All Chapters of University of Love : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
125 Chapters
Ch. 61
I woke up with my head on Eryn's chest, and Charles' large arm around my waist. A tinge of pink flushed my cheeks, as last night's events replayed in my head. I took a deep breath in, trying not to become aroused again. My body was sore all over, the smallest of movements seemed to cause me excruciating pain. I was very aware of what muscles I was using to get up. Even with fast healing mating takes a toll on the body. I shifted my weight off Eryn trying not to wake him. His face was so relaxed and beautiful. The sun hit his porcelain skin just right, giving the appearance of a light glow. His long blonde hair sprawled around him, showing me he hadn't bothered to tie it back up last night. Charles let off small snores, they were quiet, but gruff. His hair was standing in different ways around his head. His brows were furrowed even in his sleep. His face was relaxed and yet still held an air of power. I gently slid out from under his arm and somehow managed to not wake either one.
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Ch. 62
Clarice arrived in no time at all, stepping out of the big oak tree outside. Her light hair is almost translucent in the sun's rays. I knew she was older, as light wrinkles encased her face. She had light hazel eyes, almost yellow. They found me instantly, a huge smile spread across her face reaching her eyes.She was all too happy to come help me. Normally, I would be suspicious of the over eagerness, but today I was just ecstatic she came at all. "You must be, Rain!" She approached me with arms stretched wide. I knew it was coming, but I was still shocked when her arms wrapped around me bringing me in for a hug. The tight embrace made it feel like we had known each other for years. Like she was another grandmother that I didn't know about. "It's so nice to finally meet you." "Likewise, thank you so much for coming to help me." I pulled back from her embrace to look into her eyes."It's my pleasure. I am happy I can help impart some wisdom onto
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Ch. 63
Nate answered the door, his hair and clothes a bit disheveled. The first few buttons on his shirt were left open, exposing his tanned skin to the world. He eyed me curiously, probably taking in my reddened eyes and tear streaked cheeks. He then looked at Eryn, narrowing his eyes accusatory. "Before you start, it wasn't really his fault." I chuckled, pushing past him and letting myself into his room. "I had a lot of pent up emotions, and he just let me cry." Nate lifted an eyebrow at me as I continued. He still hadn't said anything out loud, but his expression said plenty. "Did I forget to mention that he's my mate too?" I smiled at him, knowing he'd finally speak with that tid bit of news. "Jesus, Rain. I leave you for a day and you go and get another mate?" He ran his fingers through his hair, looking at me exasperated. "Woman, you tire me." He shook his head, almost disapprovingly. "But you still love me ri
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Ch. 64
I have never played like this before. I've played truth or dare before, but never with spirits, never with a group of supernatural beings. Not knowing Kaitlyn well, I decided to play it safe. "Truth." The word hung heavy in the air as if I had just signed some unwritten contract."The spirits want to know.." "The spirits? I thought you were the one who was going to ask." A slight fear rising in me. "I communicate with them, but they are the ones playing with us." I nodded my head, swallowing back the panic that's trying to surface. "Back to the questions, the spirits want to know why you haven't told your mates about your brother James?" Maybe this game wasn't the best idea after all. I sighed heavily, Eryn's eyes were watching me, I could feel it through our mate bond. I looked at him, his eyes full of curiosity and maybe a little hurt. "Because he's dead like my dad. I didn't tell Charles because I didn't want to sound li
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Ch. 65
Kaitlyn looked me in the eye, still a little confused from what the spirits had told her. I saw her push it to the back of her mind trying to enjoy her time instead."Okay Rain, Truth or Dare? I think we have time for one more round before we must go." She smiled trying to keep the mood light. "Dare this time." The dares seemed to have been easy and I didn't feel like having to reveal anything else right now. "It seems the spirits are feeling naughty." She laughed. "They say to send Charles courage in the form of a sexy picture of yourself." Nate clutched his sides as he bursted laughing. My cheeks turned as red as a pepper. "I don't know how to be sexy." I admitted, never having sent a sexy pic in my life. "I beg to differ." Eryn smiled coyly at me, setting my cheeks further aflame. "I'll help." Kaitlyn said. She got up from her circle. "Nate, give me your shirt." She held out her hand in Nate'
