures of her to various people, most of whom only shook their heads and acted indifferent."Wij weten het niet. Maar in dit land nemen ontvoering toe, (We don't know, but kidnappings are on the rise in this country,) a man said as Edwin showed him a photo on the phone.Still, he didn't lose hope. Melati and his son must be fine, considering Teguh was the one who kidnapped them, not a stranger or local resident. One thing Edwin knew and believed for sure: Teguh wouldn't harm Melati or Diandra since he was obsessed with both of them. It would be illogical for him to go through the trouble of taking them abroad to elude Edwin if he wanted to eliminate them, he thought to himself."Shall we move on to another place, Boss?" Edwin's subordinate spoke up from behind. Edwin nodded his head, unaware that someone had been watching them all this time.The man dropped his cigarette and began to
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Chapter 83
Chapter 83Someone knocked on the door. Melati glanced in that direction. She didn't know who it was, so she chose to ignore it and continued to embrace Diandra.Knock knock knock!The sound came again. This time, Melati approached the door."Who is it?""It's me. The man who will save your life. Ini aku. Pria yang akan menyelamatkan hidupmu!" The man spoke in English. Fortunately, Melati understood the meaning.But Melati was confused because she didn't recognize the man. Nevertheless, she remained curious."Who sent you? Be clear!" she whispered so Teguh's men couldn't hear her. Luckily, she was held captive on the second floor while they were downstairs playing cards."Edwin!""What? He's here?" Melati asked again."Yes, and he's waiting for you," he said in English.Hearing the name mentioned, Melati felt stunned and slightly disbelieving. However, she felt hopeful. Her smile appeared involuntarily as she missed him dearly.The man fiddled with the doorknob. In just a moment, the
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Chapter 84
Chapter 84The stolen black car was driven quite roughly, considering the driver was not very experienced in handling Teguh's luxury vehicle.Melati, clutching Diandra in her embrace, kept praying for their safety. She wasn't sure if the man beside her would succeed in bringing her to Edwin, given his reckless driving.The slightly wet road from the freshly fallen snow made the car occasionally swerve left and right, sometimes weaving and braking imperfectly. Melati had to hold on tight."Can't you drive properly? I'm holding a baby in my arms, and I don't want an accident to happen between us!" Melati snapped at the man, who appeared unconcerned despite repeatedly failing to brake and accelerate correctly."Relax, miss. I may not have driven a car for nearly five years, but my skills are adequate," he said, causing Melati to shake her head in resignation.The shining headlights from behind made both of them look through the rearview mirror to see who was chasing them."Isn't that Teg
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Chapter 85
Chapter 85"Sir, perhaps you are just hallucinating!" said one of his subordinates, standing up, especially after Edwin suddenly ran away from the place without any explanation. "It's impossible! I'm sure I just heard a meaningful scream!" Edwin remained adamant in his thinking.Edwin sprinted out of the room, ignoring the others around him. Scanning to the right and left on the snowy night, he didn't recognize any of the passersby. They stared back at him with puzzled expressions."For some reason, I'm sure Melati is nearby. Oh God, please reunite me with my wife; I don't want us to be apart any longer," he prayed inwardly, his face filled with anxiety.Edwin's subordinates also followed him out of the room after paying for their orders. They scattered to the right and left, with some even crossing the street in search of the woman their boss loved.Suddenly, a voice raised Edwin's hopes."Mr. Edwin! Over here!" The man shouted in panic when he found Melati about to be dragged and fo
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Chapter 86
Chapter 86As evening approached, Edwin, along with one of his subordinates, prepared a meal in the kitchen. His wife was putting Diandra to bed in their room.A delicious and appetizing meal was set up to welcome Melati. The dining table had several dishes, some of which were ordered from a famous halal-certified restaurant. A table adorned with dim candles awaited Melati's descent.After a few minutes, Melati arrived wearing a long, slightly thick dress to keep off the cold.People blew trumpets, clapped, and cheered as Melati appeared, looking shocked."Hey, what's going on? What are you guys doing?" Melati asked incredulously at the small surprise prepared for her. Edwin even held a bouquet of lilies to present to his wife."Congratulations, my wife. I hope after this, we'll never be separated again," Edwin wished, embracing his wife and inviting her to sit at the dining table with various dishes."Oh my, did you prepare all this?" Melati looked enthusiastic as Edwin nodded quickl
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Chapter 87
Chapter 87After hearing Kirana's explanation, Edwin felt uneasy. It was as if there were an unresolved mystery awaiting him in life. Kirana's ambiguous statement made him keep thinking about it. He didn't even notice Melati approaching him with Diandra."Is there something important that happened that's making you so restless?" Melati joined Edwin as they both stared out at the city of Amsterdam in the morning light."I don't know, Kirana said something bad is happening in Indonesia. But I don't know what it is." Edwin explained briefly."And that's why your heart is uneasy?" asked Melati. Edwin quickly nodded in agreement."I'm afraid something else has happened. Especially since Jovan wouldn't answer my calls!" Edwin recounted the situation."In that case, we should go back as soon as possible," Melati suggested, and Edwin looked into her eyes seriously."But what about our plans?" Melati smiled."We can go anywhere after the issue is resolved. Now is not the time for fun. If somet
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Chapter 88
Chapter 88The girl's steps felt heavy as she entered a room where someone lay helpless, with an infusion tube attached to his wrist.There was a weight in her chest that, for some reason, she couldn't shake off for a long time, causing her to cry.The door opened slowly as she entered and looked at a man with his eyes closed and a bandage on his head. More tears fell, remembering that Jovan was like an older brother to her.Unable to bear it any longer, Kirana chose to sit beside Jovan's bed. The resting man slowly opened his eyes when he heard sobbing noises that disturbed his ears."Little girl, you're noisy! Your crying is making my head heavier," he said, grimacing. His vision was still blurry from the anesthetic."Heartless man," she sobbed, unable to hide her sadness anymore. Kirana almost angrily hit Jovan's chest if she didn't pity him.Nearly six hours ago, Jovan had just left the operating room. Due to the influence of anesthesia, it wasn't until he was disturbed by Kirana'
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Chapter 89
Chapter 89With both arms folded, Edwin stood right beside the bed. There was someone lying there, still pale with a bandaged head. And Edwin was still loyally waiting for him to wake up, feeling exasperated, angry, and happy at the same time, remembering that his friend managed to survive the critical period after the removal of the disease in his head.Jovan's eyes blinked as the bright light entered them and disturbed his sleep."Edwin!" Jovan was slightly surprised as a cunning grin slowly approached, closing the distance between their faces."You're not going to get angry now, are you?" As if understanding his friend's feelings, Jovan winced because Edwin did not take his gaze off of him."Since when have you kept secrets from me?" Edwin asked with a serious, piercing stare towards his friend, who only gave a thin smile in response."I didn't want to worry you!" Jovan reasoned. He knew that Edwin was angry with him for hiding the disease that had been afflicting him, and not info
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