All Chapters of Carrying the Billionaire's Baby: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
50 Chapters
Chapter 21: Family Welcome
After we got downstairs, Dax let go of my hand. I felt a little disappointed for some reason. I knew he only had done that to give me more comfort about joining the party.More people were at the party than I had thought there would be. I didn't see any familiar faces besides Dax, Jared, and Wendy. I was in over my head. How was I going to be able to handle all of these people? It was too late to go back to my room now that they had seen me. Not knowing where else to go, I headed for the table with the ice sculpture and admired it. It wasn't as if anyone was trying to chat me up. As I stood there, Wendy came over to me. Her long black hair was styled in an elegant updo that complimented her face. She even had her lips in this bright red color that I could never pull off. Her dress was a bright red cocktail dress which she paired with six-inch heels. I could barely walk in two-inch heels. She had some courage for wearing those. I had no other options of company, so I didn't t
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Chapter 22: Checkup
For the remainder of the party, there was a tension that never fully left. Jared seemed happy that he had succeeded in upsetting his brother. It made me feel disgust towards him.I couldn't even focus on the conversations around me. After Dax had left, my mind was being filled with concern for him.How could anyone do that to their own sibling? Jared should not have brought that up so publicly. That matter should be between the two of them. This made me dislike Jared even more than I did after he made a move on me.Dax never returned to the party after his brother's words to him. I hardly remembered anything about the party once he was gone. It was like everything had flipped upside down after seeing such drama.The rest of the evening flew by, and it was time to go to sleep. I crawled into bed and hoped that Dax would be okay before going to sleep.When I woke up, I decided to get ready quickly. After I got dressed, there was a knock on my door.Dax stood outside and asked, "Are
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Chapter 23: Lunch Date
The rest of the drive made me nervous. My heart wouldn't quit racing at the speed of light. I also felt my palms starting to sweat.I hoped that Dax couldn't tell how I was feeling. He continued to drive without a care in the world. I still hoped thatthis was only a friendly lunch. I may have been jumping to conclusions. A man and a woman could have a meal without it meaning something more.I tried to distract myself and attempted to talk with Dax. "So, can I have a hint at where we're going?"Dax shook his head and replied, "I'm afraid I can't do that.""Are we even close to it?""We'll be there in a few minutes. Someone seems excited to get there.""I'm just dying to know where we're going. You're being too mysterious."Dax chuckled a little and said, "I thought women liked mystery."How could he say something like that so casually? I had no idea how to respond to his comment. It got quiet as he kept driving, so I turned the radio on. The silence was suddenly weird to have
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Chapter 24: One Month Later
After I left the bathroom, I headed for the door. I was so ready to get out of there. It was another place ruined for me. I doubted that I would ever return there.I slowed my walking when I saw Dax waiting outside the car for me. The sight of him made me feel repulsed. It was hard to see him after what I had learned.Dax opened my door for me, but I couldn't even look at him and climbed in without a word. He said, "Did you enjoy your lunch? I hope you liked it."I flatly said, "Yeah. It was good food."He noticed my change in tone and asked, "What's wrong Danica?""Nothing's wrong. I just want to head back."For a brief second, he looked like he wanted to say something but stopped. Dax didn't press further and continued to drive us back. I looked out the window and wanted to put the whole lunch behind me. I couldn't believe I was starting to get fooled by Dax. No way would I be someone's fling. I wanted an actual relationship and not someone to play around with my emotio
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Chapter 25: Get to Him
I knew something was quite wrong. Just a few minutes ago, I had been absolutely fine. There had been too quick of a change. It seemed unnatural that I could just get ill again.The last I had seen Dax was when he went up the stairs. He headed towards his room as I figured that was the best place to look.Dax would still help me, even if we had just argued. I knew he still cared about me. Despite pushing him away, he didn't seem to want to give up on me.It didn't make sense and made me confused. He should've been ignoring me back, but instead he was trying more than ever to be a kind man.My strength was continuing to leave me, as I got closer to Dax's room. He was the only person I could go to. His door was closed. I continued heading towards his room slowly, as my stomach felt as if it was unsettled. But it wasn't just my stomach.My whole body didn't feel right. Everything was off with my system. I just wanted to almost lie down and take medicine for whatever was occurring.
