All Chapters of Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 03): Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
96 Chapters
JULIA"Park there. The rest of us will swing by and get our subs. I suggest Master get in his own car and Janet get in Chen's. It's more common for a couple to sit in a car than a couple men. Chen and Janet will have first watch since Chen has the camera. I'll give you a small pair of binoculars. In an hour, Domina and I will take over if he's still here. You can kiss and talk while you're sitting in the car; it looks normal. The apartment is 212 which would be the second floor. It should be directly above 112. Take the long lens camera, Chen and shoot the apartment door. Make sure the camera is all dialed in. We want to catch any interactions he has at the door.""Got it," Master replied.We all met at the truck. Master and Janet changed vehicles and we all got our subs. Rhonda parked a couple buildings away. I was starving, so the first thing I did was eat. I had a spicy Italian, and Rhonda had a roast beef. We were done eating in twenty minutes and had time to kill.I looked at Rho
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SCOTTSaturday morning started with another round of fucking. We were up and making breakfast when there was a knock on the door. Rhonda opened the door and Alice stood there. It looked like she had been crying. Her eyes were red and teary looking. Lisa shrugged and put three more slices of bacon cooking and added two more eggs to the bowl of scrambled eggs and cheese she was preparing. Julia poured another cup of coffee and asked Alice to sit down, handing her the cup."What do you need, Alice?" Julia asked."I want to see the pictures you took last night.""Why not wait until Monday?" Julia asked. "You're seeing us then anyway.""Because if Alex is fucking my best friend, I want to know today, and I'll be moved out of my house before the day is over.""Why do you think Alex is fucking your best friend?" I asked."We asked her who she knew anyone living in the area of Barstow and Minnewawa last night and she told us her best friend lived in the Del Parque Apartments. It's the obvious
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SCOTTRhonda spoke up. "I don't have the same rights as everyone else here, as I'm the slave of a slave, but if all three of you fuck her, isn't that enough? You have knowledge and consent of the parties involved. Why not? The asshole deserves a taste of his own medicine. Let Alice have her revenge. The only caution I throw out for you to consider is you only use pictures which only show Alice, with the rest of you with your faces hidden or cropped off. You've already had one madman after your hides. You don't need another one. If he doesn't know who the fuck you are it doesn't matter how he reacts.I looked at Lisa and Julia again and they were slowly nodding their heads, yes."Go ahead, Master," Julia said. "Make her feel good.""If there's a chance he reacts badly, shouldn't a police officer go with her when she goes to pick up her things? I'd like it to be you, Rhonda, but not if you're in any of the pictures. You can tell us how he takes the news.""I shouldn't have any naked ass
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SCOTTAlice began speaking a regular litany of utterances. She was apparently quite the talker. I don't know if she was always like this, or nervous from what she was doing."Oh, fuck, Scott. Fuck me, that feels so good. It's almost worth learning my husband is a cheating liar to feel you inside me. You're so big. Take some good pictures, Julia. Cum in me, I want pictures of your cum dripping out of me." And more of the same.I didn't mind. Every woman was different, every pussy a new treat. Alice was a little softer, less toned than I was accustomed to, but a delight to plug. As Julia had said, she was enthusiastic and she promoted her level of enthusiasm with every statement and every motion. I did as she first suggested and put an arm under each of her legs, doubling her over."You're so fucking deep. I'm cumming. My God, you've got a magnificent cock. If my girlfriends he was fucking only knew what they were missing."I stopped moving. "You can't tell them, Alice," I said. "I've a
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SCOTTAround 5:40, we got a call from Rhonda saying they were on the way home. Julia started supper while Lisa and I helped carry most of Alice's possessions into Chen's house. Alice had been crying again, so it hadn't been all fun and games for her.She smiled wearily and said, "This is most of it. There are a few larger things I'll need to go back for; a sewing machine, my grandmother's china closet, a grandfather clock belonging to my mother. I'll make arrangements with my attorney to get the rest."We didn't say or ask anything more. If she wanted to talk about it, she would. We could ask Rhonda what happened later. Everything tucked into one of Chen's spare bedrooms, the three of us went back to our house and sat down to supper.Julia fed Rhonda and I fed Lisa. We didn't ask questions yet, letting it wait until we weren't all shoveling food in our mouths. After, we went out to the pool and did some laps. Julia was around five months pregnant now and didn't do as many as she usual
