Semua Bab Caged By My Quadruplet Alphas: Bab 81 - Bab 90
106 Bab
Chapter 80
I don't believe I see myself wearing the gown and preparing to go on a night date with him. I haven't given my heart fully to him, it's just step by step. But his new romantic behaviour is swallowing me up like a deep ocean.I continue to admire the gown with great incredulousness, it is magnificent. Good thing I have a pair of white silhouettes. I heard blue colour goes perfectly with white. As you know, I don't wear too much make-up. I'm perfectly okay, with my plain face or perhaps a little bit of makeup should be okay.In the next thirty minutes, I'm dropping off the Uber I ordered. After dressing all classy for a night date, I didnt want to ruin it by driving myself up here. "Thank you." I pay off the driver. I take my phone out to call him. It's my first time being in this estate, and from the drive up here, all the houses I saw look extremely exclusive. They are for fucking rich people, I have no idea where he wants the night dinner to be but this is the venue he sent to my
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Chapter 81
I know I shouldn't have left that way, but this is an emergency. Ava's anxiety got me pretty scared, and had my BP rose to another level." Can you please drive faster?" I urge the driver as my pulse accelerated. I have no idea what is wrong, I couldn't hear what she was saying audibly.I need to call her now that I am on my way home already, she picks at first ring. " Ava can you please tell me what is wrong? Hey, relax calm down and explain properly." I speak gently, running my hands into my hair." Her water just broke, and she said the baby starts kicking. The pain is severe so she's screaming."" Fuck, mom is about to go into labour!" I scream on the phone, that the driver looks back at me." Yes, what do I do? I'm scared." Her voice is cracked, is she crying? She must be kidding me, I mean this is goodnews not like it was a different issue as I thought." Ava relaxes, you don't need to be scared. Get mom into your car right now and take her to the hospital. I'm on my way already
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Chapter 82
RyanIt's the first day of resumption of our last semester in high school. I'm in school early today, as early as 7 a.m. I drove up here without waiting for my brothers, knowing there will arrive on their own soon.The hallway and the entire school is noisy because everyone is either happy having their friends back in school or discussing whatever matters, of course, trivial matters.I hiss, rolling up the golden chain in my hands. Not like I'm bored... I'm sitting alone in my ride, the door of the car is open and my legs are outside. I just need to be away from everyone right now, not especially when I'm a bit offended, and you know who the person is.Did she ignore my calls because she was with Daniel? I mean, it's okay to be with Daniel because is her mate too. But... Fuck, I hate what I am feeling right one. I gave her fucking fifteen calls and she picked none.The school is crowded because of the newly admitted student, new pretty good-looking girls and handsome guys. I smile as
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Chapter 83
ElenaI had to hurry up home because my cousin would be coming back to New York today, I was so excited that I had to leave school on time. Ella is so big and beautiful now, glad she has accepted to come back. The last time we ask her to be here, she rejected without a single thought and well this time, she came without anyone asking her to come. Now that I am settled, I remember I wanted to have a conversation with Ryan but I didn't get the chance to. Damn...I want to text him, but I don't know if he would be asleep by this time. Or would he reply? I'm thinking he must be mad at me because I disappeared without telling him and I haven't gotten a single text from him nor calls. I check my phone and I didn't see calls from him. I think of texting him already, rather than settling on an assumption.Elena: Hey, you asleep?I bite my buttom lips as I click on send message.I'm waiting for his reply as I fidget my hands across my phone, his reply is taking longer than it should. Is he
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Chapter 84
ElenaIt's Saturday night and almost time for the party at the Quad's mansion, wondering what they are celebrating this time or if they are just throwing a random party.Maybe it's about the resumption. The Quads usually throw night parties and invite newcomers. I don't get the need though, but they just fucking love partying. They are guys anyway.I haven't heard from Ava, since she left. She went back home after Ella returned. She hasn't given me a call nor has she sent a text.I need to know if she will be chanced to attend the party with me, I have never attended a party without Ava.Elena: Hey, best, chanced to attend the Quads' night party with me?" I type away on my phone, sending the text to her Immediately, I drop my phone on the bed as I amble towards the mirror.In about two minutes my phone pings a text.Ava: No, I'm sorry. I will be going out with Roman tonight. A frown settles on my face after I read it. Is she okay?Elena: Roman? I dont remember you telling me about h
