All Chapters of Red Stripes On The Silver Moon : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
83 Chapters
Ep 11
"Ooooh.... she's blinking her eyelids," the voice quipped abruptly, forcing me to open my eyes slowly and grudgingly."That's Dave's voice," I knew right away.My eyelids felt like they were stuck shut with superglue when I gently opened my eyes.My vision was blurry and hazy, as if the sun had set in front of my eyes, and they burned and hurt me severely. As I hastily covered my two ears with my palms, I could hear deafening sounds like drums being banged in my ears. "What's happening to me again?", I sobbed painfully.I was still In this pain when I felt a hand touch me. "That's Christine", I bubbled in my heart as the hand helped me up and gave me a tight hug, holding me tightly to her chest. "You nearly got me killed within your two days of endless sleeping. You deserve a head knock", She yelled at me with a teary voice as she patted me on the head. Slowly, I forced my eyes open, only to find myself on a bed in a strange room, with water drips passed in
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Ep 12
Freya's POVI eventually came to a halt in front of the living room, where I saw him sitting comfortably on the couch, reading a book.He was puzzled to find me standing there with a frightened expression on my face, but he smiled gently and beckoned me towards him."Oh, you've arrived?How is your health now? ", he inquired, his voice concerned."Fine," I said monotonously, attempting to escape his gaze, but his final words rang in my ears. "How did you find out about my health? How did you find out I was disabled? "I asked him several times.His smile quickly changed into a scowl "Why are you posing such queries? You already knew the answer, didn't you? ". His tone was caustic and cold.I remained mute, staring down at my feet with a bewildered expression on my face, now that I'd received the answer to my question.The expression on his face implies that he was aware of my unexpected sickness, and hence he is to blame. "Do you really have to go this far just because of a mere
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Ep 13
Freya's POV The joy of sitting comfortably in a car with AC, the happiness of listening to the radio station and driving along the highway made me feel like I'm floating on clouds.Everything seems so peaceful and calm, except for his presence beside me, I don't know how many times I had to remind myself that there's nothing wrong in letting him take care of me.In fact, it would be great if he could be my friend, someone whom I should trust completely and unconditionally. Someone who wouldn't hurt me, but protect me from harm.Even though I don't want to admit it, I feel it deep down inside my heart. Sitting comfortably in his car reflects back long time memories of me sitting with my dad the same way as this. The happy memories surges into my head like a tide, but the fact that it's nothing but ordinary pasts and memories made me gravely hurt and sad.I sighed deeply, closed my eyes tight as I tried to fight back the tears which welled up in them, trying hard to hold back my em
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Ep 14
Freya's POVThe closer I go to this man-like beast, the more I want to know about him. Who exactly is he? Why does he treat me this way? Is he simply having fun with me? Is he even mindful of my survival? Or was he just looking after his treasure, which I had with me?These were the types of thoughts that ran through my mind.The most striking feature was that he already knew my name, and his manner of addressing me made it clear that he already knew everything about me. He's the most handsome man when he's chuffed, but the most hideous when he's upset or depressed. He's hasty in his actions at times, but yet cool in others; he's even come to purchase me clothes right now.One thing about me is that I despise accepting gifts from strangers, especially males. Receiving assistance that I may not be able to return makes me feel pitiful, and I loathe it.The more I refused his assistance, the more he insisted. Now I have no option but to take the items. My eyes brimmed with Surprise
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Ep 15
"Do we really have to go back there?", I asked him for the third time but he didn't reply, rather, He just sighed and continued driving. "What would be my response if I were asked why I sneaked out of the hospital without informing anyone about it?", I asked him again, this time with a concerned tone. "Especially Christine my friend", I bubbled that in my heart.It was by then that I remembered that I stole Christine's wallet, and this means I'm probably in hot soup. I trust Christine, she won't hesitate to give me a head knock before any sorts of explanations. "What if she asked me who this man is?, what would've been my reply?"I asked myself again, and this makes me feel more than scared now.I don't want people asking why I sneaked out at such an early hour, especially if it's to meet someone, especially a handsome man like this monster besides me. I looked outside from the car window, the sun was already setting and that meant another problem for me to face. Knowing
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Ep 16
Freya's POV As If he was being thrown into a scorching fire, his countenance changed frantically and his yellowish green eyeballs turned to red. I shivered uncontrollably when I detected the rage in him, and the wrathful desire to pounce on the cops who surrounded him with their guns aimed at him. "Is it right for cops to point their guns at a common civilian without having a reason?. How about you bring down the guns and stop scaring an innocent civilian?", I muttered, standing before him and trying to defend him from the cops that were threatening to shoot him. The police officer took one look at my face which resembled a deer caught in headlights. "Take that nosy kid away from that monster", one of the cops ordered and immediately, I was brushed away by one of the cops who was close to me, and this made me grievously scared. Actually, I wasn't scared that they caught him, or his secret being revealed, but rather, I was scared of how he's going to do the cops.