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JULIAThings seemed to settle in for awhile. Since we were inviting our parents to our bonding ceremony, we didn't bother putting clothes on anymore when they came over. We got used to their presence when naked. It was awkward at first as I'd fucked Lisa's parents and she'd fucked both Masters and mine. Gradually, the tension went away.I was due at the end of January. The more pregnant I became, the more often they wanted to visit, being the first grandchild for both mine and Master's parents, though Lisa's brother had a baby. They all kind of accepted they would all be grandparents to the child as we'd all be parents.Lisa's parents took to stripping off when they came over, being used to being nude before other people. My parents, while in an open relationship, still had sex one on one with their partners, so they were more like Master's parents. Other than everyone groping my bare belly to feel Junior kick, we did fine. We didn't have sex in front of them anymore.It was Autumn, c
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JULIAMy attempts to attract other workers was reaching the point I was considering leasing or buying work space and starting a regular business with clothed people. None of us was particularly eager to abandon the freedom of going without clothes, even Shasta and Alice. One evening, mid November, I spoke to Master about our problems."You're having problems finding new people to work, slave?""Yes, some are thrown off by what we work on and who we are, some are thrown off by the fact we want to work naked. Some are thrown off by both, sir.""Perhaps you need to consider whether or not you need to expand outside the confines of this house and start somewhere else clothed? Even Brianna's slaves had to surrender nudity in order for her business to expand.""No one wants to wear clothing, Master. Even Shasta and Alice have grown accustomed to the freedom.""Then you may be limited in size. You're doing a good business now. Do you need to do more?""Mistress Dark is asking for more, Maste
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JULIAZoe explained who Lucia was and why they were here, including Lucia being the killer of our rapist, which she hadn't known about either as she didn't much pay attention to the news. She heard about Lucia's gang rape and the trouble she'd had conceiving after. It was the first time I ever saw any hint of emotion on Shasta's face. Some tears formed in her eyes. Not enough to spill over before she hastily wiped them away. I'd barely ever seen her crack a smile."Shasta, are you okay?" I asked."I'm sorry to hear what happened to you, Lucia," she said. "It was horrible.""It happened a long time ago, Shasta." Lucia said. "It was many years past and I don't think about it. I'm over it with the help of my friends. I'm pregnant now. I'm content and couldn't be better. You need not worry about me."Shasta started crying now. Full blown sobs and tears so profound, it would seem she lost her child."I just said I'm fine, Shasta. You need not cry for me," Lucia said, pulling her into her a
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JULIASo we led Shasta out, the others looking at us questioningly. I shook my head in negation to their unspoken questions. We weren't about to talk about it. They were all sharp enough not to ask. It was Shasta's story to tell.Master hadn't taken his shower. When he passed me, I whispered it would be a good idea for him to remain clothed, so when he returned, he was wearing shorts and a tee.We'd been gone for quite some time. Lisa had put the lasagna back in the oven to stay warm. She took it out and dished up some for everyone, Rhonda delivering it to the table. For the first time in a long time, no one fed anyone else, still uncertain as to what happened. Lucia did say a nice grace, asking for God's blessings on everyone seated at the table. Then we ate. Dawn kept us entertained by telling us how she met Sam and Marcia working in a sex toy shop.Master told us how he met Zoe at college and how he learned she was a lesbian when out of the blue one day, she said she wanted to fuck
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SCOTTI was surprised to come home and find Lucia and Shasta hugging, both naked, and Shasta crying. In all the time I'd known her, in five years, I'd never seen her cry, nor for that matter, barely laugh. Always solemn, contained and stoic, she'd had to grow up earlier than most young women due to her child, who she rarely talked about."Hello," I said, "What's up?""Master, Shasta was just crying," Julia replied. "We told her about Lucia's troubles and she started sobbing.""Shasta, are you okay? How can we help?" I asked, concerned at her distress.She couldn't stop crying long enough to answer. A crying woman always made me want to hug and protect them and Shasta was no different. I'd known her for several years, yet knowing she was naked and might not appreciate me touching her stayed my arms from encircling her. Lucia could probably protect her better than I could, though Shasta might not realize it."Shasta, we can help you if you tell us why you're crying," I said. "Please, te
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