All Chapters of Fairies & Humans: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
81 Chapters
Chapter 41
Ash pov The night air was cool and I headed to the small lake. Stripping I can see Keran's son relaxed in the water. I waved to him and he chuckled."Going for a swim or coming for pleasure," he smirks."I wish for pleasure but get stuck with a swim," I sigh, walking in the surprisingly deep water. It was warm against my skin. I relaxed with my arms propped beside me. I felt hands running up my legs and I jumped."It's merfolk, just go with it, you'll enjoy it, " Quinn chuckles and I see a beautiful creature standing before him getting ready to, oh my God. My eyes widened at the sight. Quinn was smiling brightly at the pair of them fornicating. I felt a mouth on me and I sighed deeply. It'd been ages. When the woman grew before me I took advantage of the situation and we pleasured each other late into the night. I really love this place, I moan in my mind as the creature pleasured me once again. It was early morning when I got out of the water and took myself to my room. I slept lik
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Chapter 42
McKenna pov I didn't want to leave my room, I was so ashamed of what happened between me and Alarik, Nyx, and Keran. I'd rather just shrivel up and die in my room. Unfortunately, that wasn't meant to be. Another fairy eater was spotted heading to us from the east. I cracked my knuckles and went to face my guest. Keran wasn't here but Nyx and Alarik were. I didn't even glance their way as I walked through the foyer. Adria frowned at me and I paused and turned to her. "Nothing happened between us Adria, please stop with your hateful glares," I growled and she pursed her lips as I continued outside. I waved my hands around the air wanting the creature destroyed and poof it was gone, I laughed and went back inside and went to the kitchen. I started a pot of coffee hoping I can still enjoy a cup. I watched as the others entered looking at me oddly, not knowing they could see my aura gravitating towards another. I just ignored them and waited for my coffee. When it was done brewing I pour
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Chapter 43
McKenna pov I woke the next day feeling light and free, it was refreshing. I showered and dressed in old blue jeans, a graphic tee and braided my long hair. I head to the kitchen area and see Adrit and Ladybird sitting at a table, but no Nyx. I was a little disappointed. Grabbing a bag of blood for myself I went and sat with the couple."Elderon told me to tell you he went to his home to change several things and would return as quickly as possible," Adrit states."Nyx is this Elderon person?" I questioned."Yes he's us fairies forest God, he helps us in the fairy realms," Adrit grins. I squinted my eyes. "He's a guardian for fairies, then," I mumble and laugh. A loud knocking at the door made me frown. "You know the drill," I mumble at the pair and head for my door. I think about changing my eyes and checking the hall mirror seeing that they've changed. I opened the door and I'm shot at with a wire net, it wrapped around me making it impossible to move. I see agent Flynn glowering
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Chapter 44
McKenna pov We arrived on a blinding white driveway in front of a chateau that looked converted into a castle. My breath curled around me in a white misty cloud. It was fucking freezing and I thought that coming from Montana. Nyx buried his hand in my fur coat and walked us up to the door. He knocked and shivered. "You poor thing," I grin looking at his red nose and cheeks. A young man answered and Nyx explained who we were and what we wanted. His name was Tomas and he led us to a sitting area. The room was very warm and I waved my fur coat away and relaxed on the large couch. I watched as a large man with hair as white as Nyx's entered the room. His eyes were golden and he eyed Nyx cautiously. "I'm Beowulf and you?" he grins looking at us both. "I'm Nyx, an elf, this is my mate McKenna," Nyx grins, shaking the large man's hand. Beowulf approached me and grins."You're absolutely stunning," he grins and kisses my hand. "My mother will join you both shortly," he smiles and leaves
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Chapter 45
McKenna pov Nyx asked me to plan a wedding like I've got a clue. I asked Ladybird and Adrit for some help. I had a month to get it all ready. Keran laughed at me when I showed up unexpectedly and asked for advice, he told me to talk with Roisin and I did. We planned it to be held in the enchanted forest by the lake so Layla could be my maid of honor, she was my best friend after all. We put white roses along a path and the pixies and sprites said they'd add extra sparkle.The day of my wedding arrived quickly and I woke up with my stomach twisting and ended up throwing up the blood I had drunk. Ladybird looked at me oddly and I explained it was just nervousness. She shook her head and went to speak with Adrit. I was dressed in a magical white and silver sparkling dress. I hadn't seen Nyx, Keran had him stay with him at court for the night, saying we shouldn't see each other before our wedding. Stupid if you ask me. Roisin showed up and had me twirl around and gushed at how lovely I l
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Chapter 46
McKenna several months later I was sore and having back pain and figured a nice walk would help. I walked through the enchanted forest with Anastasia by my side. Her legs were long and lean, she'd been walking several months now, and she'd grown quickly from her merfolk genes. I wanted to take her to her birth mother to see how adorable she was. Nyx was visiting with Keran and I was bored being cooped up in the house. So what if I was swollen with his child ugh, he was so overprotective. He could always find me by the wedding ring with the part of his soul embedded in it. I snuck out the minute he left and figured he'd be gone long enough for me to venture outdoors. I picked up the girl and walked as quickly as I could to the lakeside. I called for Layla and waited. She brought Maria, Anastasia's birth mother and she cried seeing how much the child had grown. We visited longer than we should have and I wrapped Anastasia and transported us back into the house appearing in the nursery.