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Ep 17
2 DAYS AGO IN GRACE'S HOSPITAL Since his long years of working experiences, Dr Jekyll had never seen someone with that kind of illness before. He was baffled and surprised to see a young lady at Freya's age to have such a painful stomach pain, so intense to the extent that she went unconscious within the time of two minutes. All the scans and tests done to her revealed that she was fine, and nothing's wrong with her intestines, and yet she was still in such a painful state and her life was deteriorating. Jekyll was puzzled and worried, it was his first time experiencing such a bizarre illness before. Being the director of Grace's Medical Hospital, he called on more of his trusted doctors to check on her, but none of them could provide a solution to her pain. He was in this case when someone brought him an idea of calling a doctor who was based on gynecology. Having no choice, He picked up the phone and dialed the doctor's number to ask for assistance. He was still on t
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Ep 18
Freya's POVThe anguish of seeing the man you love in pain, being unable to do anything about it but watch as he tosses and writhes on the cold metal floor. The pain of hearing his heart pounding loudly as he tries and struggling to keep himself alive and the sight of seeing him dying gradually before your eyes, The agony of seeing the blood dripping from his wounds; his face ashen and eyes glazed over. I couldn't get over the painful sights as the memories kept surging into my head in waves. Memories that have no purpose other than to remind me of how useless I was beside him. They didn't just shoot him with noxious needles, they also pummeled him to stupor like a renegade wargI was completely broken down anytime I remember his injuries, by the gruesome way he was bruised by Doctor Jekyll's men. After beating him blue black and having satisfied their gratification on him, they dragged him away and separated both of us, cruel people. "How I wish I know how he's feeli
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Ep 19
"It's been years that I've been hunting a beast like you. I've met countless ones who look like you but none of them possessed what I actually needed. And here you are, the Heavens sent you towards me when all hopes are gone", Jekyll whispered softly into Tigreal's ear where he hanged him, his two wrists shackled and his legs manacled.Tigreal was seen in a blue room filled with scientific apparatus. His legs were chained down and his wrists were firmly fastened to the roof.Drips linked to sets of serum containers were affixed to both hands and both thighs. Before it stood Doctor Jekyll in his lab coat and his lab goggles on, working on his experiments, and writing notes on a small pad. Bloods were dropping from Tig's mouth and eyes. He was barely alive as the poison was slowly eating away at the outside of his body. His heart was beating so fast it seemed like his lungs would explode out of his body. "Please....I need water, just a drop is enough to cool down my burning
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Ep 20
Freya's POVPanting heavily in the dark room alone, I was scared that I held my knees to my chest, breathing heavily with fear and my eyes scanning through the darkness. It was night already and everywhere was dark and scary, I was left alone in the dark room. I have cried a couple of times and I'm already out of breath, it seems I'm being confined in an outer world, where no one will hear my cry no matter how much I scream. It's been days that I've eaten, even though these sons of bitches filled my room with bread and Popcorn, but I couldn't eat nor drink. For the first time in my life, I had no desire to view meals or eat any type of comfort food. My body has been stripped of anything that may make me feel comfortable or guaranteed. I'd rather die of starvation than be fed by the hand that abducted me and tortured my dear monster. The only thing that could ease my pain is seeing him breaking through all the affronts and coming out to me with his hands stretched forwa
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