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Chapter 26: Unknown Sickness
Dax POVMy heart sunk at seeing Danica unconscious. I immediately got her off the floor and carefully put her back into her bed. I had no idea that she had gotten sick again. It was surprising that she had even come to me for help. But I'd never let her be ignored even if I was mad.I immediately summoned my private physician to look her over. He began tending to her mysterious illness as best as he could, but I knew that he may not be enough.She wouldn't have just come for help if this wasn't serious. I knew it wasn't just her morning sickness like before. Danica was incredibly pale and was barely able to get to me.I continued to check on her throughout the day, and it seemed she was getting even weaker. Her breathing wasn't very regular either; it seemed as if her body wanted to give up and couldn't fight the illness. What was she going through? This was so nerve wracking to watch. I didn't want her to get any sicker. The baby was being affected greatly by this illness too.
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Chapter 27: Who Was It?
Dax POVWhen I woke up, Danica was still sleeping. I didn't want to disturb her and left without trying to make too much noise. She needed all the rest that she could get, and I didn't want her to feel sick anymore.While she was sleeping, I thought she looked so innocent and angelic. I took a risk and leaned in to give her forehead a kiss.Danica smiled in her sleep after my chaste kiss. I allowed myself to smile at seeing her look so peaceful in her sleep. I didn't want to stick around until she woke up and started to head back to my room.There was no point in lingering around in her room. I wouldn't get anything solved by looking at her.When I got back to my room, I picked out a quick set of casual clothes. Then I styled my hair, even though I wasn't going to work for the day. I always wanted to look presentable in case anyone important dropped by the house.After I left my room, I knew what I had to do. The culprit was out on the loose. I wouldn't let them get away with doi
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Chapter 28: Romantic Getaway
I was eating breakfast when Dax came over and sat beside me. He looked at me and asked, "Would you like to get away from here for a few days?"This was so sudden, I wasn't sure what to say right away. Where was he planning on taking me? Would we be alone? Maybe that wasn't the best idea. I had just started to be around him again recently.My heart couldn't handle any more of his hot and cold behavior. I wasn't going to give him endless chances. I knew Dax had some good characteristics, but were they enough to convince me to go on a trip with him?After a few seconds passed, I answered, "It depends on where we're going."Dax had an amused expression and told me, "You'll like it. Please say yes. I'll have one of the maids pack your suitcase."Maybe it would be nice to get away. Plus, I had leftover anxiety from staying in the mansion. A break could be good for me."Okay. Let's go. When are we leaving?""Today.""That soon?""Yes, it's no problem for me."I finished eating and s
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Chapter 29: Vacation Feelings
I kept replaying our dance from the other day. It was one of the nicest times I had with Dax. I especially enjoyed how he made me feel safe and sound in his arms. That kiss kept coming back to me as well. It was so gentle and sweet and made me want to share more kisses with Dax.He made sure that I had a say in certain activities that we did together too. I couldn't believe how considerate he was being towards me. Was this even the same man I met months ago? Dax was beginning to be someone more likeable. The romantic setting didn't help my new feelings I was getting either. I didn't want to admit that something was happening between us, as we had been by each other's sides constantly. It was starting to be a risk for my heart, and it was hard to open myself up to Dax.He had hurt me before with his actions. I still had some of my guard up, so I wouldn't get too caught up in the moment. Being careful was better in our situation. Someday I would be out of his life. Everyday brought u
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Chapter 30: New Chances
The rest of our vacation wasn't quite the same. After we had shared our kiss, Dax had avoided trying to kiss me or do anything remotely romantic. It was like a switch had completely changed inside of him, and he was back to professional Dax. We were back to square one. I wondered why he had stopped our kiss from getting farther. Dax had seemed really interested in me the day before. I thought he was possibly feeling something stronger than a friendship for me. I guess I was wrong.That kiss replayed in my mind. I could still feel his lips pressing against me in phantom memory. I touched my lips as if the kiss had just happened again. I tried to push those thoughts away, as I packed up my belongings for our trip back to the mansion. Dax had wanted the trip to be one day longer, but I couldn't stand being around him. It was too awkward after we had kissed like that. I could barely stop looking at his lips.I'd be happy when we got back to the mansion, and I could leave any of my ne
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