All Chapters of Owned by the Mafia Boss : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
152 Chapters
Come with me
Ezra slowly leans in and then he presses his lips against mine. We kiss passionately for several minutes. Ezra breaks the kiss. He pulls his arm from under my waist and then he pushes himself up on his elbows. Ezra smiles. He brushes his lips against mine again and then he places his forehead against mine."I am glad to see that we're okay." I murmur."Me too." Ezra replies.Then I kiss him. Ezra puts his hand back beneath my blouse and then he traces his fingertips over my stomach. Ezra's fingers trail down and then his hand slips underneath my blouse. When Ezra's hand touches my stomach, my hands begin to tremble. I lean forward and then I press my lips against Ezra's. My hands slide up Ezra' chest and then I grip the back of Ezra's shirt with my hands. Ezra places his hands on the sides of my face and then I feel Ezra's thumbs brush across my cheeks. A soft moan leaves my throat. Ezra kisses me. His right hand slides across my stomach and then he rests it against my belly butt
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Would you like some company?
I quickly follow behind him. Ezra places my hand on his arm and then I gently squeeze his arm. Ezra looks back at me. Ezra's eyebrows furrow together. I gently pull him closer to me. I rest my head against his shoulder and then I hug Ezra tightly. Ezra brings his other hand up and he holds the back of my head. I slowly pull away from Ezra. I place my hand against Ezra's chest. I feel Ezra's heart beat against my palm. I stare at Ezra's green eyes which I haven't noticed until now. I place my hand on Ezra's cheek and then I stroke my thumb along Ezra's cheekbone. Ezra places his hand against the back of my hand. I tilt my head and then I press my lips against Ezra's. I can taste the minty toothpaste that Ezra uses. My tongue dances with Ezra's as our tongues dance together. Ezra gently bites my bottom lip. I can feel that Ezra is smiling. Ezra pulls away from me."Let's eat something shall we?" Ezra suggests."Yeah, that sounds nice." I reply.Ezra and I walk out of the bathroom t
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Stay here!
"Are you feeling better?" Ezra asks."Yeah, actually. I am." I tell him.I carefully place both my palms against the side of Ezra's face. Ezra's hands snake their way down to my waist. Ezra leans his head against the back of the couch. Ezra closes his eyes and I slowly trace my fingers across Ezra' cheekbones. Ezra slowly opens his eyes. His eyes meet mine."Are you okay?" Ezra quietly asks."Yeah...yeah, I'm okay." I assure him.I lean forward and I place my lips against Ezra's. Ezra quickly cups the side of my face with his hand. Ezra runs his fingers against my face. Ezra's lips softly brush against mine. Ezra's lips gently brush against my lips. Ezra gently pushes himself against my body."Ezra?" I whisper against Ezra's lips."Mhmm." Ezra hums in response.I grab onto Ezra's shirt and I pull him impossibly closer to me. Ezra's hands reach around my waist. Ezra's hand rubs up and down my back. I feel Ezra's hand slip under my dress. I wrap my arms around Ezra's shoulders. Ezra s
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I hope you okay
I gently run my fingers through Ezra's hair. I slowly place my lips against Ezra's neck. I gently nip at Ezra's neck. Ezra lets out a slight groan. I slowly place a light kiss right below Ezra's ear. I start trailing my fingers slowly down Ezra's chest again. Ezra slowly lets out an even louder moan. I smile against Ezra's neck. I lightly trace my fingers down Ezra's back. Ezra slowly moves his hand from my back up to my waist. I gently run my fingers down Ezra's back again. Ezra softly bites his bottom lip. I softly kiss Ezra on his jawline. Ezra slowly pulls himself away from me. I slowly let my head fall back onto Ezra's chest. Ezra's hands travel from my waist and he slowly runs them down my back. Ezra gently runs his fingers through my hair. I slowly close my eyes. Ezra continues to run his fingers through my hair. Ezra's hand slowly slides down my back. I slowly open my eyes. I slowly bring my head back onto Ezra's chest. Ezra slowly leans his head against my hair. I slowly
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Take care of you
After I've finished eating, I wash my dishes. Once I'm done washing my plate, I slowly carry it over to the sink. I slowly rinse off my plate. I carefully hang up my dishrag. I gently place the plate next to my other dirty plate. I slowly walk over to the sink. I carefully pick up my dirty plates. I slowly rinse off my plate. I carefully place it next to my other dirty plate. I slowly walk over to the sink. I carefully hang up my dishrag. I slowly put the plate next to my other clean plate. I slowly place my plate next to my other dirty plate. I carefully pick up my plate. I slowly walk over to the sink. I carefully hang up my dishrag. I carefully lay my plate on the drying rack. Once I'm finished putting everything away, I slowly make my way back upstairs. I slowly open Ezra's bedroom door. I quickly slip out of Ezra's room. I quietly make my way downstairs. Once I reach the kitchen, I quickly grab a cup and fill it with water. I slowly make my way back upstairs. Once I'm standin