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Ch. 66
I looked into Eryn's deep blue ocean eyes as he met my emerald green ones. The answer popped into my mind just as before. "They hate the sun. They won't die in it, but it weakens and blinds them." It seems that's the ancient ones only weakness and it's not much of a weakness at that. I sighed, not pleased with the answer. "That's it?" Eryn's tone matched how I was feeling, hopeless. Eryn has spent almost an hour in our room questioning me about ancient ones. Nothing helpful really coming from it. "It seems that way. Nothing else comes to mind when I'm asked." I starting picking at a string sticking out of the dark comforter on the bed. "Okay, new question then. Is there a way to reach their human side?" I thought for a while, feeling my mind pulling the answer forward. "Through cherished memories. A strong love will pull them out. It has to be an extremely strong love though. They can also be found by entering the ancient o
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Ch. 67
I plopped on the bed, feeling like I was going to burst from all the food I ate. These past few days I hadn't been eating very much and my body seemed to want to make up for it today at dinner. Eryn crawled onto the bed leaning over me, his leg pushing mine open to lay between my thighs. His beautiful dark blue eyes met mine with an intense desire. I knew what he wanted, I could feel it in my mind and through our mate bond. I could feel Heli wanting our mate as well, happy to have him hanging over us. "You're so beautiful, Rain." He whispered as he gently moved my hair from my face. His hand cupped my cheek and rested there. I leaned my face into it, closing my eyes and focusing on the warmth that radiated from his palm. "I can't seem to get enough of you my divine Mel." Every time he said Mel, my heart would beat fiercely against my chest, sending that warmth radiating through me. I could feel our mate sealing further every time he did.
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Ch. 68
Charles' P.O.V.I pulled into the u shaped driveway with such speed. The worry for my mother had Gunner stirring inside me more than usual. When she called she said something was wrong with my father and it was affecting her too through the mate bond. They were under threat not only from ancient ones but from another original pack that heard of my father's condition. Anger coursed through me at the other pack, picking this time to try anything, such cowards. I swung the pack house doors open so fast and hard, I startled the wolves sitting on the couch. The familiar air wafted into my nose, bringing the nostalgia of my childhood to the forefront of my mind.  The wolves looked at me realizing who I was and bowed their heads in respect to their future alpha. I hurried to my mother's room, my footsteps heavy yet quick. She was vague on the phone about what exactly was wrong as she didn't want to alert others. They were keeping this quiet from
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Ch. 69
Rain's P.O.V.After Charles' phone call last night, I ran out of my room, letting Larminiel know what was happening. He swore to get some of the black goo to Charles through tree travel, by this morning. After telling Larminiel everything that had happened, I rushed to Clarice's room. I demanded she teach me to project right then and there. She was gracious enough to forgive my maddened outburst and spend all night training me. It was so much harder than I thought. I had to focus on every part of my body, train it to be still. I had to keep myself grounded yet my soul floating. It made no sense to me. Heli had a hard time too, because it wasn't just me that needed to train. It has to be both of us together. Only after Clarice told me to think about how my body feels when I visit Heli, did I start to get it. I projected for just a quick moment, finding myself in that cave again. It was literally for 5 seconds before I snapped right bac
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Ch. 70
I woke up still on the blanket beside Eryn. I shot up to my feet so fast, remembering everything I just saw. I gave a look to Eryn before I began to run toward the council building. I could hear Eryn running behind me, he could feel my jumbled emotions and racing thoughts. "It'll be okay. He's strong. They're all strong." He tried to comfort me as he ran alongside me. I wanted to believe his words, I did, but how could I? I've seen what they are capable of. I've felt death by their hands 3 times, and have felt that fear and that evil that seeps from them 5 times now. Please let Charles be okay. Finally making it to the building, I burst through the doors as loudly as I could, trying to catch everyone's attention. It was still early so I wasn't sure who all was awake right now. I ran to the dining hall finding most of the council members eating. Somehow their eating and smiling infuriated me this morning. I stormed my way to their tab
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