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Chapter 47
McKenna pov I look at Nyx with concern."What is it?" I mumble. He looked up and frowned."My grandfather is coming to meet Ryker, his namesake," he mumbles disheartened."That's good news, isn't it?" I question, shocked that his grandfather is still alive."He's a very um, he's a very beautiful man," he sighs and looks at the floor."Oh, you're worried I'll get all gooey around him," I chuckle and wrap my arms around him."No McKenna, he will pursue you I'm afraid, he has no boundaries and loves beautiful women," he growls softly. I grin at his compliment."It takes two to make that decision and I'm completely devoted to you Nyx," I smile and kiss his cheek. He grins, nods, and hugs me."He's a male version of a temptress," he growls into my hair and I shrug."My love for you will protect me Nyx," I smile and he nods his head."Good because he'll be here any minute," he grins. There was a knock at the door and I suddenly got worried. I sat on the couch as Nyx answered the door. Holy
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Chapter 48
McKenna pov 16 years later I looked in the mirror and can't believe I still look the same, much younger than the 48 years I once had been. My eyes were still a light golden color and stunning. Changing to a hybrid had done wonders in subtracting my aging. I grinned at Nyx, he was upset that he found an actual gray silver strand of hair. I rolled my eyes at the vain man. "It's only one tiny hair, love," I teased him and he frowned like it was a death sentence."Keran has more gray than you and you are older, that should make you happy," I grin and kiss his lips. He grumbled and shrugged. I decided to go to the unseelie court to visit Keran since Nyx has been acting oddly since his gray hair incident. I appeared before the king."Can we talk about something?" I ask him with a smile. He nods and takes me to his study. He sat behind his black desk and looked at me."Nyx found a gray silver hair, one mind you and is acting super weird about it," I mumbled, looking at Keran's many gray ha
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Chapter 49
McKenna pov I woke up feeling dreadful, my heart was hurting, I didn't want my elf to die. I rolled over and looked at the sexy man. His eyes were closed and he was breathing calmly in his sleep. I pressed my hand against his cheek and pushed some of my healing energy into him. His eyes open and he grins at me."I'm not dying yet, silly woman," he chuckles and rolls over to me. "I'm scared Nyx, I don't want to lose you," I mumble, getting teary-eyed. "I'll be okay, love, my grandfather can fix me," he grins and kisses my forehead."What if he won't though," I mumble softly. Nyx creases his brow and frowns."Then we will live happily until my time has expired," he sighs and rubs his eyes. A tear fell down my cheek and I wiped it away."We will succeed, I need to stay positive," I chuckled nervously."Let's get ready and I'll take us there," Nyx sighs and heads to the shower. I joined him and we both got washed and dressed. I put the protective spell over myself and stepped into Nyx'
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Chapter 50 Male Mated Fae
Ryker, with silver eyes glowing, stands with his father Nyx and waves his hand copying his dad's hand movements. He's gritting his teeth and getting more frustrated with his magic. "I've been doing this for 24 years dad," he mumbles and whines, irritated. He just wanted to spend time with his best friend Quinn and get done with training."You're going to be the next generation of guardian Ryker and must learn the proper way of using your magic, it's just not for getting into a female's pants," Nys growls. Ryker smirks, recalling sinking his fangs in Quinn the night before, Quinn definitely wasn't female. Nyx eyes his son and can see he's distracted and throws a golden ball of energy toward his chest, it was close and Ryker cursed. "What the fuck dad," he growls and whips a golden strand at his dad. Nyx twirled out of its way and it missed him."Very good son," Nyx chuckles and pauses seeing his wife McKenna coming to watch. Her belly swollen with their second child, she grins and us
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