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Chapter 85
RyanI fuck her in her pussy so hard until she begins to come on my hands, it's so soft and warm. Causing the urge to fuck her right there behind the car, to flow through my veins. I'm about to take my dick into her when I hear my name being called through the speaker coming from the house." Shit," I mumble as I put her down, I am already so horny, the hormones circulating my body to fuck Elen, I would only calm down when I give her a first round. I wear my trousers back on my waist, she tries to get her pants on the back but it's torn.I remember I ripped it off her waist. She smiles as she pulls her gown down instead, as she begins to walk into the house pantless with me.I won't let her leave my arms before anybody comes to take her attention from me. Especially my brothers. I'm not done with Elen, so they can't have her now. She came here for me and no one else.She isn't walking properly, it is as though her pussy is sticking to her thighs as she walks. I can see that she is u
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Chapter 86
I left the party when I received a call and it wasn't from Ella, it was from Ava. The bad news is that I could barely hear her speak. I hear her crying on the phone, I don't understand what is going on and why she hung up when I kept screaming her name.When she called, the first few seconds were silent until I had to scream ' Hello Hello' a couple of times and what broke the silence was her loud cry.I have to find her wherever she is, she has to explain what is going on in her life. Lately, she hasn't been so active with her chat with me or calls. And I feel like this is part of my fault, I had been too occupied with my mates and didn't have enough time to check on my best friend.But she shouldn't have told! She should have ringed me and poured out to me and I will listen. I didn't choose to be all that busy, I have to be everywhere! Everyone needs me, my mom needs me, my mates need me, my baby brother needs me, Jezz my fucking academics needs me too!I know it hasn't been okay
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Chapter 87
ElenaI get into Ella's car, we are on our way to school. I'm in the passager seat while I tighten my seat belt. She calls my name as I pull the belt below my belly." I'm sorry I couldn't give you an update about Ava, I had an urgency." She gives a half smile and caresses my cheek and the other hand is on the steering wheel." Sure. No problem." I say shortly and concentrate on the seat belt.She stays silent for a while, maybe thinking of what to say next since she hasn't started the engine of the car. "Were you able to find her?" she asks. I pause and stare at her, how did she know I went to look for her? I gulp slowly." I did. But she didn't speak to me." I say in a low tone, apparently not in a good mood because Ava answered none of my calls throughout last night." Huh, why not?" her brow climbs up her face. She looks interested to know, but I am not in the mood to speak to anyone. When I don't answer for the next few minutes, she nods and starts up the engine of the car."She'
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Chapter 88
ElenaI have no idea why she's behaving this way. She wouldn't talk to me or pick up my calls. Does she even know how fucking worried I am? No, she doesn't, because that look she thrashed at me and when she said she doesn't want to speak to me, and driving away without me. Proves it.The annoying aspect is that I can't even blame her. It's all my fault. How could she go to a place like that? I don't even trust that Roman she's getting herself clung to.I thought of a solution, and thank goodness Daniel came along with me. I fidget my fingers across my phone, getting anxious to meet her. Very anxious." Are you okay?" Daniel asks, he stares at me as I bite down my lips in ultimate havoc as if it was going to cut off." No, I'm not." I tap my phone on my palm, looking out the window as I lean on the headrest." Ava?" he asks." Yes. I'm worried sick about her." I tell him, a frown settling on my face. You don't know how crazy I'm about to go now."Calm. We are almost there," he says an
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Chapter 89
ElenaRyan didn't text me again since he acted in that haughty manner yesterday. How can he be mad at me for no valid reason? If he said he wasn't mad, then it's a fucking lie because what is that attitude for? He didn't even call me.Maybe in his defence, I bail out on him to go find, Ava. He didn't even care to ask why I was so tense when running through the hallway.Anyway, I'm a lot relieved that my best friend is fine and back on her feet. My main focus is my forthcoming exam, I need to give it a good shot and finally graduate from that school.It's 8 AM and the atmosphere is so elegant that I can smell it in the air, and well my fragrance smells all over me too.I come in my car today, not bothering to join Ella. She didn't seem like she was going to come early to school today, and I can't be late anymore. Not when I feel I have fallen into Miss Shepard's trap.I park my car right in the parking lot and on the side by my left, I spot Ava's car. My girl is fucking back, she is al
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