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Forever part of me
I slowly begin to run my hand through my wet hair. Once I'm completely dry I quickly change into my normal clothes. I'm dressed, I slowly make my way back to Ezra's bedroom. I slowly open the door. I slowly enter the bedroom. I'm inside of the bedroom, I gently place Ezra onto the bed. Ezra's on the bed, I slowly move my hands away from his sides. I'm far enough away from Ezra, I slowly crawl back over to the side of Ezra's bed. I carefully climb back over Ezra. I carefully place Ezra back onto the bed. Once Ezra's completely back on the bed, I carefully pull the blankets back up over him. I tenderly kiss Ezra on the forehead. I gently squeeze Ezra's hand. I'm done hugging Ezra, I slowly get off of the bed. I'm off of the bed, I silently leave the room. I quietly creep out of Ezra's room and head downstairs. I'm downstairs, I quickly pour a bowl of cereal for myself. I'm done eating, I slowly start to clean up the kitchen. I'm finished cleaning up the kitchen, I slowly make my wa
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We're finally home
Ezra and I were finally home! Well, technically I was home, but Ezra stayed at Ezra's house. We ended up staying at Ezra's house until we all decided to go home. Ezra told me to stay the night since I spent the majority of the night working anyways. I didn't mind though. I'm actually glad that Ezra chose to stay at my house rather then his own. I would have slept in a hotel if he had suggested that instead of sleeping at Ezra's. Even though we both tried to convince him to let us stay at my apartment, he refused to let us. He said that it wouldn't be right for him to put us both under the same roof. It took some convincing, but eventually Ezra agreed. After all, he knows I never would've listened to him anyway. So we stayed at Ezra's house instead.It's been three weeks since the team got back from the mission. Three weeks has passed, but I am still unable to forget about what happened at that mission. Every single time I close my eyes, I still remember everything clearly. And ev
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Suddenly, my earpiece began buzzing. I instantly reached into my pocket and pulled out the communication device. The only person I would respond to by putting the communicator on speaker mode. Immediately after activating the communicator, I heard a familiar voice. "Alessia? What's going on? Where are you?""Hey," I sighed. "What's going on? Have you seen anyone? Anyone suspicious?""No. No signs of anyone. Are you okay? Do you know if the others found anything?" she asked. She was clearly worried. I felt a pang of guilt hit me. I didn't mean to worry her. She was worrying enough for the both of us."Yeah, they're fine." I assured. "They haven't come back yet.""Alright, are you sure you're alright?""Yeah... yeah, I'm fine." I lied.After a few seconds, he replied. "Okay, we'll meet you back here, Alessia. Stay safe.""See you soon."When I ended the call, I quickly put the communications device away and pulled out my gun. My fingers wrapped around the grip of the rifle. I was ready
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Believe in me
"What?" I began, but he cut me off."Hey! Look!" he whispered urgently, pointing down into the darkness below us. I followed his finger to see what he was looking at. I gasped loudly. At first, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. And as I took in the sight, the image burned itself into my brain. Makes me so confused, I hope this all will get over soon.Even thought this really so difficult, but I need to escape from this place this is really dangerous for me, I hope all the miracle will coming."We have to get out of here." Ezra told me. "Now. We can't stay here.""Yeah. Okay." I agreed.I moved myself so I was sitting up. As I did so, I noticed that my leg was hurting badly. The bullet wound hadn't stopped bleeding even though there wasn't any blood coming out anymore. I knew I should take care of it, but the pain was almost unbearable. I was lucky that Ezra had pushed me over onto my shoulder so that it didn't hurt as much. That had saved my life. Otherwise, I would be lying dea
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Focus on duty
Before anyone else could reply, one of the soldiers kicked open the door. Once we stepped outside, we were greeted by blinding sunlight. All of us squinted as we looked around. We couldn't really see much except trees. It was quiet. Very quiet. Even my hearing seemed to have stopped working. I tried to move my ears but found that it was completely silent. It was like someone had pressed mute on the rest of the planet. No sound was reaching my ears, no birds chirped, nothing."Where are we?" I questioned."In a forest ." one of the guards replied shortly.I frowned. "A forest?""Just listen. Walk forwards a few steps."I obeyed, confused. We were indeed alone. The only sounds I heard were our own footsteps. But I didn't hear anything else. The other soldiers seemed to notice that too, because all three of them began glancing about nervously."Keep looking. See anything?""Nothing. Nothing at all.""Ok..." I said slowly."Good. Now, move forward."I looked towards Ezra. He nodded. We
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